

词汇 snap


  • snap
  • snaps
  • snaps
  • snapping
  • snapped
  • snapped


  • ① 使发出啪(哒)声;啪一声开[关]
    • He snapped his whip.他挥鞭作响。
    • snap the rubber band使橡皮圈发出啪声
    • He snapped the lid down.他把盖子啪哒一声关上。
    • He snapped the box open [shut].他啪一响打开[关上]箱子。
  • ② 啪一声折断或切断
    • snap a stick啪一声折断木棒
    • snap off a twig折下小枝
    • He snapped the stick in half [in two].他把那根木棒折成两段。
  • ③ 咬;咬断,猛扑;抢吃
    • The dog snapped at the bone and ran away.那条狗咬住骨头跑掉了。
    • The shark snapped his leg off.鲨鱼咬断了他的一条腿。
    • The dog snapped up the bone.狗抢吃了那根骨头。
  • ④ 攫取;抢;夺;争先恐后地拿
    • snap up an offer抢着要某项提议
    • The shirts were soon snapped up.那些衬衫很快就被抢购一空。
  • ⑤ 厉声地说;怒喝
    • He snapped complaints.他厉声抱怨。
    • He snapped out a command.他厉声发出一道命令。
    • "Shut up!" he snapped.「闭嘴!」他厉声说。
  • ⑥ 【口】啪…的快照(参照snapshot)
    • She snapped the landscape.她迅速拍下那个风景。


  • ① 发出劈啪声;发出啪哒声;(手枪等)发出喀嚓声不发火
    • The log snapped as it burned.木头燃烧时发出劈啪声。
  • ② 啪一声断掉;突然折断
    • As he stepped on the branch, it snapped.他踩到那根树枝时,它啪一声折断了。
    • Her nerves snapped.她的神经紧张得不得了。
    • Something snapped in his brain [head].他脑子里有什么东西断了(他无法自制)。
    • The branch snapped off.树枝啪一声折断了。
    • The rope snapped short.那条绳子突然折断变短。
  • ③ 发出喀嚓或啪哒声关上或锁上
    • The bolt snapped into place.门闩喀嚓一声闩上了。
    • The door snapped to.门啪哒一声关上。
    • The lid of the box snapped shut [open].箱盖啪一声关闭[打开]了。
  • ④ 咬;抢;攫取;立即答应
    • That dog snapped at his heels.那条狗咬他的脚后跟。
    • He snapped at the offer.他立刻接受那项提议。
  • ⑤ 唠叨;滥骂;厉声地说
    • She always snaps at her husband.她总是向她丈夫唠叨不停。


  • ① 猛咬;突然的咬
    • The dog took [made] a snap at the bone.狗突然咬那根骨头。
  • ② 啪(哒)声;啪一声断掉或关闭;折断;断裂
    • He shut the book with a snap.他啪一声合上书本。
  • ③ 匆匆一餐;急食
  • ④ 唠叨;叱责
  • ⑤ 按扣(=snap fastener)
  • ⑥[指食物名时为[U]][通常用于复合语]薄脆爽口的饼→gingersnap
  • ⑦ 【口】精力,元气,活力;简洁有力
    • His style has much [a lot of] snap.他的文体十分简洁有力。
  • ⑧ (天气的)突然转变,剧变;(尤指)突然的转冷,冷锋
    • a cold snap一阵短暂的寒冷;骤冷
  • ⑨ 【口】快照(=snapshot)
  • ⑩ 一种牌戏
  • ⑪[a snap]【美口】轻松的工作
    • That job was a snap.那件工作很简单。


  • ① (门 钩、搭扣等)弹簧式的
  • ② 仓卒的;突然的
    • Don't make a snap decision [judgment].不要做仓卒的决定[判断]。
  • ③ 【美俚】轻松的;容易的


  • ① 【英】相同!同点!(玩纸牌游戏时,出现两张同点时所说的话)
  • ② 【英】【口】(出现两个相同的东西时)一样!完全相同!


  • ① 啪一声地,啪哒一声地


break: 为最普通的用语,主要指施力于固体而将其折断或破坏

smash: 指以强力打得不成原形

crash: 指发出巨大声响而撞毁

crush: 指以强大的压力弄扁或弄碎

shatter: 指使碎成破片四处飞散

crack: 指发出清脆的声音而裂开或发生裂痕

fracture: 指使骨头、岩石等折断

split: 指使固体纵裂,或沿纹理裂开

splinter: 指使木头等裂成细长的断片

snap: 指使树枝等啪一声折断


  • snap a person's head off
    • ① 无礼貌地打断某人的话;粗鲁地回答
  • snap back
    • ① 弹回;突然恢复原状
  • snap into it
    • ①[通常用祈使法]【口】急急开始做;用心做
  • snap one's fingers
    • ① 弹指作响(以引起别人或侍者的注意)
    • ② 轻视,不理睬<at>
  • snap out of it
    • ① 【口】迅速振作起来;及时恢复镇定;迅速恢复原状


  • jerkv.猛然地拉
  • ad-lib
  • bang
  • bark
  • break
  • breeze
  • catch
  • child's play
  • cinch
  • clack
  • clap
  • click
  • collapse
  • crack
  • crack up
  • dash
  • duck soup
  • easy
  • effortless
  • explosion
  • extemporaneous
  • extemporary
  • extempore
  • facile
  • fold
  • impromptu
  • improvised
  • lurch
  • nip
  • off-the-cuff
  • offhand
  • pop
  • punch
  • pushover
  • rat-a-tat-tat
  • report
  • simple
  • smooth
  • snarl
  • snatch
  • spur-of-the-moment
  • starch
  • strike
  • tug
  • twitch
  • unrehearsed
  • verve
  • vigor
  • vigorousness
  • vim
  • vitality
  • walkaway
  • walkover
  • wrench
  • yank
  • break down
  • bust
  • centering
  • cracking
  • elasticity
  • flick
  • ginger nut
  • ginger snap
  • gingersnap
  • grab
  • lose it
  • photograph
  • picnic
  • piece of cake
  • press stud
  • rupture
  • shoot
  • shot
  • snap bean
  • snap fastener
  • snapshot
  • snatch up
  • tear


  • inelasticity


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • act
  • deed
  • human action
  • human activity
  • touch
  • touching
  • catch
  • grab
  • snatch
  • snap


  • biscuit
  • break
  • cookie
  • cooky
  • exposure
  • fastener
  • fastening
  • fixing
  • flip
  • green bean
  • holdfast
  • labor
  • motility
  • motion
  • move
  • movement
  • noise
  • pass
  • patch
  • photo
  • photograph
  • physical property
  • pic
  • picture
  • piece
  • project
  • spell
  • task
  • toss
  • touch
  • touching
  • undertaking
  • while


  • bounce
  • bounciness
  • brandysnap
  • doddle
  • elasticity of shear
  • fair catch
  • give
  • interception
  • interlock
  • interlocking
  • mesh
  • meshing
  • rebound
  • reception
  • resilience
  • resiliency
  • shoestring catch
  • spring
  • springiness
  • stretch
  • stretchability
  • stretchiness
  • temper
  • toughness




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