

词汇 clear


  • clear
  • clears
  • clears
  • clearing
  • cleared
  • cleared
  • clear
  • clearer
  • clearest


  • ① 晴朗(无云)的;清亮的(←→dark),明净的;光亮的
    • On a clear day you can see the island.在晴朗的日子,你可以看见那个岛。
    • a clear sky晴朗无云的天空
    • clear weather晴朗的天气
    • a clear star明亮的星
  • ② 清澈的;清晰的
    • a clear sound清晰的声音
    • clear water清澈的水
    • a clear outline清晰的轮廓
  • ③ (面色、肌肤等)色泽好的,有光泽的
    • She has a clear complexion.她有光泽的面色[肌肤]。
  • ④ 1明确的,清楚的2确定的,确信的
    • a clear answer明确的回答
    • a clear explanation清楚的说明
    • have a clear head有清晰的头脑
    • You'll do as you're told, is that clear?你要照吩咐的去做,明白吗?
    • Do I make myself clear?我把话说清了吗?
    • It is quite clear that he is not interested.很显然他不感兴趣。
    • Everything is now quite clear to me.现在一切我都十分明白了。
    • He is not clear on [about] this point.他对这一点并不确定。
    • I am clear that it should be done.我确信这件事该做。
    • I'm not clear where he lives.我不确定他住在哪里。
    • She is not clear (about) what to do.她不确定她要做什么。
  • ⑤ 开敞的,无障碍的,畅通无阻的;安全而没有困难的
    • a clear space开敞的空地
    • a clear signal(铁路等表示畅通的)安全信号
    • The road was clear.那条路畅通无阻。
    • roads clear of traffic没有行人车辆的道路
    • He is clear of debt [worry].他的债务业已清偿[忧虑业已消除]。
    • We're clear of danger now.我们现在已脱离危险。
  • ⑥ 纯净的
    • I have a clear conscience.我问心无愧。
    • My conscience is clear (on this matter).(对这件事)我问心无愧。
  • ⑦ 不折不扣的;净的;完全的,整个的
    • a clear month整个月
    • a clear profit净利
    • a clear victory完全的胜利
  • ⑧ (木材等)无节瘤的,无瑕疵的
    • clear lumber [timber]无节瘤[瑕疵]的木材


  • ① 使干净;使明净;使清亮
    • clear a liquid使液体澄清
    • clear the air使空气清净
  • ② 清除;清理;释除(疑虑)
    • clear the land开垦土地
    • They cleared the wood of the undergrowth.他们清除林中的矮树丛。
    • clear the pavement of snow清除人行道上的积雪
    • clear one's mind of doubts消除心中的疑念
    • He tried to clear himself of [from] the suspicion.他试图释除所受的嫌疑。
    • clear the dishes from the table收拾餐桌上的盘碟
  • ③ 清理[解开](钓在线的)缠结;解决(难题);避开(冲突);通过或越过而未触及
    • clear an examination paper解答试卷
    • My car only just cleared the motorcycle.我的车子差一点没避开那辆机车。
  • ④ 净赚,获净利
    • clear $2,000净赚二千美元
    • clear expenses所赚的钱足敷开销
  • ⑤ 【商】缴纳(船货的)关税,办好(船只的)出港[入港]手续,结关,报关;清偿(债务);清理(票据);事先付清(费用等)
    • The bags have cleared customs.那些旅行袋已办好通关手续。


  • ① 清楚地;明显地
    • The skyscraper stands clear against the blue sky.在蓝天衬托下,那座摩天大楼明显地耸立着。
    • The sun shone bright and clear.太阳明亮清楚地照耀(★此处的bright, clear亦可视为属性形容词)。
  • ② 明白地;清晰地
    • He spoke clear.他说得明确。
  • ③[无比较级]十分地,完全地
    • The prisoner got clear away.那名犯人逃离得无影无踪。
    • the bullet went clear through the wall.子弹完全贯穿了墙壁。
  • ④ 分离不接触地(★亦可视为形容词)
    • Stand clear of the well.站着不要太靠近水井。
  • ⑤ 【美】始终,一直地
    • sink clear to the bottom一直沉到底


  • ① (天气)放晴,(云雾消散)天气转晴;(表情或前途)变得开朗[明朗];(液体)澄清
    • It [The sky] has cleared (up).天气已放晴。
    • The mist has begun to clear (away).雾已开始消散。
    • The muddy water gradually cleared.混浊的水逐渐澄清。
    • Her prospects will clear soon.她的前途不久即将明朗。
  • ② 【商】(在票据交换所)清理结算;(船)办完手续驶离港口
  • ③ (餐后)收拾餐具或清理餐桌
  • ④ 【俚】(不受欢迎的人)走开[离开];(群众)离散;(商品)迅速售光
  • ⑤ (在实施前)通过审议,获得承认
    • the bill cleared through the assembly.该法案通过大会的审议。


  • ① 空隙;空间;【木工】(中空体)从内侧度量的尺寸


obvious: 指极为明显的,凭感觉(尤其是视觉)即可察知的

Her impatience was obvious.

apparent: 指一目了然的,或由证据再加以推论即可明白的

He made an apparent effort to achieve the plan.

evident: 指由外在的状况即可推知的

His innocence was evident.

