

词汇 set


  • set
  • sets
  • sets
  • setting
  • set
  • set
  • set
  • setter/more set
  • settest/most set


  • ① 安置,安放;竖立(★比put更文雅的用语)
    • She set a vase on the table.她把一个花瓶放在餐桌上。
    • A lamp was set on the desk.一盏灯被放在桌上。
    • I set my bicycle against the wall.我把我的自行车靠墙放着。
    • She set her handbag in the chair.她把她的手提包放在椅子上。
    • The truck stopped to set down the load.卡车停下来卸货。
  • ② 部署(人员);安插;派
    • set a watch部署一名看守人
    • They set a guard at the gate.他们在大门布署一名警卫。
    • They set spies on him.他们派人监视他。
    • They set a supervisor over the workers.他们派监工去管理那些工人。
  • ③ 移;搬
    • set a chair beside a table把椅子搬到桌子旁边
    • She set her lips to the cup [set the cup to her lips].她把嘴唇贴近杯子[把杯子贴近嘴唇]。
    • He set his hand [name] to the contract.他在那份合同上签名。
    • set the ax(e) to ...砍…;破坏…
    • He set fire to the house.他放火烧那栋房子。
  • ④ 使成(某种状态)
    • set a person right纠正某人
    • They set the slaves free.他们释放奴隶。
    • The prisoners were set free.俘虏被释放了。
    • Can anyone set this question at rest?有谁能使这个问题得到解决吗?
    • His promise set my mind at rest.他的许诺使我安心。
    • set one's room in order整理自己的房间
    • set a house on fire放火烧房子
    • He set me to work at mowing the lawn.他叫我割草坪的草。
    • Her comment set me thinking.她的评论使我开始思考。
    • They set the engine going.他们发动引擎。
  • ⑤ 指定(工作、课业等);命(题目等);出(难题等);展示(模范等);立下(榜样等)
    • I have to set a paper [an examination paper] today.我今天得出一份考题。
    • set questions in an examination出考试题目
    • He set the students difficult questions in the examination.他给学生们出困难的考试题目。
    • Don't set a bad example.不要做个坏榜样。
    • You should set them a good example.=You should set a good example to [for] them.你应该给他们立下一个好榜样。
    • The manager set me a difficult task.=The manager set a difficult task for me.经理派给我一件困难的工作。
    • The professor set four books to read for the next examination.为了下一次考试,教授指定要读四本书(★被动式: A good example should be set (to) them.)。
  • ⑥ 1使从事2[set oneself]致力
    • I set my children to mow the lawn.我叫我的孩子们去割草坪的草。
    • Set a thief to catch a thief.【谚】叫小偷去捉小偷;以贼捉贼;以邪制邪。
    • She set herself to finish the job.她努力去完成那件工作。
  • ⑦ 整理(机器、器具等);调节;准备;【印刷】排(字)
    • set a saw拨锯齿(将锯子锯齿交错往相反方向拨开,提高原刀锋的锯割宽度)
    • set a table摆餐桌;准备用餐
    • set the scene for a drama摆好戏的布景
    • Please set your watch.请校准你的手表。
    • Have you set the alarm clock?你给闹钟定好时间了吗?
    • She set the alarm (clock) for 6 o'clock.她把闹钟定在六点。
    • I always set my watch by the radio.我总是以收音机校准我的手表。
    • set camera lens to infinity把照相机的透镜调至无限大
    • set (up) type排版
    • The copy is already set up in pages.原稿已按页码整理出来。
  • ⑧ 镶嵌(宝石等)
    • set a diamond in gold镶钻石于黄金
    • a crown set with gems镶有宝石的王冠
  • ⑨ 种,植
    • set seeds播种
  • ⑩ 使(鸡)孵蛋
    • set a hen (on eggs)=set eggs (under a hen)使母鸡孵蛋
  • ⑪ 使朝向;使倾向
    • set one's face toward the east [eastward]使脸朝向东方
    • He set his heart on becoming a writer.他一心一意要当作家。
    • He set his mind against their appeals.他决意不听他们的诉愿。
  • ⑫ 定(价格、价值)
    • set a price on an article定商品价格
    • set the value of a painting at $1,000把一幅画的价格定为一千美元
    • He sets a high value on neatness.=He sets neatness at a high value.他重视整洁。
  • ⑬ 1使凝固;使坚固2(常指表示决意等)绷紧(下巴、脸等);使不动
    • set milk for cheese凝固牛奶制干酪
    • He set his jaw and said nothing.他绷紧下巴,一语不发。
  • ⑭ 【乐】把(歌词)编成曲子,谱成曲子
    • set a poem to music给一首诗谱曲
    • set other words to a prevailing folk song用另外的歌词配流行的民谣
  • ⑮ 使(果树)结果实
  • ⑯ 决定或选定(时间、地点等);划定(界线)
    • set a place [time] for a meeting决定开会地点[时间]
    • Have they set their wedding date?他们选定了婚礼日期吗?
  • ⑰ 做(妇女的头发)
    • have one's hair set去做头发


