

词汇 shift


  • shift
  • shifts
  • shifts
  • shifting
  • shifted
  • shifted


  • ① 移动;转移;改变(场地、方向等);调换
    • shift the scenes(舞台、小说等)改换场面
    • shift one's ground改变立场;(辩论中)改变观点;由另一角度探讨问题
    • He shifted the ball from one hand to the other.他将球从一手换到另一手。
    • He didn't shift his gaze [eyes] from her.他的眼光没有离开她。
    • We shifted the desk around.我们转移书桌。
    • They shifted the piano into another room.他们把钢琴移到另一个房间。
  • ② 转嫁(责任、罪等)<to, onto>
    • She tried to shift the blame to [onto] someone else.她试图诿过于他人。
  • ③ 改换为(他物)
    • shift jobs换职业,改行
  • ④ 【美】换(汽车等的)档→shift gears


  • ① 移动;转移;改变位置;(舞台等)变换;(风)变方向;(汽车)换档
    • The cargo shifted.(因船摇动而)货物移动。
    • She shifted from place to place.她到处迁移。
    • He shifted uneasily in his seat.他在座位上不安地动来动去。
    • The wind shifted (round) to the north.风向转到北方。
    • She shifted about to escape the danger.她(的住所)迁来迁去以逃避危险。
  • ② 【美】换(汽车的)档<up, down; into, to>
    • shift up [down] into third向上[向下]换为三档
  • ③[通常作shift for oneself]想尽办法做;筹划;设法过日子
    • You must shift for yourself.你必须自己想办法;你必须自行谋生。


  • ① (风向等的)改变;(场面的)变换;转移;变迁;【言】音的变化
    • a shift in the wind风向的改变
    • a shift in policy [fashion, public opinion]政策[时尚、舆论]的改变
    • a shift of scenery场面的转换
  • ② 轮值,轮班;换班时间;[集合用法]轮值的班→night shift
    • I prefer the morning shift.我宁愿上早班。
    • an eight-hour shift八小时班
    • The nurses worked eight hours a day in three shifts.那些护士每天以轮三班制工作八小时。
    • She's on the afternoon shift this week.她这个星期上下午班。
  • ③[常用复数形]手段;手法;权宜之计;计谋;欺诈;计策
    • as a temporary shift做为权宜之计
    • for a shift为权宜之计
    • be put [reduced] to shifts采取最后手段
    • resort to dubious shifts诉诸可疑的手段
  • ④ 【矿】(小)断层
  • ⑤ 【乐】(弦乐器或伸缩喇叭演奏时的)位置移动(的效果)
  • ⑥ (农作物的)轮作
  • ⑦ 【古】妇女用的宽松内衣(=chemise)
  • ⑧ (打字时用的)大写切换键(打大写字母时往下按)
  • ⑨ 【美】(汽车的)变速设备(=gearshift)


move: 指由某处移至他处,为意义最广的用语

move a desk [table]

remove: 指由原来的地方[位置]移到新的[临时的]地方[位置]

remove one's jacket

shift: 指将位置[场所、方向](稍微)变更;常表不安定或不稳定

He often shifts from place to place.

transfer: 指变更输送的方法、保管的场所、所有权等

We transferred to a local train.


  • shiftyadj.善用策略的;不可靠的,不诚实的


  • make shift
    • ① 将就使用<with>
    • ② 设法
    • I must make shift to finish this task today.我必须设法在今天完成这件工作。


  • changev.改变
  • movev.移动
  • switchv.转换
  • transferv.转移
  • turnn.轮值
  • variationn.变化
  • work periodn.工作时间
  • avert
  • bout
  • changeover
  • commutation
  • commute
  • conversion
  • deflect
  • deviate
  • dislocate
  • dislocation
  • displace
  • displacement
  • disturb
  • disturbance
  • divert
  • do
  • exchange
  • expediency
  • expedient
  • fare
  • fend
  • get along
  • get by
  • go
  • hitch
  • inning
  • interchange
  • make out
  • makeshift
  • manage
  • maneuver
  • metamorphosis
  • movement
  • muddle through
  • mutation
  • passage
  • pivot
  • rearrangement
  • remove
  • shake
  • spell
  • stint
  • stopgap
  • stretch
  • substitute
  • substitution
  • swap
  • swing
  • tack
  • time
  • tour
  • trade
  • transfiguration
  • transformation
  • transit
  • transition
  • translation
  • transmogrification
  • transmutation
  • transposition
  • transubstantiation
  • trick
  • twist
  • veer
  • watch
  • agitate
  • break
  • budge
  • careen
  • change over
  • chemise
  • dislodge
  • duty period
  • fault
  • faulting
  • fracture
  • geological fault
  • lurch
  • pitch
  • reposition
  • sack
  • shift key
  • shifting
  • shimmy
  • slip
  • stir
  • switching
  • teddy
  • tilt
  • wobble
  • work shift


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • happening
  • occurrence
  • occurrent
  • natural event
  • movement
  • motion
  • change of location
  • travel
  • translation
  • shift
  • displacement


  • alteration
  • change
  • cleft
  • crack
  • crevice
  • crew
  • dress
  • fissure
  • frock
  • gang
  • hours
  • key
  • modification
  • motion
  • move
  • movement
  • scissure
  • translation
  • undergarment
  • unmentionable
  • work party


  • advance
  • amplitude
  • betterment
  • changeover
  • conversion
  • day shift
  • day watch
  • degeneration
  • evening shift
  • go
  • graveyard shift
  • improvement
  • inclined fault
  • luxation
  • night shift
  • population shift
  • pyrolysis
  • relay
  • retrogression
  • sea change
  • spell
  • split shift
  • strengthening
  • strike-slip fault
  • sublimation
  • swing shift
  • switcheroo
  • tin disease
  • tin pest
  • tin plague
  • tour
  • transition
  • trick
  • turn
  • watch
  • weakening




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