

词汇 set up

set up


  • ① 竖立;设置;创建;组合
    • set up a pole [monument]竖立木柱[纪念碑]
    • set up a sign竖起招牌
    • set up a tent搭帐篷
  • ② 使(某人)创立(事业等);提供(资金等给某人)
    • He set himself up in business.他开创事业。
    • He set himself up as a writer.他以作家立身。
    • He was set up with a lot of money.他获得一大笔钱。
  • ③ 设立;开办
    • set up a school创校
  • ④ 引起,使发生
    • set up inflammation引起发炎
  • ⑤ 大声说;高喊;提出
    • set up a shout发出叫声
    • set up a protest提出抗议
    • The monkeys set up a great commotion.猴群乱叫乱闹。
  • ⑥ (病后)使康复
    • A few weeks' stay in the countryside will set her up.在乡下住几星期将使她康复。
  • ⑦[set oneself as]假装,装作(★不可用被动式)
    • He sets himself up as an expert.他装出专家的样子。
  • ⑧ 训练,锻炼;使(身体)强壮
  • ⑨ 提高(地位);使握有权力
    • set up soldiers训练士兵
  • ⑩ 【印刷】排(字)
  • ⑪ 开业做…<as>
    • He set up as a bookseller.他开业做书商。
  • ⑫ 自称为…;装…样子<as, for>
    • He set up for an expert.他自称为专家。


  • set




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