  • ① (日、月等)沉,落;(势力)衰落
    • The moon has set.月亮已下沉。
    • The sun sets early in winter.在冬天,太阳早下山。
  • ② (果树、花)结果实
  • ③ (液体等)凝固;(脸部)绷紧;(猎狗)以不动姿态指示猎物所在(参照setter);(母鸡)孵蛋
    • Has the jelly set yet?果冻凝固了没有?
  • ④ (潮水、风等)朝向,吹,流;(感情、意见等)倾向
    • The current sets in toward the shore [sets to the south].潮水向海岸[南方]流动。
  • ⑤ 从事,着手
    • He set to work to learn the new art of printing.他着手学习新的印刷术。
  • ⑥[与well等样态副词连用](衣服)合身(★一般用sit)
  • ⑦ 【方】【鄙】=sit


  • ① 1(工具、茶具等的)套,组,对2受讯机;收音机;电视机
    • a set of chairs一组椅子
    • a set of lectures一系列的演讲
    • a complete set of Dickens狄更斯(作品)全集
  • ② 姿势;样子;态度;模样;体形<of>
    • the set of a person's shoulders某人的肩膀形状
    • the set of the hills丘陵的形状
  • ③[用单数形](潮水、风的)方向,流动;(舆论的)倾向,趋势<of>
  • ④[用单数形]倾斜;歪斜;弯曲
  • ⑤ 接枝;树苗
  • ⑥ 【诗】(日、月的)沉,落
    • at set of sun日落时(=at sunset)
  • ⑦ (网球的)一盘(十局(games)为一盘,三至五盘即结束比赛(match))
  • ⑧ (猎狗发现猎物时的)立定(=dead set)
  • ⑨[用单数形;通常附有修饰语,当集合用法;通常当复数用,偶当单数用]同道;(特殊)社会;帮会;党派
    • a set of thieves小偷集团
    • the golfing set高尔夫球同道
    • the best set上流社会
    • the smart set自认为走在流行尖端的一派人士;锋头人物
    • His friends are a wild set.他的朋友是一群狂野的人。
    • He's one of our set.他是我们的同道之一。
  • ⑩ 一窝蛋,一窝
  • ⑪[舞蹈]成组的舞曲
  • ⑫ 穿着;穿衣或戴帽的感觉<of>
    • the set of a coat上衣穿起来时的感觉
  • ⑬[用单数形]凝固,凝结
    • hard set(水泥的)凝固
  • ⑭ 锯齿;剉锯器
  • ⑮ (墙壁的)末次粉刷
  • ⑯[戏剧]大道具,舞台布置,布景;【影】假背景,内景
    • be on the set(电影明星等)在内景
  • ⑰[用单数形](妇女的)做头发
    • have a set做头发
  • ⑱ 【数】【逻辑】集合(=class)
  • ⑲ (舖路用的)舖石;花岗石(=sett)


  • ① 固定的;(眼睛等)不转动的;坚决的;【俚】固执的,顽固的
    • set eyes不转动的眼睛
    • deep set eyes深陷的眼睛
    • a set stare凝视
    • with set teeth咬紧牙关
  • ②[无比较级](演说等)定型的,规定的;正式的;(祈祷等)先定好的,指定的,按型式的
    • in set terms用一定的词句;断然地
    • at the set time在指定时间
    • the set books for a test测验指定书籍
  • ③[无比较级][常作all set]准备好的
    • get set准备好
    • all set【口】都准备妥当了
    • Ready, set, go!各就各位,预备,起!


