

词汇 switch


  • switch
  • switches
  • switches
  • switching
  • switched
  • switched


  • ① 鞭打
    • He switched me with a stick.他用棍子打我。
  • ② (牛、马)摆动或甩动(尾巴);挥动
    • The horse switched its tail.那匹马摆动尾巴。
    • switch a fishing line挥动钓线
  • ③ 1[铁路]使转辙<into, to>2转变(思想、话题等)
    • The train was switched into the other track.火车被转辙进入另一条轨道。
    • switch the conversation to another subject把交谈转到另一个话题
    • He switched the lights from red to green.他将灯号由红转变为绿。
  • ④ 扳动(电器等的开关)
    • Switch on [off] the light.打开[关掉]电灯。
    • She switched off the engine.她关掉引擎。
  • ⑤ 猛击;突然抢去<out of>
    • A robber switched the handbag out of her hand.一个强盗突然从她的手中抢走手提包。
  • ⑥ 1交换,互换(意见、场所等)(★受词用复数形的名词或代名词)2与(某人)交换(东西)<with>;以(东西)交换(东西)<for>
    • They switched their ideas [seats].他们交换意见[座位]。
    • He switched seats with me.他跟我交换座位。
    • He switched one argument for another.他将一个论点换为另一个论点。


  • ① 转换;改变
    • He used to drink vodka, but he switched.他过去常喝伏特加酒,不过他改换了。
    • switch from coal to gas由煤炭转换为瓦斯
    • Their conversation switched to another topic.他们的交谈转到别的话题。
  • ② 交换<with>
    • She refused to switch with me.她拒绝跟我交换。
  • ③ 打开开关<on>;关掉开关<off>


  • ① (树上折下的)软枝,枝条
  • ② 软鞭;鞭打
  • ③[用复数形]【美】[铁路]转辙器(=【英】points)
  • ④ 【电】开关(尤指用手上下扳动者)
    • an electric light switch电灯开关
    • turn off [on] a switch关掉[打开]开关
  • ⑤ (突然的)变更,改变(★比change更为口语)
    • I've had a switch of plan.我改变了计划。
  • ⑥ (女性用的长)假发


  • switch off
    • ① 关掉(电器开关等)
    • ② 使(某人)停止说话
    • ③ 【美口】使(某人)失去兴趣
    • ④ 关掉开关
    • ⑤ 不听;不理睬
    • ⑥ 【美口】(人)失去兴趣
  • switch on
    • ① 打开(电灯、收音机等)
    • ② 【美口】使(某人)感到兴趣
    • ③ 关掉开关
    • ④ 【美口】(人)感到兴趣;兴奋
  • switch over
    • ①[switch为vt.]转换<from; to>
    • ②[switch为vi.]转换<from; to>
    • ③ 转换(广播、电视)频道


  • jumpv.转变
  • shiftv.转换
  • change
  • commutation
  • commute
  • exchange
  • interchange
  • substitute
  • substitution
  • swap
  • trade
  • transposition
  • wag
  • waggle
  • wave
  • alternate
  • change over
  • electric switch
  • electrical switch
  • flip
  • flip-flop
  • permutation
  • replacement
  • switch over
  • switching
  • swop
  • tack
  • throw


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • object
  • physical object
  • whole
  • unit
  • artifact
  • artefact
  • instrumentality
  • instrumentation
  • device
  • mechanism
  • control
  • controller
  • switch
  • electric switch
  • electrical switch


  • basketball play
  • change
  • control
  • controller
  • false hair
  • fluctuation
  • hairpiece
  • instrument of punishment
  • postiche
  • railroad
  • railroad track
  • railway
  • variation


  • birch
  • birch rod
  • button
  • cane
  • commutator
  • cutout
  • ferule
  • ignition switch
  • on-off switch
  • on/off switch
  • push
  • push button
  • ratan
  • rattan
  • selector
  • selector switch
  • switcheroo
  • three-point switch
  • three-way switch
  • time-switch
  • toggle
  • toggle switch




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