

词汇 wind


  • wind
  • winds
  • winds
  • winding
  • winded
  • winded


  • ①[常作the wind;附有much, no等表程度的形容词时为[U];附有形容词指种类时为[C]](强的)风
    • A gentle wind blew through the woods.一阵和风吹过林中。
    • A gust of wind blew his hat off.一阵风吹掉了他的帽子。
    • a north wind北风
    • a seasonal wind季风
    • a fair [contrary] wind顺[逆]风
    • The wind was rising [dropping, falling].正起风[风渐静]。
    • There wasn't much [was no] wind today.今天风不大[没有风]。
    • There isn't a breath of wind.一点儿风都没有。
  • ② (肠胃中的)气体
    • The child is troubled with wind.那孩子患肚胀症。
    • break wind【婉言】放屁
  • ③[通常作one's wind, the wind;或作a wind]气息,呼吸→second wind
    • She had to stop and get [regain, recover] her wind.她不得不停下来喘息。
    • lose one's wind喘不过气
    • Climbing the hill took all the wind out of [from] her.爬上小山使得她喘不过气来。
    • The sharp blow knocked the wind out of him.那一记重击使他无法呼吸。
  • ④ 【口】空话,废话
    • He's just full of wind.他只是满口空话。
  • ⑤[the wind;集合用法]【乐】(乐团的)管乐器;管乐器部
    • The wind was [were] playing beautifully.管乐器吹奏得很优美。


  • ① 给…吹风,使暴露风中
  • ② 使(人)呼吸急促(★常用被动式)
    • She was totally winded from climbing to the top of the mountain.攀登到山顶使她完全喘不过气来。
  • ③ 使(马)松口气[休息]


wind 表「风」之意的最普通用语。

breeze 指凉爽的微风。

gale 是强劲的烈风。

gust 是强劲的阵风。

blast 是比gust更厉害的强风。





No. 0 calm (无风,1以下)

No. 1 light air (软风,1~3)

No. 2 light breeze (轻风,4~7)

No. 3 gentle breeze (微风,8~10)

No. 4 moderate breeze (和风,1~16)

No. 5 fresh breeze (清风,17~21)

No. 6 strong breeze (强风,22~27)

No. 7 moderate gale (疾风,28~33)

No. 8 fresh gale (大风,34~40)

No. 9 strong gale (烈风 41~47)

No. 10 whole gale (暴风, 48~55)

No. 11 storm (狂风, 56~63)

No. 12 hurricane (飓风, 64以上)


  • windyadj.多风的,风大的


  • before the wind
    • ① 【海】在下风,受顺风
    • ② 顺利地
  • between wind and water
    • ① 【海】在(船的)水线部(★此处中弹会致命)
    • ② 要害,弱点
  • down the wind
    • ① 在下风(←→up the wind)
  • find out how [which way] the wind blows [lies]
    • ① 【海】驶到上风而抢走(他船)之风
    • ② (在议论中等)先发制人;使某人的立论完全失去力量
  • fling ... to the winds
    • ① 使…被风刮走
    • ② 放弃,不再理会(谨慎、不安等)
    • fling caution to the winds舍弃谨慎
  • get the wind up
    • ① 【口】受惊吓,害怕
  • get wind of ...
    • ① 得…之风声,风闻
    • He got wind of our plans.他察觉到[风闻]我们的计划。
  • hang in the wind
    • ① 主意未定
    • ② (生死、结果等)无法确定,不明
  • have ... in the wind
    • ① 已察觉,已闻风得悉
  • in the teeth of the wind
    • ① 冒着风
  • in the wind
    • ① 【海】在上风
    • ② 即将发生,酝酿中;(秘密地)在进行
    • He sensed that there was something in the wind.他察觉到有事在酝酿中。
  • like the wind
    • ① (如风般)快速地
    • His new car goes like the wind.他的新车疾驰如风。
  • off the wind
    • ① 【海】顺风
  • on the [a] wind
    • ① 乘风地
  • put the wind up a person
    • ① 【口】使某人受惊吓,使某人害怕起来
  • raise the wind
    • ① 【英口】筹款
  • sail near [close to] the wind
    • ① (船)抢风行驶
    • ② 做差点越轨之事
  • see how [which way] the wind blows [lies]
    • ① 察知风向
    • ② 调查舆论趋向
  • sound in wind and limb
    • ① 完全健康
  • take the wind out of the sails of a person [a person's sails]
    • ① 【海】驶到上风而抢走(他船)之风
    • ② (在议论中等)先发制人;使某人的立论完全失去力量
  • throw ... to the winds
    • ① 使…被风刮走
    • ② 放弃,不再理会(谨慎、不安等)
  • under the wind
    • ① 【海】在下风
  • up the wind
    • ① 逆风地(←→down the wind)
  • with the wind
    • ① 随风地
    • ② =before the wind