  • set ... before ...
    • ① 把(东西)摆在(某人)前面
  • set about
    • ① 着手,开始
    • ② 散布(谣言)
    • ③ 【口】攻击
    • They began to set about each other.他们开始大打出手。
  • set against ...
    • ① 比较(事物);对照;权衡;使对抗;使猜忌
    • ② 显示反对…的倾向
    • They are setting against the reform.他们反对那项改革。
  • set apart
    • ① 留下,存下<for>
    • ② 将…和…分开;使有区别<from>
    • His red hair sets him apart from his brothers.他的红发使他跟他的兄弟们有别。
  • set aside
    • ① 搁置;保留;忽视;使无效;拒绝;撤销(判决);排除(某人)
    • The project was set aside.那项计划被搁置。
    • set a protest aside不接受抗议
  • set at ...
    • ① 攻击,袭击
  • set back
    • ① 拨慢(时钟)
    • ② 使向后倾
    • ③ 使退后
    • ④ 使迟来;阻碍;使挫折;使退步
    • ⑤ 【口】使…破费…元(★不可用被动式)
    • A meal in that restaurant set him back two hundred dollars.在那家餐馆吃了一顿饭使他破费了两百美元。
  • set by
    • ① 留存,保留
  • set down
    • ① 放下;卸下;使(乘客等)下车
    • ② 写下;记下;印刷
    • ③ 说明;规定;视(…为)<as>
    • ④ 把(原因等)归(于)
    • They set down their failure to bad planning.他们将失败归因于计划不周。
  • set forth
    • ① 【文】展示,陈列;陈述,言明;发布;发行
    • ② 【古】出发,启程
  • set in
    • ① (坏天气、冬天等)开始
    • ②[以it为主词]开始…
    • ③ (疾病、流行等)来到
    • ④ (潮水等)流动,向…前进
  • set off
    • ① 增加美观;衬托
    • ② 抵消;弥补<against>
    • ③ 划分;分开(★通常用被动式)
    • ④ 使爆发;燃放(烟火等);发射
    • ⑤ 引发…(笑等)
    • ⑥ 启程,出发
    • They set off for home.他们出发回家。
    • He set off on a trip to France.他出发到法国去旅行。
  • set on
    • ① 唆使[煽动]…去做…
    • ② 唆使…攻击…
    • ③ 使(心)灌注于
    • set one's affections on ...爱慕…
  • set out
    • ① 陈述;宣布
    • ② 装饰;陈列;摆出(食物等)
    • ③ 间隔种植(树木等);【印刷】间隔排(铅字)
    • ④ 踏上旅途;出发
    • ⑤ 开始…,着手…
    • He set out to paint the house.他着手油漆房子。
  • set sail
    • ① 扬帆,出航;【口】出发
    • He set sail for Hong Kong.他启航往香港去。
    • They set sail from Keelung for Hong Kong.他们由基隆出航前往香港。
  • set to
    • ① 从事于;着手于;向(某一方向)
    • ② (方块舞中)(舞伴)面对面
    • ③ 认真开始;开始(吵架、打斗、争论);开始吃
    • As soon as the cake was served, the boys set to.蛋糕一端上来,那些男孩便开始猛吃。
  • set up
    • ① 竖立;设置;创建;组合
    • ② 使(某人)创立(事业等);提供(资金等给某人)
    • ③ 设立;开办
    • ④ 引起,使发生
    • ⑤ 大声说;高喊;提出
    • ⑥ (病后)使康复
    • ⑦[set oneself as]假装,装作(★不可用被动式)
    • ⑧ 训练,锻炼;使(身体)强壮
    • ⑨ 提高(地位);使握有权力
    • ⑩ 【印刷】排(字)
    • ⑪ 开业做…<as>
    • ⑫ 自称为…;装…样子<as, for>
    • He set up for an expert.他自称为专家。
  • set upon ...
    • ① 唆使…攻击…


