

词汇 spot


  • spot
  • spots
  • spots
  • spotting
  • spotted
  • spotted


  • ① 1(特定的)地点,场所2[a spot;附有修饰语](感情、情绪等的)点,处
    • This is the (very) spot where the accident happened.这(就)是那件事故发生的地点。
    • a tourist spot观光地
    • a good spot for watching baseball观看棒球赛的好地点
    • a weak spot(易遭批评、反对的)弱点
    • a tender [soft] spot(感情易受伤害的)弱点,痛处
  • ② 1(与周围颜色不同的小)点,斑点2痣;疹;疮;青春痘3(太阳的)黑点,黑子
    • a blue tie with white spots有白色斑点的蓝色领带
    • a sun spot太阳的黑子
  • ③ 1(墨水等的)污迹2(人格的)瑕疵,缺点,污点<on, upon>
    • grease spots on a dress衣服上的油污
    • a spot on one's honor [reputation]名誉上的污点
  • ④[a spot]【英口】少许,少量,一丁点<of>
    • a spot of lunch简单的午餐
  • ⑤ 1(轮流等的)顺位,位置;(节目的)出现顺序2(广播节目中的)特别位置3职位,地位
    • the second spot on the program节目的第二个出现顺序
    • an interview spot访问的位置
  • ⑥ (牌戏的)点
    • the five spots of hearts红心五点
  • ⑦[用复数形]【商】现金交易之物;现货
  • ⑧ 【口】(广播节目之间所插入的)简短新闻[广告](等)(=spot announcement)
  • ⑨ 聚光灯(=spotlight)


  • ① 弄上污渍;沾污;使有斑点
    • The ink spotted her dress.墨水沾污了她的衣服。
    • The table was spotted with grease.那张桌子沾了油污。
  • ② 玷辱(名声等);污辱
  • ③ 发现;找出;认出;看准
    • spot a mistake发现一项错误
    • spot the winner in a race赛马时看准优胜马
    • I spotted her in the crowd.我在人群中认出了她。
    • I spotted him at once as a Russian.我马上看出他是俄国人。
  • ④ 配置(★通常用被动式)
  • ⑤ 【美】除去污点[污迹]<up, out>
  • ⑥ 【口】(在比赛中)让(对手若干点)


  • ① 当场的;现金支付的;现货的
    • spot cash当场交付的现款
    • a spot answer当场的回答
    • spot delivery当场交货
    • a spot fine当场罚款
    • spot goods现货
    • spot sale现卖
    • a spot transaction现金交易
    • spot wheat小麦现货
  • ② 现场的
    • spot broadcasting现场广播
  • ③ 【广播】【视】(广告、新闻等)节目中插播的


  • ① 沾污,染污;变脏
    • This material spots easily.这料子容易沾污。
  • ②[以it为主词]【口】下点点小雨
    • It's beginning to spot.开始下起点点小雨了。
    • It's spotting with rain.正下着点点小雨。


  • ① 【英口】正好,恰好


  • spotlessadj.无污迹的,一尘不染的
  • spottyadj.[英]有面疱[青春痘]的


  • change one's spots
    • ①[通常用于否定句或疑问句]改变天性或生活方式
  • hit the high spots
    • ① 【美口】仅处理[叙述]要点
  • hit the spot
    • ① 【口】(饮食物等)令人满意,恰到好处
    • Iced tea hits the spot on this hot day.在这样的大热天冰茶是再好不过的。
  • in a spot
    • ① 【口】在(极度)困难中
    • He is in a bad spot financially.他财务非常困难。
  • in spots
    • ① 处处;时时;在某几点,在若干点上
  • knock spots off a person
    • ① 【英口】远胜过某人;彻底击败某人
  • on the spot
    • ① 立即,当场
    • ② 在现场
    • ③ 迫使立刻答复[对应]
    • Fortunately there was a doctor on the spot.幸亏有一名医师在现场。
    • Don't put her on the spot like that.不要那样子逼迫她。


