

词汇 cool


  • cool
  • cools
  • cools
  • cooling
  • cooled
  • cooled
  • cool
  • cooler
  • coolest


  • ① 凉的;微冷的,令人感觉凉爽的(参照warm adj.)
    • a cool day [air]凉爽的日子[空气]
    • The weather is cooler now.天气现在比较凉爽。
    • a cool color凉爽的颜色(如奶油色)
    • a cool drink清凉饮料
    • It's getting cool.天气渐渐变凉了。
    • Store it in a cool, dry place.把它保存在干燥凉的地方。
    • keep a room cool使房间凉爽
    • She wore a cool dress.她穿一件凉爽的衣服。
  • ② 1冷静[镇定]的2冷淡的,不热心的3厚颜的,无耻的
    • He tried to remain [keep, stay] cool.他设法保持冷静。
    • He has a cool head.他有冷静的头脑。
    • Keep cool!保持冷静吧!
    • He gave me a cool look.他冷淡地看我一眼。
    • a cool reception [greeting]冷淡的接待[问候]
    • He is cool to [toward] her.他对她冷淡。
    • a cool customer厚颜的人(★亦称a cool fish [hand]但此时的cool【美】作释义「了不起的,很棒的」)
  • ③ 【口】整整的;不折不扣的;不虚报的
    • He's worth a cool million dollars.他身价整整一百万美元。
  • ④ 【猎】(猎物的遗臭)微弱的(参照warm adj.)
  • ⑤ 【俚】了不起的,很棒的,[酷]
    • She looks really cool in that dress.她穿那件衣服看起来真「酷」。
  • ⑥ 【爵士乐】从容而有理智的,幽静的


  • ①[the cool]凉爽;凉爽的时间或地方
    • They enjoyed the cool of the evening.他们享受晚间的凉爽。
  • ②[one's cool]【俚】冷静,沉着
    • keep one's cool保持冷静
    • lose one's cool失去冷静;兴奋起来


  • ① 使变凉[微冷];使变冷静[冷淡];平息(怒气等)
    • This shower will soon cool the air.这阵骤雨将很快使空气变得凉爽。
    • His selfishness has cooled her passion.他的自私已使她的激情冷却了。


  • ① 变凉[微冷];变冷静[冷淡];平息
    • The soup began to cool.汤开始变凉。
    • Her anger hasn't cooled yet.她的怒气尚未平息。


  • ① 【口】冷静地


cool: 表示不激动或狂热,即使遭遇艰苦也能保持冷静

composed: 是抑制感情,积极面对困境镇定处理

collected: 指面对困难或危险能抑制感情,充分发挥能力


  • coolern.冷却器


  • cool down [off]
    • ① (热情、怒气等)变冷淡[冷静],平息
    • His affection for her is cooling down.他对她的爱正逐渐冷淡。
  • cool it
    • ① 【俚】冷静下来
    • Don't get mad, Bob. Cool it.巴布,不要生气,冷静下来吧。
  • cool, calm, and collected
    • ① 【口】沉着的,冷静的
    • He kept cool, calm, and collected.他保持冷静。
  • Keep your breath to cool your porridge.
    • ① 不要多嘴管闲事(原义:省下你的气来吹冷你的麦片粥)。
  • play it cool
    • ① 【口】保持冷静
    • If the boss walks in, just play it cool.如果老板进来,保持冷静就是了。


  • chillyadj.寒冷的
  • coldadj.冷的
  • composedadj.冷静的
  • frigidadj.冰冷的
  • indifferentadj.冷漠的
  • aloof
  • aplomb
  • balance
  • calm
  • chill
  • collect
  • collected
  • collectedness
  • compose
  • composure
  • contain
  • control
  • cool-headed
  • coolness
  • dandy
  • detached
  • distant
  • divine
  • dreamy
  • equanimity
  • even
  • even-tempered
  • fabulous
  • fantastic
  • fantastical
  • glorious
  • great
  • groovy
  • hot
  • imperturbability
  • imperturbable
  • imperturbableness
  • keen
  • marvelous
  • neat
  • nifty
  • nippy
  • nonchalance
  • nonchalant
  • offish
  • poise
  • possessed
  • remote
  • reserved
  • reticent
  • ripping
  • sang-froid
  • self-possession
  • sensational
  • shivery
  • simmer down
  • solitary
  • splendid
  • standoffish
  • super
  • superb
  • swell
  • terrific
  • tremendous
  • unapproachable
  • uncommunicative
  • undemonstrative
  • unflappability
  • unflappable
  • unruffled
  • withdrawn
  • wonderful
  • assuredness
  • cool down
  • cool off
  • coolheaded
  • nerveless


  • heat
  • warm


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • measure
  • quantity
  • amount
  • fundamental quantity
  • fundamental measure
  • temperature
  • coldness
  • cold
  • low temperature
  • frigidity
  • frigidness
  • cool


  • calm
  • calmness
  • cold
  • coldness
  • composure
  • equanimity
  • frigidity
  • frigidness
  • low temperature




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