

词汇 test


  • test
  • tests
  • tests
  • testing
  • tested
  • tested


  • ① 试验,检验,测验,考验
    • a blood test验血
    • a urine test验尿
    • a nuclear test核子试验
    • an English test英语测验
    • a written test笔试
    • give [take] a test in mathematics举行[接受]数学测验
    • put ... to the test使…受考验;试验…
    • stand [bear] the test经得起考验;检验合格
    • His poetry failed to stand [withstand] the test of time.他的诗经不起时间的考验。
  • ② 试验品,试金石;试验的手段<of>
    • Poverty is a test of character.贫穷是品行的试金石。
  • ③ 【化】实验,分析,鉴定
  • ④ 【英口】=test match


  • ① 1试验2考验3检验;检查<for>4测验,考<in>
    • test new drugs试验新药
    • The long-distance race tested our physical strength.那次长距离赛跑考验我们的体力。
    • I got [had] my eyesight tested.我检验我的视力。
    • He tested the car tire for a puncture.他检查汽车车轮胎有无破洞。
    • He tested the water for pollution.他检查那水,看有没有受到污染。
    • The teacher tested us in mathematics this morning.今天早上老师考我们数学。
  • ② 【化】分析鉴定


  • ① 探测<for>


trial: 指人或物在使用之前,对其价值、能力、性能等实际上加以试验

experiment: 指为了发现某物,测知某物的性能,或为了实地证明已知之物而做的试验

test: 指在某种条件下,按一定的标准,为了确定某人[物]的能力、性能等所做的试验


  • testern.试验者,检查者


  • analysisn.分析
  • checkn.检查
  • confirmationn.证实
  • examn.考试
  • examinationn.考试
  • proofn.证明
  • quizn.小考
  • assay
  • benchmark
  • catechism
  • catechization
  • criterion
  • essay
  • examine
  • experiment
  • experimental
  • experimentation
  • gauge
  • mark
  • measure
  • pilot
  • prove
  • standard
  • touchstone
  • trial
  • try
  • try out
  • tryout
  • yardstick
  • mental test
  • mental testing
  • psychometric test
  • run
  • screen
  • trial run


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • cognition
  • knowledge
  • noesis
  • process
  • cognitive process
  • mental process
  • operation
  • cognitive operation
  • higher cognitive process
  • thinking
  • thought
  • thought process
  • cerebration
  • intellection
  • mentation
  • problem solving
  • inquiry
  • enquiry
  • research
  • experiment
  • experimentation
  • trial
  • trial run
  • test
  • tryout


  • attempt
  • communicating
  • communication
  • cover
  • covering
  • effort
  • endeavor
  • endeavour
  • experiment
  • experimentation
  • mental measurement
  • natural covering
  • try


  • IQ test
  • MOT
  • MOT test
  • Ministry of Transportation test
  • Snellen test
  • alpha test
  • assay
  • audition
  • bar exam
  • bar examination
  • beta test
  • clinical test
  • clinical trial
  • comp
  • comprehensive
  • comprehensive examination
  • double blind
  • entrance exam
  • entrance examination
  • exam paper
  • examination paper
  • field test
  • field trial
  • final
  • final exam
  • final examination
  • fitting
  • intelligence test
  • litmus test
  • midterm
  • midterm exam
  • midterm examination
  • oral
  • oral exam
  • oral examination
  • personality test
  • pilot program
  • pilot project
  • preclinical phase
  • preclinical test
  • preclinical trial
  • prelim
  • preliminary exam
  • preliminary examination
  • question sheet
  • quiz
  • road test
  • sub-test
  • test paper
  • trial balloon
  • tripos
  • try-on
  • trying on
  • tryout
  • viva
  • viva voce




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