  • wind
  • winds
  • winds
  • winding
  • wound
  • wound


  • ① 弯曲,蜿蜒,曲折
  • ② (钟表、线等的)卷一次


  • ① 转紧(钟表的发条、螺丝等);转动(绞盘、曲柄)
    • wind up a clock转紧时钟的发条
    • wind down [up] a car window将车窗摇下[上]
  • ② 绕(毛线等),卷
    • wind yarn绕毛线
    • wind a rope onto a stick将索绕于木棒上
    • She wound the wool (up) into a ball.她将毛线卷成球。
  • ③ 包紧,包好;使绕在…;抱
    • She wound the baby in a shawl [wound a shawl round the baby].她用披肩把婴儿包好。
    • She wound her arms about him.她用双手抱住他。
    • She wound his wrist with a bandage.她用一条绷带包他的腕部。
  • ④ (用卷扬机等)拉上,卷上,吊起,绞起
    • They were winding up some ore from [out of] the mine.他们正从坑内卷上一些矿石。
  • ⑤ 【海】使(船)转到相反方向,使掉转方向


  • ① 蜿蜒,曲折,纡曲
    • A path wound up [down] the cliff.一条小径在那悬崖蜿蜒而上[下]。
    • The river winds through the forest to the lake.那条河蜿蜒流经森林注入湖中。
  • ② (木板等)翘曲
  • ③ 缠绕,缠住<around, about, round>
    • The ivy has wound about [around] the house.常春藤缠绕那房子。
  • ④ 上[卷](钟表的)发条


  • wind a person around [round] one's little finger
    • ① 自由自在地操纵某人
  • wind down
    • ① 逐渐结束(事业、活动等)
    • ② (钟表等)慢下来
    • ③ (人)(在活动之后)休息(到较平静为止)
  • wind off
    • ① 解开(卷好之物)
  • wind one's [its] way
    • ① 蜿蜒[曲折]而进[流]
    • They wound their way through the jungle.他们穿过丛林蜿蜒而进。
    • The stream winds its way to the lake.那条河蜿蜒流向该湖。
  • wind oneself [one's way] into ...
    • ① 讨好(某人)
    • He wound himself [his way] into her confidence.他讨好她而渐渐获得信任。
  • wind up
    • ① 转紧(钟表)的发条;将(线)完全绕上;使紧紧缠绕
    • ② 将(锚、水桶)卷上
    • ③ 使紧张;使兴奋(★常用被动式)
    • ④ 结束(论文、演说等);为…作结尾,终止<by, with>
    • ⑤ 结束(店舖、公司等)的营业;予以解散
    • ⑥ (故事、会议、演说等)结束,终了<with>
    • ⑦ (公司等)解散
    • ⑧ 结果
    • ⑨ 【棒球】(投手)在投球前挥动胳臂


  • bendv.弯曲
  • coilv.缠绕
  • curlv.缠绕
  • curvev.蜿蜒
  • ramblev.蔓延
  • wanderv.蜿蜒


  • winds
  • winding
  • winded/wound
  • winded/wound


  • ① 【文】【诗】吹(号角、喇叭等)(=blow)
  • ② 【文】【诗】吹(信号等);吹出(声音)




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