

词汇 win


  • win
  • wins
  • wins
  • winning
  • won
  • won


  • ① 在…之中获胜,赢(比赛、战争等)(←→lose)(★best或defeat指击败对手)
    • We won the game [match] yesterday.我们昨天赢了比赛。
    • win a battle [war]赢得战斗[战争]
    • win an election在选举中获胜
    • win a bet [wager]赢得打赌
    • win the day获胜
    • win the toss掷钱币获胜
  • ② 赢得,获取(胜利、奖品等)
    • She won first place [prize].她赢得第一名[头奖]。
    • win a scholarship获得奖学金
    • He won a bronze medal [an Oscar].他赢得一枚铜牌[一项奥斯卡金像奖]。
    • win a prize in a contest [competition]在比赛中获胜
    • He won a lot of money on the horse race.他在赛马上赢了很多钱。
    • Germany won 5 nil over Italy.德国(队)以五比零胜意大利(队)。
    • He won $80 from [off] his opponent at cards.他打牌赢了对方八十美元。
  • ③ 博取(名声、称赞、信赖等);获得(自由等)
    • The party failed to win mass support.该党未能获得大众的支持。
    • He won his release in 1985.他在1985年获得释放。
    • I've won her confidence.我已博得她的信任。
    • He finally won her heart.他终于博得她的芳心。
    • His book won him a good reputation.=His book won a good reputation for him.他的书使他博得好名声。
    • By his action he won himself honors.=By his action he won honors for himself.借着他的行动,他为自己博得了名誉。
  • ④ (当作劳力的代偿)赚取(生计、面包等)
    • win one's livelihood [daily bread]赚取生计[每日粮食]
  • ⑤ 【文】1(排除困难)达到,抵达2[win one's way]排除障碍前进;刻苦而成功
    • Nothing venture, nothing win.【谚】不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
    • win the shore好不容易抵达海岸
    • We finally won our way to the top of the mountain.我们终于排除障碍到达山顶。


  • ① 打胜,获胜
    • Who won?谁赢了?
    • The visiting team won.客队获胜了。
    • win against a person与某人竞争获胜
    • win at cards打牌打赢
    • win by a boat's length以一艇身之差获胜
  • ② 努力而达成目的,努力而变成
    • win free [clear]终于获得自由[脱离危险];度过(难关等)


  • ① 【口】胜,胜利
    • So far our team has had two wins and no losses.到目前为止,我队已获两胜,而无败绩。


  • winnern.胜利者;获奖者;赢家


  • win around
    • ① 说服(某人),使加入(这一边)<to>
  • win back
    • ① 赢回(爱情、失地等),收复,重获
  • win or lose
    • ① 不论输赢
  • win out
    • ① 【美】获胜<over>;克服(困难等),获得成功
  • win over
    • ① 说服(某人),使加入(这一边)<to>
    • He won Tom over to his side.他说服汤姆加入他那一边。
  • win through
    • ① 终于获得胜利或成功
    • He has won through in the end.他最后终于成功。


  • acquirev.得到
  • conquerv.征服
  • earnv.赚得
  • gainv.得到
  • getv.获得
  • obtainv.得到
  • overcomev.克服
  • prevailv.胜利
  • receivev.得到
  • triumphv.获胜
  • assure
  • capture
  • come by
  • conquest
  • convince
  • cop
  • deserve
  • land
  • make
  • merit
  • persuade
  • pick up
  • procure
  • pull down
  • rate
  • satisfy
  • secure
  • take
  • victory
  • advance
  • bring home the bacon
  • come through
  • deliver the goods
  • gain ground
  • get ahead
  • make headway
  • profits
  • pull ahead
  • succeed
  • winnings


  • failv.失败
  • losev.
  • fall back
  • losings


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • happening
  • occurrence
  • occurrent
  • natural event
  • ending
  • conclusion
  • finish
  • victory
  • triumph
  • win


  • financial gain
  • triumph
  • victory


  • first-place finish


  • assay
  • attempt
  • compete
  • contend
  • essay
  • seek
  • try
  • vie




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