

词汇 table


  • table
  • tables
  • tables
  • tabling
  • tabled
  • tabled


  • ① 1(无抽屉的)桌子;台子;几;游戏台;工作台;手术台(等);餐桌2[常作[U]][用单数形]食物,餐食,伙食3[集合用法](进餐、会议等的)同席之人
    • Your book is on that table.你的书在那张桌子上。
    • a card table牌桌
    • a dining table餐桌
    • a green table(覆有绿色壁纸的)赌桌
    • the pleasures of the table饮食之乐
    • She always keeps an excellent table.她经常供应佳肴。
    • Our table all want champagne.我们这一桌都要香槟酒。
    • His jokes kept the table amused.他的笑话使举座欢悦。
  • ② 台地,高原
  • ③ 表,目录
    • a table of contents(书的)目录
    • a table of interest [rates]利息[税率]表
    • a table of weights and measures度量衡表
  • ④ 乘法表(=multiplication table)
    • The child is learning his tables.那个孩子正在背乘法表。


  • ① 桌子的,台子的
    • a table lamp台灯
  • ② 餐桌(用)的;餐食的


  • ① 【美】搁置(议案、动议等),延搁
  • ② 【英】列入议程
  • ③ 作成表


  • at table
    • ① 在吃饭时
    • ② 在餐桌;在吃饭
    • They are at table.他们在吃饭。
    • sit (down) at table入席
  • lay ... on [upon] the table
    • ① 搁置(议案等),延期
    • ② 【英】将(议案等)付诸讨论
  • lay [set, spread] the table
    • ① 摆饭桌,摆设宴席
    • She laid the table for lunch.她为午餐摆餐桌。
  • leave the table
    • ① (用餐毕)离开餐桌
  • the tables of the law
    • ① 【圣】十诫(=the Decalogue)(Moses在Sinai山顶由神所授的十条诫律)
  • turn the table
    • ① 扭转形势[局面];主客易位<on>
  • under the table
    • ① 【口】秘密地;偷偷地;作为贿赂
    • ② 【口】烂醉的;摇摇晃晃的;昏头昏脑的
  • wait at table
    • ① 侍候用餐;当侍者
  • wait table
    • ① 侍候用餐;当侍者
    • She worked her way through college by waiting (on) table.她以当侍者半工半读念完大学。


  • listn.
  • schedulen.
  • adjourn
  • chart
  • defer
  • delay
  • hold off
  • hold up
  • postpone
  • remit
  • shelve
  • stay
  • suspend
  • tabulation
  • wait
  • waive
  • board
  • hold over
  • mesa
  • prorogue
  • put off
  • put over
  • set back
  • tabular array
  • tabularise
  • tabularize
  • tabulate


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • group
  • grouping
  • arrangement
  • array
  • table
  • tabular array


  • array
  • article of furniture
  • assemblage
  • fare
  • furniture
  • gathering
  • piece of furniture
  • plateau
  • tableland


  • Lord's table
  • Parsons table
  • actuarial table
  • altar
  • billiard table
  • board
  • booth
  • breakfast table
  • calendar
  • card table
  • cocktail table
  • coffee table
  • communion table
  • conference table
  • console
  • console table
  • contents
  • correlation table
  • council board
  • council table
  • counter
  • desk
  • dining table
  • dresser
  • dressing table
  • drop-leaf table
  • file allocation table
  • gaming table
  • gueridon
  • kitchen table
  • operating table
  • pedestal table
  • periodic table
  • pier table
  • ping-pong table
  • pingpong table
  • platen
  • pool table
  • snooker table
  • stand
  • statistical table
  • table-tennis table
  • table of contents
  • tea table
  • toilet table
  • training table
  • trestle table
  • vanity
  • work table
  • worktable


  • call off
  • cancel
  • reschedule
  • scratch
  • scrub




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