

词汇 so




  • ① 如此,如是;如彼
    • He [It] is better so.他[这件事]这样比较好。
    • Do it so.照这样做。
  • ② 1这么地;那么地2[用以强调]【口】极;非常;很(=very)
    • I have never seen so big a fish [such a big fish].我从来没有见过这么大的鱼。
    • She couldn't speak, she got so excited [so did she get excited].她说不出话来,她就是那么兴奋(★可改写为She got so excited that she could not speak.)。
    • That's so sweet of you!你为人真好!
    • (I'm) so sorry!非常对不起!很抱歉!
    • Thank you so much.多谢你。
    • You've been so kind.你实在亲切。
    • She so wants to meet you.她非常想见你。
  • ③[当补语用]1按这种状况;如前所述2[代替形容词]
    • Is that so?是这样吗?有这回事吗?
    • Not so.不是这样。
    • How so?怎么会这样呢?
    • if so如果这样
    • They call him a whiz kid, but he doesn't like to be so called.他们称他为神童,但他不喜欢被人这样称呼。
    • He's poor-as much so or more so than I.他穷-跟我一样穷或者比我更穷(两个so均代替poor)。
    • He is angry-so much so that he can hardly speak.他生气--气得连话都几乎说不出来。
  • ④[与(助)动词be、have、do等连用]1[对前述的事项表示同意、确认等]正是;正如所说;实际如此2[附于不同主词的肯定叙述]也一样;亦复如此
    • You said it was soft, and so it is.你说过它软,确实是软。(前一个so属于如此…以致于的用法)
    • My birthday? Why, so it is.是我的生日?哦,正是我的生日。
    • "You look very disappointed."-"So I am."「你看起来很失望」「是啊,太失望了。」
    • "They work very efficiently."-"So they do."「他们工作很有效率。」「不错,真是如此。」
    • John is a college student, and so am I.约翰是个大学生,我也一样。
    • The door is open, and so are the windows.门开着,窗户也开着。
    • He can speak German, and so can his brother.他会说德语,他的弟弟也会。
  • ⑤[代替名词]1[当作动词say, tell, think, hope, expect, suppose, believe, fear, hear等的受词]2[当作动词do(→do²)的受词]3[置于or之后]大约;左右
    • "Is she coming?"-"I believe so."「她会来吗?」「我相信她会来。」
    • I think so.我想是这样。
    • I suppose so.=So I suppose.我想大概是这样。
    • I told you so.我跟你这样说过。
    • Do you say so?=You don't say so?真有这种事?果真如此?(表示惊讶)
    • He was asked to resign, but he refused to do so.他被要求辞职,但他拒绝。
    • A day or so is needed for that.那需要一天左右。
  • ⑥[当连接词用]1因此;所以2[用于句首]于是;终于;似乎
    • The dog was hungry(,) (and) so we fed it.狗饿了,所以我们给牠东西吃。
    • So you are here again.于是你就再来啦。
    • So there you are!这就差不多!
    • So that's that.好,就算这样吧(★谈话或议论欲告一段落时常用此句)。
  • ⑦[当相关连接词用]1[as ... So ...]像…那样;与…一样2[so ... As ...]如…;[用于否定]和…一样的程度3[so ... as to-V;参照so as to][表程度]到…程度4[so ... as to-V;参照so as to][表结果]如此…以致于…5[so ... as to-V;参照so as to][表目的]以便…;为要…6[so ... that ...][表状态、程度]如此;至…程度7[so ... that ...][表结果]如此…以致于8[so ... that ...][表目的]为了…;以便…9[so ... but ...]=So ... that ... not如此…以致于
    • Just as the tiger is the king of the jungle, so the shark is [so is the shark] the king of the sea.正如老虎为丛林之王一样,鲨鱼为大海之王。
    • People here do not shake hands so much as you do in Europe.本地的人不像欧洲人那么常行握手礼。
    • I am not so tall as he is.我没有像他那么高(★亦作not as ... as)。
    • Nobody can be so naive as to believe it.没有人会天真到去相信它。
    • He was so angry as to be unable to speak [He was so angry (that) he could not speak].他气得说不出话来。
    • Come so early as to be in plenty of time.尽早来以便有充裕的时间。
    • It so happened that she was not there.碰巧她不在那里。
    • Those streams are so small that they cannot be shown in your maps.这些溪流这么小,以致于在地图上找不到。
    • He so handled the matter that he won over his opponents.他这样处理事件为的是博得反对者的支持。
    • He hurried to the station so that he might catch the last train.他赶到火车站以便赶上最后一班车。
    • He is not so deaf but he can hear a cannon.他并不是聋到听不见大砲声。


