

词汇 tight


  • tight
  • tighter
  • tightest


  • ① 系紧的,紧的,坚固的,紧密的
    • a tight knot很紧的结
    • a tight cork in a bottle瓶口中塞得很紧的软木塞
    • The drawer was so tight that she couldn't open it.那抽屉这么紧,以致她打不开。
  • ② 1无漏洞的,(空气、水等)不漏的2[常用于复合语]不透…的,不漏…的,防…的,耐…的→airtight; watertight
    • a tight ship [roof]不漏水的船[屋顶]
  • ③ (绳等)绷紧的(←→slack; loose)
    • keep a tight rein on ...紧紧拉住[控制]…;对…严厉
  • ④ (布料等)质地紧密的
  • ⑤ 1(衣服等)合身的;(尤指)紧的,拘束的2(胸部的感觉等)紧绷似的,气闷的
    • tight shoes [trousers]适合的[紧的]鞋子[裤子]
    • It is a tight fit.这太紧了。
    • This shirt is tight under the arms.这件衬衫在腋下很紧。
    • I have a tight feeling in my chest.我的胸部有紧绷的感觉。
  • ⑥ (袋子等)满的,装满的;(时间等)紧凑的
    • a tight bale装得满满的一包
    • a tight schedule紧凑的工作预定表
    • My schedule today is very tight.我今天的预定工作排得很紧凑。
  • ⑦ (管理、取缔等)严格的
    • tight control严格的控制
    • keep a tight hand on a person严密监督某人
    • Security is very tight at the airport.机场的安全措施很严密。
  • ⑧ 进退两难的;狭的
  • ⑨ 银根紧的;(金融)紧迫的;(市场往来)稀少的(←→easy)
    • Money is very tight just now.目前银根很紧。
  • ⑩ 难以对付的,困难的;处于困境的
    • They're in a tight corner [situation] now.他们现在正处于困境。
  • ⑪ 【俚】喝醉的
    • get tight喝醉
  • ⑫ 【口】俭朴的,吝啬的
  • ⑬ 【口】不大会赚钱的
  • ⑭ 【口】难分上下的
    • a tight race [match]难分胜负的比赛


  • ① 牢固地,紧紧地,紧地
    • She closed her eyes tight.她紧闭眼睛。
    • Hold on tight!抓紧!
  • ② 充分地;好好地
    • Sleep tight.睡个好觉。


tight: 是loose的反义字,指将某物拉得很紧或捆住使不能动

a tight collar

taut: 指绳、线、布等伸张得很直,再拉的话就会断裂

a taut rope


  • tightenv.(使)变紧;(使)加紧
  • tightlyadv.紧紧地
  • tightnessn.坚固,紧张


  • sit tight
    • ① 坐稳
    • ② 坚持己见;固执


  • tenseadj.拉紧的;紧绷的
  • besotted
  • blind
  • bombed
  • boozed
  • boozy
  • cheap
  • chummy
  • clinging
  • close
  • close-fisted
  • cockeyed
  • cogent
  • compact
  • confining
  • costive
  • cramped
  • crapulent
  • crapulous
  • crocked
  • crowded
  • dense
  • drunk
  • drunken
  • familiar
  • fast
  • firm
  • friendly
  • hard-fisted
  • high
  • inebriate
  • inebriated
  • intimate
  • intoxicated
  • just
  • lean
  • lit
  • loaded
  • looped
  • mean
  • miserly
  • narrow
  • neat
  • neck and neck
  • niggard
  • niggardly
  • nip and tuck
  • orderly
  • packed
  • parsimonious
  • penny-pinching
  • penurious
  • petty
  • pickled
  • pinching
  • pixilated
  • plastered
  • potted
  • rough
  • secure
  • shipshape
  • sloshed
  • smashed
  • snug
  • sodden
  • solid
  • sound
  • soused
  • spare
  • spick-and-span
  • spruce
  • stewed
  • sticky
  • stiff
  • stingy
  • stinking
  • stinko
  • stoned
  • taut
  • tenacious
  • thick
  • tidy
  • tightfisted
  • tipsy
  • tricky
  • trig
  • trim
  • valid
  • well-founded
  • well-groomed
  • well-grounded
  • zonked
  • blind drunk
  • blotto
  • closely
  • compressed
  • fuddled
  • mingy
  • nasty
  • pie-eyed
  • pissed
  • rigorous
  • slopped
  • soaked
  • sozzled
  • squiffy
  • stringent
  • wet


  • looseadj.松的;宽松的
  • leaky




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