palpable: 指可由视力以外的感觉轻易察知的

a palpable sign of fever

clear: 指明白得不会发生差错或混淆的

a clear explanation

plain: 指不复杂的,由於单纯或简单而容易了解的

plain meaning


  • clearlyadv.明亮地
  • clearnessn.明亮;清晰;亮度


  • all clear
    • ① 空袭警报解除(的信号)
    • ② 敌人已全肃清(无危险或障碍);解除警报
  • clear as day
    • ① 清晰如昼的;明白易见的
    • The matter was (as) clear as day.事情已是一清二楚。
  • clear away
    • ① 清除;收拾(餐具等)
    • ② (云、雾)消散
  • clear off
    • ① 清理;结束;做完;除去
    • ② (雨后云散)天气放晴;【口】离去
    • Clear off!走开!
  • clear out
    • ① 清除内含之物
    • ② 【口】使变成一文不名
    • ③ 【口】(突然)离去
    • The thief cleared out before the police arrived.那个小偷在警察到达之前迅速离开。
  • clear up
    • ① 整理;清理
    • ② 解决(问题);澄清(疑问、误会)
    • ③ (天气)放晴
    • The sky is [It's] likely to clear up.天气很可能会放晴。
  • get clear of ...
    • ① 避开,躲开
    • We got clear of the crowded street.我们避开了那条拥挤的街道。
  • in clear
    • ① 【通信】(非用密码或暗号而)用明文的
  • in the clear
    • ① 摆脱了危险而无需忧虑的;嫌疑已释的;自由的
    • The plane climbed the clouds and was flying in the clear.那飞机飞越云端,在晴空中飞行。
    • After John told the teacher that he broke the window, Martin was in the clear.约翰告诉老师窗子是他打破的之后,马丁的嫌疑得释了。
  • keep clear of ...
    • ① 避开;不接近…
    • You should keep clear of those naughty boys.你应该避开那些顽皮的男孩。
  • see one's way clear
    • ① 前途顺畅[无阻]


  • audibleadj.清楚的
  • broadadj.明亮的
  • clarifyv.澄清
  • directadj.清楚的
  • exoneratevt.洗刷罪名等
  • expressadj.清楚的
  • legibleadj.清楚的
  • liquidadj.清澈的
  • manifestadj.清楚的
  • palpableadj.明显的
  • patentadj.清楚的
  • perceptibleadj.明白的
  • pronouncedadj.明白的
  • pureadj.干净的
  • purifyvt.净化
  • sunnyadj.晴朗的
  • transparentadj.清晰的
  • vacantadj.开阔的
  • vaultvt./vi.跳过
  • vividadj.亮丽的
  • abolish
  • absolutely
  • absolve
  • acquit
  • all
  • altogether
  • annihilate
  • apparent
  • bare
  • blank
  • blot out
  • bolt
  • brighten
  • bring in
  • carry
  • categorical
  • clean
  • clean out
  • clear-cut
  • cloudless
  • completely
  • crystal clear
  • crystalline
  • dead
  • decided
  • decipher
  • definite
  • disburden
  • discharge
  • disembarrass
  • disencumber
  • disengage
  • disentangle
  • disinvolve
  • distinct
  • dope out
  • draw
  • earn
  • elucidate
  • empty
  • entirely
  • eradicate
  • erase
  • evacuate
  • evident
  • exculpate
  • explain
  • explicit
  • exterminate
  • extinguish
  • extirpate
  • extricate
  • fair
  • figure out
  • fine
  • flat
  • flawless
  • free
  • fully
  • gain
  • get
  • get out
  • gross
  • hightail
  • hotfoot
  • hurdle
  • illuminate
  • illustrate
  • just
  • kill
  • lighten
  • limpid
  • liquidate
  • lucid
  • neaten
  • negotiate
  • net
  • noticeable
  • obliterate
  • observable
  • obvious
  • open
  • pass
  • pay
  • pellucid
  • perfectly
  • plain
  • police
  • positive
  • precise
  • produce
  • purge
  • quite
  • realize
  • release
  • relieve
  • remove
  • repay
  • resolve
  • return
  • rid
  • root
  • rub out
  • run
  • satisfy
  • scram
  • see-through
  • settle
  • shake
  • shake off
  • sharp
  • skedaddle
  • snuff out
  • solve
  • specific
  • spruce
  • square
  • stamp out
  • straighten
  • surmount
  • thoroughly
  • throw off
  • tidy
  • totally
  • translucent
  • unambiguous
  • unblemished
  • unblock
  • unblocked
  • unburden
  • unclouded
  • unequivocal
  • unimpeded
  • unmarked
  • unmistakable
  • unobstructed
  • unquestionable
  • unravel
  • unsubtle
  • untangle
  • uproot
  • utterly
  • vacate
  • vacuous
  • vamoose
  • vindicate
  • visible
  • void
  • well
  • wholly
  • wipe out
  • yield
  • absolved
  • all the way
  • assoil
  • authorise
  • authorize
  • clean-cut
  • clear up
  • cleared
  • clearly
  • crystalise
  • crystalize
  • crystallise
  • crystallize
  • decipherable
  • enlighten
  • exculpated
  • exonerated
  • light
  • light up
  • make
  • percipient
  • pull in
  • readable
  • realise
  • sack
  • sack up
  • shed light on
  • sort out
  • straighten out
  • take in
  • top
  • unclutter
  • unmortgaged
  • vindicated
  • well-defined


  • darkadj.黑暗的
  • bounce
  • cloudy
  • clutter
  • convict
  • ill-defined
  • opaque
  • overcast
  • unclear


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • state
  • condition
  • status
  • innocence
  • clear


  • area
  • country
  • innocence


  • evaluate
  • judge
  • pass judgment




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