  • circlen.同道的集团
  • cliquen.朋党
  • abolish
  • abrogate
  • adjust
  • adorn
  • advance
  • aim
  • alight
  • annihilate
  • annul
  • approach
  • approximate
  • arrange
  • assign
  • attune
  • balance
  • bear
  • beautify
  • begin
  • bent
  • blow
  • blueprint
  • book
  • bring
  • bring about
  • bring on
  • cake
  • cancel
  • cast
  • catalog
  • cause
  • certain
  • characterize
  • clot
  • coagulate
  • commence
  • compensate
  • conclude
  • concrete
  • confirmed
  • congeal
  • constitute
  • counteract
  • counterbalance
  • counterpoise
  • countervail
  • create
  • curdle
  • decided
  • deep-rooted
  • deep-seated
  • delay
  • design
  • detain
  • determined
  • differentiate
  • direct
  • discriminate
  • distinguish
  • dry
  • effect
  • effectuate
  • egg on
  • embark
  • embellish
  • emplace
  • enhance
  • enroll
  • enter
  • entrenched
  • erect
  • establish
  • estimate
  • excite
  • express
  • extinguish
  • firm
  • fix
  • fixed
  • flat
  • foment
  • found
  • galvanize
  • gelatinize
  • generate
  • get off
  • go
  • goad
  • grace
  • hang up
  • hard-shell
  • harden
  • head
  • hold up
  • impel
  • inaugurate
  • incite
  • individualize
  • induce
  • indurate
  • ineradicable
  • inflame
  • ingenerate
  • ingrained
  • initiate
  • inscribe
  • inspire
  • install
  • instigate
  • institute
  • intent
  • invalidate
  • inveterate
  • irradicable
  • jell
  • jelly
  • keep
  • kick off
  • lag
  • land
  • launch
  • lay
  • lay aside
  • lay away
  • lay by
  • lay in
  • lay out
  • lay up
  • lead off
  • lead to
  • level
  • light
  • list
  • locate
  • make
  • make up
  • map
  • mark
  • motivate
  • move
  • negate
  • negotiate
  • neutralize
  • nullify
  • occasion
  • offer
  • offset
  • open
  • organize
  • originate
  • outweigh
  • particular
  • petrify
  • pique
  • pitch
  • place
  • plan
  • point
  • pose
  • position
  • post
  • prick
  • prod
  • prompt
  • propel
  • propose
  • propound
  • provoke
  • put
  • put by
  • put forward
  • put up
  • raise
  • ready
  • rear
  • reckon
  • redeem
  • regulate
  • resolute
  • result in
  • retard
  • salt away
  • save
  • secure
  • set about
  • set out
  • set to
  • settle
  • settled
  • signalize
  • singularize
  • site
  • situate
  • slow
  • solidify
  • special
  • specific
  • spot
  • spread
  • spur
  • stall
  • stand
  • start
  • station
  • stick
  • stimulate
  • stir
  • strike out
  • submit
  • suggest
  • take on
  • take up
  • together
  • touch down
  • touch off
  • train
  • treat
  • trigger
  • tune
  • turn
  • undertake
  • upraise
  • uprear
  • vitiate
  • void
  • work up
  • write down
  • zero in
  • Set
  • Seth
  • band
  • coif
  • coiffe
  • coiffure
  • correct
  • countersink
  • curing
  • define
  • determine
  • dictated
  • do
  • dress
  • exercise set
  • fit
  • fructify
  • gear up
  • go down
  • go under
  • hardened
  • hardening
  • laid
  • limit
  • localise
  • localize
  • located
  • lot
  • placed
  • plant
  • prepare
  • primed
  • readiness
  • rig
  • rigid
  • set up
  • sic
  • situated
  • solidification
  • solidifying
  • specify
  • stage set
  • typeset


  • rise


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • group
  • grouping
  • collection
  • aggregation
  • accumulation
  • assemblage
  • set


  • abstract entity
  • abstraction
  • accumulation
  • action
  • activity
  • aggregation
  • assemblage
  • cognitive state
  • collection
  • descent
  • disposition
  • electronic equipment
  • emplacement
  • exercise
  • exercising
  • inclination
  • locating
  • location
  • natural action
  • natural process
  • period of play
  • physical exercise
  • physical exertion
  • placement
  • play
  • playing period
  • position
  • positioning
  • representation
  • social group
  • state of mind
  • tendency
  • workout


  • Cartesian product
  • Four Hundred
  • Mandelbrot set
  • brace
  • bracket
  • camp
  • car pool
  • chess set
  • choir
  • clique
  • cohort
  • company
  • confederacy
  • congealment
  • congelation
  • conjugation
  • consort
  • conspiracy
  • core
  • core group
  • coterie
  • dentition
  • diagonal
  • domain
  • domain of a function
  • field
  • group
  • horsey set
  • horsy set
  • image
  • ingroup
  • inner circle
  • intersection
  • interval
  • jet set
  • join
  • locus
  • manicure set
  • mathematical group
  • mathematical space
  • nucleus
  • null set
  • octet
  • octette
  • pack
  • pair
  • party
  • portfolio
  • product
  • quadruple
  • quadruplet
  • quartet
  • quartette
  • quintet
  • quintette
  • quintuple
  • quintuplet
  • range
  • range of a function
  • receiver
  • receiving system
  • root
  • scene
  • scenery
  • score
  • sender
  • septet
  • septette
  • sestet
  • sextet
  • sextette
  • singleton
  • solution
  • subset
  • suite
  • sum
  • synset
  • teeth
  • threescore
  • topological space
  • transmitter
  • triad
  • trio
  • triple
  • triplet
  • union
  • universal set




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