

词汇 track


  • track
  • tracks
  • tracks
  • tracking
  • tracked
  • tracked


  • ①[常用复数形]1(车、船等的)踪迹;航迹,船迹2(人、动物的)足迹;(猎犬追寻猎物的)嗅迹
    • car tracks汽车的轨迹
    • They saw a lion's track near their camp.他们在营地附近看到一头狮子的足迹。
  • ② 1(足迹踏成的)小道2(人生的)旅程;(人世间的)常道;处世之道
    • A track runs through the forest to the lake.一条小路穿过森林到达该湖。
  • ③ 1铁路的路线,轨道2信道,通路,进路,航路
    • a single [double] track单[双]轨
    • The train left the track.火车出轨了。
    • the track of a ship船的进路
    • the track of a storm暴风雨的前进路线
  • ④ 1跑道,竞赛道,赛马场(跑道)2[集合用法]【美】径赛;陆上竞赛
    • a track meet(ing)陆上竞赛大会
    • a cycling track自行车竞赛路
    • track events径赛项目
  • ⑤ (车的)两轮的间隔,轮距
  • ⑥ 1(磁带的)声道;以磁带录音的曲子2(视频边缘的)声带


  • ① 1追踪(人、动物)循迹追捕<to>2追捕,搜捕;搜索;探知<down>
    • He tracked the tiger to its den.他追踪那只老虎到牠的巢穴。
    • The police tracked down the murderer.警察追捕到凶手。
  • ② 【美】留下脚印或痕迹于;脚上沾着(泥、雪等)
    • Don't track the floor (with muddy shoes)!不要(以沾满泥的鞋子)在地板上留下足迹!
    • He tracked mud into [through] the living room.他脚上沾着泥巴走进起居室。
  • ③ (以雷达等)观测[记录、追踪](太空船、飞弹等的)轨道[飞行]


  • ① (拖车等)前轮与后轮成一条线行走
  • ② (唱针)顺着唱片的沟纹转
  • ③ 【影】【视】(摄影机、摄影师)移动摄影


trace: 指人或动物、车辆等通行过后所留下来的足迹或痕迹

the traces of a bear

vestige: 指过去存在,而现在不存在的事物所留下的残迹

the vestiges of an ancient civilization

track: 指能追踪[跟踪]一段距离的连续的trace

automobile tracks in the sand


  • cover one's tracks
    • ① 隐匿踪迹
    • ② 隐藏自己的企图[计划]
  • in one's tracks
    • ① 【口】就在那里,当场;立即
    • He suddenly fell in his tracks.他突然当场倒了下来。
  • in the track of ...
    • ① 比照(以往的例子等),学…的样
    • ② 在…途中
  • keep track of ...
    • ① 与…保持联系;记住;非常注意
    • You must keep track of the time.你必须注意时间。
  • lose track of ...
    • ① 失去…的踪迹;忘却…;与…失去联系
    • She has lost track of time.她已失去了时间观念。
    • They have lost track of each other.他们已失去了联系。
  • make tracks
    • ① 【俚】(匆匆)离去;朝…的方向急行<for>
    • It's time you made tracks for home.是你赶回家的时候了。
  • off the beaten track
    • ① (场所等)不出名的;人迹罕至的
    • ② 脱离常轨的
  • off the track
    • ① (猎犬)失去了嗅迹
    • ② 离题,误入歧途,错误
  • on the right track
    • ① 想法[做法]正确;在正确的方向
  • on the track of ...
    • ① 追踪
    • The police are on the track of the murderer.警察正在追踪那名凶手。
  • on the wrong side of the tracks
    • ① 【美】在城镇里较差[贫穷]的地区
  • on the wrong track
    • ① 想法[方法]错误;在错误的方向


  • dirtyv.弄脏
  • followv.跟随
  • footprintn.足迹
  • signn.记号
  • tracev.循迹追踪
  • trailv.追踪
  • wayn.
  • bird-dog
  • cross
  • dog
  • hunt down
  • nose out
  • pass
  • print
  • round
  • routine
  • run down
  • scent
  • shadow
  • spoor
  • tail
  • transit
  • traverse
  • cart track
  • cartroad
  • caterpillar track
  • caterpillar tread
  • chase
  • chase after
  • course
  • cover
  • cut
  • cut across
  • cut through
  • data track
  • get across
  • get over
  • give chase
  • go after
  • lead
  • pass over
  • path
  • racecourse
  • racetrack
  • raceway
  • rail
  • rails
  • running
  • runway
  • tag


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • object
  • physical object
  • location
  • line
  • path
  • track
  • course


  • artefact
  • artifact
  • bar
  • belt
  • channel
  • course
  • evidence
  • excerpt
  • excerption
  • extract
  • groove
  • grounds
  • itinerary
  • line
  • path
  • road
  • route
  • selection
  • track and field


  • belt
  • cinder track
  • circuit
  • collision course
  • dirt track
  • half track
  • inside track
  • portage
  • racing circuit
  • railroad
  • railroad track
  • railway
  • round
  • speedway
  • steps
  • streetcar track
  • swath
  • third rail
  • trail
  • tramline
  • tramway
  • velodrome




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