

词汇 settle


  • settles
  • settling
  • settled
  • settled


  • ① 放好(使不再动);安置;使(所装之物等)稳定
    • She settled her child in a chair.她把她的孩子放在椅子上。
    • He settled himself in his chair.他稳坐在他的椅子上。
  • ② 殖民于;使移住于;使安顿;使定居;使就业;使安身
    • Their forefathers settled the island.他们的祖先殖民于该岛。
    • settle a daughter by marriage使女儿结婚
    • settle Australia with English people使英国人殖民澳洲
    • settle one's son in law使自己的儿子成为法律专家或律师
    • They have settled themselves in New York [their new house].他们已经在纽约[新居]安顿下来。
  • ③ 使镇定;使安静;使(尘埃等)落定;使(液体)澄清;使(渣)沉下;使沉淀
    • The pill settled her nerves.那药丸使她的神经镇定。
    • A shower will settle the dust on the road.一场骤雨会使马路的灰尘落定。
  • ④ 决定(日期等);解决(问题、争论、纠纷等)
    • settle a dispute解决纠纷
    • The question is not settled yet.这个问题尚未解决。
    • settle the day for a wedding决定婚礼日期
    • That settles it!【口】那就把事情解决了!
    • It's all settled.一切都解决了。
    • They settled to reject the offer.他们决定拒绝那项提议。
    • Have you settled what to do?你已经想好要做什么吗?
    • They settled when they would leave.他们决定好什么时候出发。
    • We settled that we would go on Monday.我们决定星期一去。
  • ⑤ 结(帐);支付;付清
    • settle a bill付帐
    • I have a debt to settle with her.我有一笔债尚未还她。
  • ⑥ 【法律】赠与(财产);给与终身继承权<on, upon>
    • settle one's property on one's nephew将财产赠与姪儿


  • ① 安顿,安定;安居;安身
    • settle down to a new life安于新生活
    • She settled down to study.她安定下来读书。
  • ② 定居
    • Many Chinese settled in California.许多华人定居加州。
  • ③ (天气等)稳定
  • ④ 决定<on, upon>(★可用被动式)
    • Have you settled on a date for your wedding?你已决定婚礼的日期吗?
  • ⑤ 偿还借款;结清;达成协议
    • He has settled with his creditors.他已经偿还借款给他的债权人。
    • I'll settle for that work.我将担任那件工作。
  • ⑥ (鸟等)栖息;(雾等)降落;(寂静、黑暗等)笼罩;(疾病等)局部化
    • A robin came and settled on a twig.一只知更鸟飞来栖息枝头。
    • A cold settles in my head.感冒没有好,我的头还在疼。
  • ⑦ (灰尘等)落定;(液体)澄清;(渣)沉淀
    • The wine will soon settle.酒很快就会澄清。
    • Dust has settled on the desk.灰尘落在书桌上。
  • ⑧ (地基等)下陷;(船)沉没<down>


decide: 暗示对于引起怀疑、踌躇、辩论或争执的事情先考虑过,才达成结论或决定今后行动的路线

determine: 暗示明确地把decide过的事情的形式、性质、用法、范围等详细决定,并且一旦决定就不再变更

Our college decided on a series of lectures but the speakers and the dates are not yet determined.

settle: 暗示经由仲裁或调停达成最后的结论,或指疑惑与纷争终于获得解决

The United Nations settled the dispute between the two nations.

conclude: 指经过慎重的调查或推理之后才决定或提出结论

The police concluded that he was murdered.

resolve: 指明白表示有坚强的决心去实行或戒除

He resolved to give up smoking.


  • settlementn.殖民,移民
  • settlern.移民;外来定居者


  • settle for ...
    • ① (不满意或不情愿却)接纳,担任
  • settle in
    • ① 定局;迁入(新居)
  • settle one's affairs
    • ① 处理事情
    • ② (尤指以遗嘱)把自己后事安排妥当
  • settle with ...
    • ① 与…清偿债务;与…和解或谈妥;办完;收拾


  • decidevt./vi.决定
  • determinevt./vi.决定
  • establishvt./vi.创建
  • fixvt./vi.使固定
  • setvt./vi.放置




  • ① 木制高背长椅(座位下方有箱子)




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