

词汇 wheel


  • wheel
  • wheels
  • wheels
  • wheeling
  • wheeled
  • wheeled


  • ① 轮子,车轮;轮状物
    • a bicycle wheel自行车的轮子
    • the front [rear] wheels前[后]轮
    • wheel and axle轮(与)轴,辘轳(参照simple machine)
  • ② 1纺车(=spinning wheel)2陶工镟盘(=potter's wheel)3(轮盘赌的)轮盘
  • ③[the wheel]1(船的)舵轮2(汽车的)方向盘→steering wheel
    • Who was at the wheel when the car crashed?汽车撞毁的时候谁在驾驶?
    • sit behind [at] the wheel坐在驾驶座
    • He took the wheel in the rain.他在雨中驾驶。
  • ④ 1【口】自行车2[用复数形]【美俚】汽车
    • I haven't got wheels today.我今天没有车子。
  • ⑤ 轮转,旋转,回旋;【军】(队伍的)转向运动
  • ⑥[通常用复数形]组织,结构;原动力
    • the wheels of government政治组织,政府结构
  • ⑦[常作big wheel]【美俚】大人物,钜子
    • a big wheel大人物


  • ① (突然)转向<around, round, about>
  • ② 1(天体、鸟等)回旋2(军队)迂回
    • The earth wheels round the sun.地球环绕太阳旋转。
    • The birds are wheeling back and forth.那些鸟在来回盘旋。
  • ③ 【口】骑自行车[三轮车]
  • ④ 顺利进行


  • ① 使(有车轮之物)动;推动,拉动
    • He's wheeling his bicycle up the hill.他正把他的自行车推到小山上。
  • ② (用车)搬运
    • wheel a child in a baby carriage用娃娃车载小孩
    • The garbage was wheeled out to the dump.垃圾用车子运到垃圾场。


  • at the wheel
    • ① 握方向盘,驾驶
    • ② 把舵,掌舵
    • ③ 掌握支配权
    • With him at the wheel, the firm began to prosper.有他掌权,该公司开始兴旺。
  • Fortune's wheel
    • ① 命运的轮子,时运,流年;荣枯盛衰
  • oil the wheels
    • ① 在轮上注油;使事情圆滑地进行
  • on oiled wheels
    • ① 顺利地
  • put [set] wheels moving [in motion]
    • ① 使事情顺利进行;使计划上轨道
  • the wheel of Fortune
    • ① 命运的轮子,时运,流年;荣枯盛衰
  • wheels within wheels
    • ① 复杂的动机[事情、环境、结构];别有用心的计谋(★出自圣经「以西结书」)


  • circlev.环绕
  • pushv.
  • rotatev.旋转
  • spinv.旋转
  • turn roundv.转身
  • band
  • circuit
  • circulation
  • circumvolution
  • circumvolve
  • disk
  • drive
  • gyrate
  • gyration
  • gyre
  • motor
  • orb
  • orbit
  • pilot
  • pivot
  • revolution
  • revolve
  • ring
  • rotation
  • swing
  • tool
  • turn
  • whirl
  • bicycle
  • bike
  • cycle
  • pedal
  • rack
  • roll
  • roulette wheel
  • steering wheel
  • wheel around


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • object
  • physical object
  • whole
  • unit
  • artifact
  • artefact
  • instrumentality
  • instrumentation
  • device
  • mechanism
  • mechanical device
  • machine
  • simple machine
  • wheel


  • force
  • game equipment
  • handwheel
  • helm
  • instrument of torture
  • machine
  • simple machine
  • wheeled vehicle


  • all-terrain bike
  • balance
  • balance wheel
  • bicycle-built-for-two
  • bicycle wheel
  • buffing wheel
  • car wheel
  • cartwheel
  • cogwheel
  • daisy print wheel
  • daisy wheel
  • driving wheel
  • emery wheel
  • gear
  • gear wheel
  • geared wheel
  • grinding wheel
  • handwheel
  • mountain bike
  • nosewheel
  • off-roader
  • ordinary
  • ordinary bicycle
  • paddle wheel
  • paddlewheel
  • pinwheel
  • potter's wheel
  • push-bike
  • ratchet wheel
  • roller
  • roulette
  • rowel
  • safety bicycle
  • safety bike
  • sprocket
  • sprocket wheel
  • tandem
  • tandem bicycle
  • toothed wheel
  • trundle
  • velocipede
  • wagon wheel
  • water wheel
  • waterwheel




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