

词汇 study


  • study
  • studies
  • studies
  • studying
  • studied
  • studied


  • ① 1读书;用功;求学2[常用复数形;常作one's study](所从事的)研究,学业
    • He's fond of study.他喜欢读书。
    • He's busy with his studies.他忙于研究。
    • He is engaged in legal studies.他从事法律的研究。
    • You should attend to your studies.你应该注意你的学业。
  • ② 研究,研讨;调查
    • the study of birds鸟类的研究
    • a study of the project对于该计划的研讨
  • ③ 学科,科目
    • humane studies人文学科
    • graduate studies研究事项
  • ④ 研究论文,论着;研究事项
    • He is going to publish a study of Chinese poetry.他即将发表一篇关于中国诗的论着。
    • Studies in French Grammar「法文文法研究」
  • ⑤[用单数形]值得研究[注意]的事物,值得一看的东西
    • Her face was a study.她的相貌值得端详。
  • ⑥ 【文】(不断的)努力;勤勉;努力[考虑]的目标
  • ⑦ 1(画家等的)描写,素描,习作,试作2【乐】练习曲(=étude)
  • ⑧ 书房
    • He's in his study.他在他的书房里。
  • ⑨[附有修饰语][戏剧]背台词的人[演员]
    • a slow [quick] study拙于[敏于]背台词的演员
  • ⑩[用单数形]样本,典型<of, in>
    • He is a study of [in] integrity.他是正直的典型。


  • ① 研究;用功;学习;调查
    • study at (【美】the) university在大学念书
    • study under Dr. Hawking在霍京博士指导下学习;师事霍京博士
    • study about Russia研究有关俄国的事物
    • study abroad留学
    • study for the bar [church]为当律师[牧师]而用功
    • We're studying hard for our final examinations.我们正在为期末考试努力读书。
    • He was studying to be a doctor.他正读书准备做一名医生。
    • She's studying how children learn to speak.她正在研究儿童如何学会说话。
  • ② 【古】(不断地)努力;苦心于


  • ① 研究;学习(参照learn)
    • study English [literature, chemistry]研究英语[文学、化学]
  • ② 端详;查阅;思索
    • We studied the map to find the shortest road home.我们查看地图以便找出回家的最短路程。
    • She studied herself in the mirror.她端详自己在镜中的姿影。
  • ③ 背(台词等)
  • ④ 考虑(他人的愿望、感情、利益等);为…设想
    • She always studies other people's wishes.她总是为别人的愿望设想。


consider: 是在决定之前详加考虑

We considered ways and means to achieve our end.

study: 指比consider更有组织更专注地思考

He studied the problem carefully.

contemplate: 指深入而持续地考虑

She contemplated going to America after graduation.

weigh: 是在决定之前,从各方面权衡事情之得失优劣

He weighed the idea of becoming a baseball player.

reflect: 指就某事静思反省

He was reflecting on what he had done.


learn: 是经由学习或经验成功地学到知识或技术

learn cooking

study: 是有系统地研习学问、美术、外国语等而未必有收获

study physics


  • make a study of ...
    • ① 研究;立志想学
    • He is making a special study of English.他现在专攻英语。
  • on study
    • ① 经过研究的结果;经调查
  • study up on ...
    • ① 【美口】充分考查[检讨]…
  • under study
    • ① (计划等)正在检讨[研究]中


  • examinationn.探讨
  • explorev.探索
  • inquire intov.研讨
  • inquiryn.研究
  • instructionn.教导
  • learnv.学习
  • learningn.学习
  • libraryn.图书馆
  • observev.观察
  • readv.读书
  • readingn.读书
  • reading roomn.阅览室
  • researchn.研究
  • reviewv.调查
  • scrutinizev.查看
  • surveyn.探讨
  • absent-mindedness
  • abstraction
  • advisement
  • bemusement
  • brown study
  • calculation
  • case
  • check
  • checkup
  • chew on
  • cogitate
  • con
  • consider
  • consideration
  • contemplate
  • daydreaming
  • deliberate
  • deliberation
  • drill
  • entertain
  • examine
  • excogitate
  • exercise
  • go over
  • going-over
  • inspect
  • inspection
  • lucubrate
  • lucubration
  • meditate
  • mull
  • muse
  • perusal
  • peruse
  • ponder
  • practice
  • reflect
  • rehearsal
  • reverie
  • revolve
  • ruminate
  • scrutiny
  • think
  • think out
  • think over
  • think through
  • training
  • trance
  • traverse
  • turn over
  • view
  • weigh
  • analyse
  • analyze
  • bailiwick
  • canvas
  • canvass
  • cogitation
  • discipline
  • field
  • field of study
  • hit the books
  • report
  • sketch
  • subject
  • subject area
  • subject field
  • take
  • work
  • written report


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • activity
  • work
  • investigation
  • investigating
  • examination
  • scrutiny
  • survey
  • study


  • absorption
  • acquisition
  • composition
  • concentration
  • contemplation
  • document
  • domain
  • drawing
  • engrossment
  • examination
  • immersion
  • knowledge base
  • knowledge domain
  • learning
  • memoriser
  • memorizer
  • musical composition
  • musing
  • opus
  • papers
  • piece
  • piece of music
  • reflection
  • reflexion
  • room
  • rumination
  • scrutiny
  • thoughtfulness
  • written document


  • allometry
  • applied science
  • architecture
  • arts
  • assay
  • bibliotics
  • blue book
  • case study
  • communication theory
  • communications
  • design
  • divinity
  • draft
  • engineering
  • engineering science
  • escapology
  • frontier
  • futuristics
  • futurology
  • genealogy
  • graphology
  • green paper
  • humanistic discipline
  • humanities
  • liberal arts
  • lucubration
  • major
  • medical report
  • military science
  • numerology
  • occultism
  • ology
  • position paper
  • progress report
  • protology
  • resurvey
  • rough drawing
  • science
  • scientific discipline
  • technology
  • theogony
  • theology
  • vignette
  • white book
  • white paper


  • read




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