  • arean.地区
  • discoverv.发现
  • dotn.
  • localen.地点
  • localityn.地点
  • locationn.地点
  • noticev.注意
  • partn.地区
  • patchn.斑点
  • pointn.场所
  • siten.场地
  • soilv.污脏
  • speckn.斑点
  • stainv.弄脏
  • territoryn.地域
  • Dutch
  • appointment
  • attaint
  • berth
  • bespatter
  • billet
  • bind
  • bit
  • black eye
  • blemish
  • blot
  • blotch
  • box
  • catch
  • chance
  • corner
  • crumb
  • dab
  • dash
  • deep water
  • descry
  • desultory
  • detect
  • difficulty
  • dilemma
  • discern
  • distinguish
  • dram
  • drop
  • emplace
  • espy
  • find
  • fix
  • fleck
  • fragment
  • gig
  • glimpse
  • grain
  • haphazard
  • hit-or-miss
  • hole
  • hot spot
  • hot water
  • indiscriminate
  • install
  • iota
  • jam
  • job
  • jot
  • locate
  • locus
  • make out
  • minim
  • mite
  • modicum
  • molecule
  • office
  • onus
  • ort
  • ounce
  • particle
  • pick out
  • pickle
  • pinpoint
  • place
  • plight
  • position
  • predicament
  • quagmire
  • random
  • scrap
  • scrape
  • scruple
  • set
  • shred
  • situate
  • situation
  • slot
  • smidgen
  • soup
  • spatter
  • splatter
  • splotch
  • spy
  • stigma
  • taint
  • tarnish
  • tittle
  • trifle
  • trouble
  • unplanned
  • whit
  • blob
  • dapple
  • daub
  • maculation
  • pip
  • post
  • recognise
  • recognize
  • slur
  • smear
  • smirch
  • smudge
  • speckle
  • spotlight
  • tell apart
  • topographic point
  • touch


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • object
  • physical object
  • location
  • point
  • topographic point
  • place
  • spot


  • attack
  • blemish
  • business
  • business establishment
  • characteristic
  • defect
  • error
  • fault
  • job
  • lamp
  • line
  • line of work
  • mar
  • mark
  • marker
  • marking
  • mistake
  • occupation
  • place of business
  • playing card
  • point
  • section
  • small indefinite amount
  • small indefinite quantity
  • subdivision


  • academicianship
  • accountantship
  • admiralty
  • ambassadorship
  • apostleship
  • apprenticeship
  • associateship
  • attorneyship
  • bailiffship
  • baronetage
  • birthplace
  • bishopry
  • blotch
  • cabaret
  • cadetship
  • caliphate
  • captaincy
  • captainship
  • cardinalship
  • chair
  • chairmanship
  • chancellorship
  • chaplaincy
  • chaplainship
  • chieftaincy
  • chieftainship
  • clerkship
  • clip joint
  • club
  • commandership
  • commandery
  • comptrollership
  • consulship
  • controllership
  • councillorship
  • councilorship
  • counsellorship
  • counselorship
  • crest
  • crown
  • curacy
  • curatorship
  • custodianship
  • deanery
  • deanship
  • directorship
  • discipleship
  • editorship
  • eight
  • eight-spot
  • eldership
  • emirate
  • end
  • episcopate
  • facula
  • fatherhood
  • feudal lordship
  • fingermark
  • fingerprint
  • five
  • five-spot
  • foremanship
  • four
  • four-spot
  • fret
  • generalcy
  • generalship
  • governorship
  • grave
  • headship
  • heights
  • hiding place
  • high
  • hole-in-the-wall
  • holy
  • holy place
  • hot seat
  • hot spot
  • hotspot
  • incumbency
  • inkblot
  • inspectorship
  • instructorship
  • internship
  • joint
  • judgeship
  • judicature
  • junction
  • khanate
  • lectureship
  • legateship
  • legation
  • legislatorship
  • librarianship
  • lieutenancy
  • macula
  • macule
  • magistracy
  • magistrature
  • managership
  • manhood
  • marshalship
  • mastership
  • mayoralty
  • mecca
  • messiahship
  • mock sun
  • moderatorship
  • nebula
  • nesting place
  • night club
  • nightclub
  • nightspot
  • nine
  • nine-spot
  • overlook
  • overlordship
  • parhelion
  • pastorate
  • pastorship
  • peak
  • peasanthood
  • pinpoint
  • place of birth
  • plaque
  • plum
  • polling place
  • polling station
  • pool
  • praetorship
  • precentorship
  • preceptorship
  • prefecture
  • prelacy
  • prelature
  • premiership
  • presidency
  • presidentship
  • primateship
  • principalship
  • priorship
  • proconsulate
  • proconsulship
  • proctorship
  • professorship
  • protectorship
  • public office
  • puddle
  • rabbinate
  • receivership
  • rectorate
  • rectorship
  • regency
  • rendezvous
  • residency
  • rulership
  • sainthood
  • sanctum
  • scour
  • secretaryship
  • seigneury
  • seigniory
  • senatorship
  • service area
  • seven
  • seven-spot
  • showplace
  • sinecure
  • six
  • six-spot
  • solicitorship
  • solitude
  • speakership
  • speck
  • splash
  • splodge
  • splotch
  • stewardship
  • stop
  • studentship
  • summit
  • sundog
  • sunspot
  • target
  • target area
  • teachership
  • ten
  • ten-spot
  • thaneship
  • throne
  • tip
  • tomb
  • top
  • treasurership
  • tribuneship
  • trusteeship
  • vice-presidency
  • viceroyship
  • viziership
  • wardenship
  • wardership
  • womanhood
  • worn spot
  • zone


  • comprehend
  • perceive




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