

词汇 service


  • service
  • services
  • services
  • servicing
  • serviced
  • serviced


  • ①[通常用复数形]【文】效劳;帮助;功劳;功绩
    • distinguished services殊勋
    • employment services职业介绍;职业辅导
    • You did me a great service.你帮了我一个大忙。
    • You need the services of a doctor.你需要去看医生。
  • ② (邮政、电信、电话等)公共事业;业务;事务;设施;(火车、汽车等的)便利,来往
    • the telephone service电话业务
    • postal service邮政业务
    • There is a very good bus service in this city.本市有很方便的公车运输。
  • ③ (瓦斯、自来水的)配送,供给,敷设
    • water service给水,供水
  • ④ 1[通常附有修饰语](政府等的)部门,部局2服务;任务;劳务;差事3(陆、海、空军的)军务,兵役4[常作the service](陆、海、空)军
    • be in (the) government service=be in the service of the government供职于政府机关,任公职
    • He went into the diplomatic service.他进入外交部工作。
    • the British intelligence service英国情报局
    • service regulations服务规章
    • military service兵役
    • on active service现役的
    • the Senior Service【英】(与陆军相对而言的)海军
    • the (armed [fighting, three]) services陆海空三军
  • ⑤ 仆人的职业;雇用;受雇
    • domestic service家庭佣工的工作
    • take a person into one's service雇用某人
    • go into the service of ...受雇于…
    • She went into [went out to] service.她出外帮佣。
    • She was in my service till she died.她受我雇用一直到她死为止。
  • ⑥ 1助益,裨益;有用2(对别人的)服务
    • This dictionary has been of (great) service to me.这本辞典对我(非常)有用。
    • Can I be of (any) service to you?有没有我可以为你效劳的地方?你有什么吩咐吗?
    • social service社会服务
    • receive [offer] service接受[提供]服务
  • ⑦ (汽车、家电产品等的)(售后)服务
    • repair service(对出售货品的)修理服务
  • ⑧ [【美】偶用复数形]对神的服务;礼拜(式);仪式
    • the marriage service婚礼
    • a funeral service葬礼
    • church services教堂的礼拜仪式
  • ⑨ (旅馆等的)旅客服务,招待
    • The hotel gives good service.这家旅馆提供周到的服务。
    • Service is good [slow] in this restaurant.这家餐厅服务好[慢]。
    • Service is not included in the bill.本帐单不包括服务费。
  • ⑩[通常附有修饰语](餐具、茶具等的)一套<for>
    • a tea service for six六人用茶具一套
    • a service of plates盘碟一套
  • ⑪ 【法律】(传票、诉讼书状等的)送达
  • ⑫ (网球等的)发球,轮到发球
    • a service ace一流的发球
    • deliver [return] a service发球[将发来的球打回]
    • receive [take] a service接球
    • keep one's service保持发球,继续发球
    • lose one's service输掉发球
    • He has a strong service.他发的球强而有力。
    • Whose service is it?轮到谁发球?
    • Service alternates with each game.随每一局交替发球。
  • ⑬ (动物的)与母畜的交配


  • ① 军的,军用的
    • a service rifle军用(步)枪
    • (a) service uniform [dress](军人的)制服
  • ② 服务业的
    • the service industry [professions]服务业
  • ③ 售后服务的
    • the service department售后服务部
  • ④ 员工用的,业务用的
    • a service stairway业务[员工]专用楼梯
  • ⑤ 服务性的


  • ① (售后)保养[修护](汽车、家电制品等)
    • We must have the television serviced.我们必须将电视机送去修护。


  • at one's service
    • ① 随时提供服务
    • If you need any help, I am at your service.如果你需要任何帮助,我随时给你提供服务。
    • My library is at your service.=I place my library at your service.我的书房让你自由使用。
  • in service
    • ① 在服兵役
    • ② 受雇
    • ③ (机器等)在正常运转中
    • The number you have called is no longer in service.你所打的电话号码已不再使用。
  • On His [Her] Majesty's Service
    • ① 【英】政府公事(等免贴邮票的印戳;略作O.H.M.S.)
  • see service
    • ① 出征;参加战斗;有实际作战经验
    • ②[用完成式](衣服等)穿旧的,破烂的
  • take service with [in] ...
    • ① 供职于;服务于


  • favorn.服务
  • riten.礼拜仪式
  • usen.效劳
  • application
  • benefit
  • ceremonial
  • ceremony
  • duty
  • employment
  • good turn
  • grace
  • indulgence
  • kindness
  • liturgy
  • observance
  • office
  • ritual
  • utilization
  • Robert William Service
  • Service
  • armed service
  • avail
  • divine service
  • help
  • inspection and repair
  • military service
  • overhaul
  • religious service
  • serve
  • service of process
  • servicing
  • serving
  • table service


  • disservice


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • activity
  • work
  • service


  • accommodation
  • activity
  • aid
  • assist
  • assistance
  • bringing
  • care
  • company
  • conjugation
  • coupling
  • delivery
  • employment
  • force
  • help
  • helpfulness
  • maintenance
  • mating
  • pairing
  • personnel
  • religious ceremony
  • religious ritual
  • sexual union
  • tableware
  • tennis shot
  • tennis stroke
  • union
  • upkeep
  • work


  • Marines
  • ace
  • air force
  • airforce
  • army
  • chapel
  • chapel service
  • child care
  • childcare
  • church
  • church service
  • coastguard
  • committal service
  • community service
  • consulting service
  • curb service
  • devotional
  • dinner service
  • dinner set
  • facility
  • fault
  • ground forces
  • help desk
  • helpdesk
  • interim overhaul
  • knight's service
  • let
  • military service
  • national service
  • naval forces
  • navy
  • net ball
  • none
  • place setting
  • prayer meeting
  • prayer service
  • public-service corporation
  • public service
  • public utility
  • public utility company
  • regular army
  • seating
  • self-service
  • setting
  • socage
  • utility
  • valet parking
  • vesper
  • watch night




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