

词汇 swing


  • swing
  • swings
  • swings
  • swinging
  • swung
  • swung


  • ① 1[指个别之物时为[C]]摇动,摆动2振幅<of>
    • the swing of a pendulum钟摆的摆动
  • ② [【高球】【网球】【棒球】等]挥打的姿势或方法
    • a long [short] swing大[小]挥动
  • ③ 摇摆身体的步行
    • He walked with a swing.他摇摇摆摆走路。
  • ④[或作a swing]音律;律动
  • ⑤ 秋千;荡秋千
    • go on a swing荡秋千
    • sit on [in] a swing乘坐秋千
    • have (a ride on) a swing荡秋千
    • What one loses on the swings one gains [wins] on the roundabouts.【谚】失之东隅,收之桑榆;有苦就有乐。
    • lose on the swings what one makes on the roundabouts【英】赚了又赔掉,还得从头来;得东失西,依然如故
  • ⑥ 旋转;(武器的)挥动
  • ⑦ 自由活动
    • let it have its swing让它自由活动,听其自由
    • They have free [full] swing in carrying out the project.他们有充分的行动自由去实行那项计划。
  • ⑧ 【美】(周游)旅行
  • ⑨ 摇摆乐(流行于1930-40年代,自由奔放,可随意改变节奏的爵士乐)(=swing music)


  • ① 摇摆,摆动;悬吊;荡秋千
    • The tree swung in the wind.那棵树在风中摆动。
    • swing back and forth前后摆动
    • A chandelier swung from the ceiling.一座枝形吊灯悬吊于天花板。
    • Her heart swung between hope and fear.她的心在希望与恐惧之间摇摆。
  • ② (门)前后摇摆而开[闭]
    • The door swung open [to, shut].门开了[闭上了]。
  • ③ 回转,转弯
    • He swung round [around] and faced me.他转过来面对我。
    • The ship was swinging at anchor.船下着锚随风[潮水]转动。
    • The taxicab swung round the corner.出租车转过街角。
  • ④ 大摇大摆地走[跑]
    • The sailors came swinging along [down the road].那些水手大摇大摆地[沿着道路]走过来。
  • ⑤ 【口】(乐队等)演奏摇摆乐(swing music)
  • ⑥ 【口】受绞刑
    • swing for murder因谋杀罪而被处绞刑
  • ⑦ 行性之乱交,团体做爱,交换性爱怑侣


  • ① 摇动,被摇摆;挥动;(用秋千等)使摆动;摇着摇着将(小孩等)抬高
    • The boy walked swinging his arms.那个男孩摆动着手臂走路。
    • There was no room to swing a cat (in).连使猫转身的空间都没有(地方太狭窄)。
  • ② 悬吊,挂
    • He swung the hammock between the two trees.他把吊床挂在那两棵树之间。
  • ③ 使改变方向;使回转
    • She swung her car around [around the corner].她将汽车调头[转过街角]。
    • He swung his car into [out of] the parking lot.他把汽车转进[出]停车场。
  • ④ 【美口】影响(舆论等);善加处理
    • swing votes影响选票
    • swing a business deal成功地洽谈一笔买卖
  • ⑤ 以摇摆乐的方式演奏或编写(乐曲)


swing: 指悬吊之物、铰链钉住之物或有轴之物等前后摆动

swing like a pendulum

sway: 指不论其是否附著于他物、由于外界的力量而不平稳地摇动

branches swaying in the wind

rock: 多用于表示激烈地震动

The building rocked at the earthquake.


  • go with a swing
    • ① (歌曲、诗等)节拍轻快流利
    • ② (工作等)顺利进行;(聚会等)圆满成功
  • in full swing
    • ① 正酣,正起劲;在最热烈的时候
    • Our work is in full swing.我们的工作正在热烈进行。


  • hangvt./vi.悬吊
  • pivotvt./vi.旋转
  • rockvt./vi.摇晃
  • rotatevt./vi.旋转
  • suspendvt./vi.悬吊
  • swayvt./vi.摇摆
  • turnvt./vi.旋转
  • whirlvt./vi.使旋转
  • ambit
  • avert
  • beat
  • bring off
  • cadence
  • cadency
  • carry out
  • carry through
  • compass
  • dangle
  • deflect
  • depend
  • deviate
  • divert
  • effect
  • effectuate
  • execute
  • extension
  • extent
  • gibbet
  • measure
  • meter
  • orbit
  • oscillate
  • purview
  • put through
  • range
  • reach
  • realm
  • rhythm
  • scope
  • shift
  • sling
  • sphere
  • string up
  • sweep
  • vacillate
  • veer
  • waver
  • wheel
  • baseball swing
  • cut
  • drop
  • get around
  • golf shot
  • golf stroke
  • jive
  • lilt
  • swing music
  • swing out
  • swing over
  • swinging
  • vacillation


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • state
  • action
  • activity
  • activeness
  • swing


  • action
  • activeness
  • activity
  • blow
  • contra danse
  • contradance
  • contredanse
  • country-dance
  • country dancing
  • jazz
  • mechanical device
  • motion
  • move
  • movement
  • plaything
  • rhythmicity
  • shot
  • stroke
  • toy


  • approach
  • approach shot
  • downswing
  • draw
  • drive
  • driving
  • explosion
  • fade
  • hook
  • hooking
  • putt
  • putting
  • sclaff
  • shank
  • slice
  • slicing
  • teeoff
  • trapeze




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