  • ① 【美口】为了…
    • Turn it from time to time so it may be cooked alike on both sides.为使两面煎得一样,要不时将它翻过来。
  • ② 【古】只要…;若…(=if)
    • So it is done, it matters not how.只要能完成,怎么做都无所谓。


  • ① 喔;好,这样好;行啦
    • A little more to the right, so!再向右边一点儿,行啦!
  • ② 就留在那里;别动;安静;站住;(叫牛、马)停!


(1)so作adv. 释义「当作动词say, tell, think, hope, ...等的受词」用时,常可代替作受词的that子句;和这种用法的so相对的否定说法用not:

The war will soon end.

I hope so

(=that it will)

[I'm afraid not

(=that it won't)




(2) so作「[表结果]如此…以致于」以及「[表目的]为了…;以便…」的用法,



They were so close to me (that) I heard every word they spoke.


He stayed there a day longer so (that) he could avoid the holiday traffic congestion.

为了避免假日交通的拥塞, 他在那边多停留了一天。

如第二例句, that被省略后, so 就当连接词用。


do so的用法只限于前一句话的动词为主动态之时; 如:

The flower in the park must not be gathered. Anyone found gathering them will be prosecuted.

公园中的花不可摘, 凡是被发觉摘花者将受检举。

其中的gathering them便不得以doing so代替。


  • and so
    • ① 同样地;亦;所以,因而
  • every so often
    • ① 【美】不时,有时,时时,偶尔
  • not so much
    • ① 不如…那么多…
    • He has not so much money as I have.他的钱没有我这么多。
  • not so much as ...
    • ① 甚至不[无]…
    • ② 与其说…倒不如说…
    • He is not so much a philosopher as a poet.与其说他是哲学家,倒不如说是诗人。
    • The question is not so much what it is as how it looks.问题倒不在其本质,而在其外观。
  • so [in so] far as ...
    • ① 仅就…;在…的范围内
    • so far as I know [am concerned]就我所知[个人来说]
  • so and in no other way
    • ① 惟有这个方法;没有其他方法
  • So be it.
    • ① 就这样吧(表示无可奈何、承诺);但愿如此(=amen)。
  • so called
    • ① 所谓的(参照so-called)
  • so far from V-ing ...
    • ① 不但不…(反而…)(参照far from)
  • so many
    • ① 同样多的;只有这么多的;这么多的;同数的
    • They worked like so many ants.他们像那么多的蚂蚁在工作。
    • If you are told to read so many books in a week, you should do just as you are told.假如要你一周看这么多本书,你应当照办。
    • in so many words露骨地[清楚地、不客气地](说等)
    • So many men, so many minds.【谚】十个人十个想法。
  • so much
    • ① (和…)同量的;只有这么多的;多少…的
    • His collection was only so much rubbish.他的收藏品全是废物。
    • at so much a day [a head]每天[每人]多少
    • so much brandy and so much water多少白兰地酒就多少水
    • so much as ...仅仅…(而不);甚至…(不)
    • She left me without so much as a good-bye.她连一声再见也不说就离开了我。
  • so much for ...
    • ① 到此为止[结束]
    • ② 【轻蔑】…不过如此
    • So much for his learning!他的学问不过如此!
    • So much for meddling!爱管闲事就落得这个下场!
  • so much more
    • ① 越为,更加
  • so so
    • ① 【口】没什么好,也没什么不好;马马虎虎
  • so that
    • ①[表目的]为了…;以便…(=in order that)
    • ②[表结果]因而,所以
    • ③[表条件]【古】如果,假使(=if)
  • so then
    • ① 是故;那么;假设如此
  • so to say [speak]
    • ① 可以说;好比;如同(=as it were)
    • The horse is, so to speak, a member of the farming family.那匹马可以说是该农家的一分子。


  • thereforeadv.所以




  • ① =sol¹




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