

词汇 turn


  • turn
  • turns
  • turns
  • turning
  • turned
  • turned


  • ① 1转动(钥匙、螺丝等),翻转;扭转(栓等)2转过(街角等);迂回(敌人的侧面)
    • turn a wheel转动轮子
    • turn a key in the lock在锁中转动钥匙
    • I turned the handle and pushed the door open.我转动把手,把门推开。
    • She turned the cock off [on].她扭转活栓关[放](水等)。
    • turn a street corner转过街角
  • ② 1翻(书页)2翻转(衣服)3折回(边等)<back, in, up>;把(刀口)弄卷,使钝;翻(土)<over>
    • turn (over) the page翻书页(→P.T.O.)
    • I had my old overcoat turned.我把旧大衣翻个面。
  • ③ 1倒转(位置、姿势),翻倒2翻转身体做(体育表演)3仔细思考(某事),深思熟虑
    • She turned a cake on the gridiron.她把烤架上的饼翻过来。
    • Take care not to turn over the lamp.小心别把灯弄翻了。
    • He turns everything upside down [inside out].他把每件事都搞乱了。
    • turn a somersault翻筋斗
    • I have turned the idea over and over in my mind.我已再三考虑过那个构想。
  • ④ 1改变…的方向[位置];转向…方向;转变(注意力等);转移(谈话到…);(在用途上)抵充2闪开(子弹、攻击等)
    • Please turn your eyes this way.请朝这边看。
    • She turned her head round and saw the dog.她转头看,看到那条狗。
    • The plane turned its course to the west.飞机转向西行。
    • He turned his back to the audience.他背向观众。
    • He turned even his errors to account [good use].他甚至从错误中获取教训。
    • She wouldn't turn her attention to what I was saying.她不愿意注意我所说的话。
    • He turned the telescope on the star.他把望远镜朝向那颗星。
    • He turned the conversation away from that unpleasant subject.他把那个不愉快的话题岔开。
    • He turned the blow with his arm.他以手臂挡开那一击。
    • turn a bullet躲开子弹
  • ⑤ 使变化,改变
    • Nobody can turn him from his goal [path].没有人能改变他的目标[路途]。
  • ⑥ 1改变(…的性质、形状等)<into, to>2翻译,改述,改写
    • turn love to hate使爱变成恨
    • Heat turns water into steam.热使水变成蒸汽。
    • She turned her tears into laughter [a smile].她破涕为笑。
    • Turn this sentence into Chinese.把这句话译成中文。
    • turn verse into prose把诗改写为散文
  • ⑦ 1使成为,致使2使(食物等)变质,使酸败
    • Worry turned her hair gray.烦恼使她的头发变灰白。
    • Bacteria turned the milk sour.细菌已使牛奶变酸。
    • Warm weather turns milk.热天气使牛奶酸败。
  • ⑧ 使(精神、脑子)错乱,搅乱;使作呕
    • Victory has turned his head.胜利使他狂妄[自满]。
    • Their behavior turned his stomach.他们的行为使他作呕。
  • ⑨ 超过(某年龄、时间、金额)
    • He has turned seventy.他已年逾七十。
    • It has just turned six.现在刚过六点钟。
  • ⑩ 说得好
    • She turns a pretty compliment.她很会说动听的恭维话。
  • ⑪ 使去,逐出,遣走
    • turn a person out (of doors)把某人赶出[门]去
    • She never turns (away) a beggar from her door.她从不把乞丐从门口赶走。
  • ⑫ 扭伤
    • She turned her ankle.她扭伤她的足踝。
  • ⑬ 赚得
    • Our company turned $30,000 last month.我们公司上个月赚了三万美元。
    • They turned a huge profit on the sale.他们在那笔买卖赚得巨大的利润。


  • ① 1转动,旋转2滚,翻身
    • This faucet will not turn.这个龙头转不动。
    • The wheels turned faster and faster.那些轮子愈转愈快。
    • He turned on his heel(s).他用脚跟转身。
    • The earth turns around [on] its axis.地球以地轴为中心而运转。
    • He often turns (over) while sleeping [in his sleep].他时常在睡觉时翻来覆去。
  • ② 1倾覆;翻过来2(衣服、刀口等)卷起,成圆形
  • ③ 1转向,转弯;回头,折回2改变态度,背叛,反抗(参照turn against [on])3(思想、注意、欲望等)转向4依赖,依靠<to; for>(★可用被动式)
    • She turned and looked at him.她回头看他。
    • It's time to turn now.现在该折返了。
    • I didn't know where [which way] to turn.我不知如何是好。
    • She turned away from me.她把脸转过去不理我。
    • The car turned round the corner [to the left].车子在街角转弯[向左转]。
    • The road turns west [to the west] here.路在此处转向西方。
    • His thoughts often turn to her.他时常想到她的事情。
    • His hopes turned to his children.他寄望他的子女。
    • I have no one but you to turn to.我只有你可依靠。
    • He turned to her for help [advice].他向她求助[讨教]。
  • ④ 依…而定;以…为转移<on, upon>
    • Everything turns on his decision.每件事都要看他的决定而定。
    • The future of our nation turns upon this reform.我国的将来端赖这项改革。
  • ⑤ 1转化,转变2(潮流、形势等)变化3变成4变味;变色
    • Caterpillars turn into butterflies.毛虫会变成蝴蝶。
    • Love can turn to hate.爱可成为恨。
    • Day turned into night.白天变成了夜晚。
    • The tide has turned.潮水已改变了;情势已转变。
    • She turned pale.她的脸色变苍白。
    • The weather has turned cold.天气变冷了。
    • He has turned Democrat [Christian].他变成一个民主党员[基督教徒]。(★turn的补语名词不加冠词)
    • The milk has turned sour in the heat.牛奶已在热气中变酸。
    • The maple leaves have turned red.枫叶已变红。
    • The milk has turned.牛奶已变酸。
    • The leaves began to turn.那些叶子开始变色。
  • ⑥ 晕眩;作呕
    • Her head turned at the sight of the accident.她一看到那件事故就感到晕眩。


  • ① 转动,旋转,扭转
    • a turn of a handle把手的转动
    • Give the handle a few turns.将手转动几下。
    • a turn of the dice骰子的滚动
    • A slight turn of the handle opened the door.把手轻轻一转门就开了。
    • at a turn of the knob把手一扭转
  • ② 转换(方向),转向;曲折,弯曲;转弯;转角,曲折部→U-turn
    • No Right [Left] Turn.【告示】禁止右[左]转。
    • a turn in the river [road]河[路]的转角
    • The car made [took] a sudden turn to the left.那部车突然向左转弯。
    • About turn!【号令】向后转!
    • Right [Left] turn!【号令】向右[左]转!
  • ③ 1[the turn]转捩点,转机2[a turn](情势的)变化,转变;演变
    • the turn of life更年期
    • Paris was a wonderful city at the turn of the century.在世纪交替时,巴黎是个美妙的城市。
    • an odd [unfortunate] turn of events事件的奇怪[不幸]的转变[演变]
    • take a turn for the better [worse](情势、病等)好转[恶化]
  • ④ 1[a turn]走一圈,(轻松)散步;驾车2[a turn]一阵子(工作时日)3(表演的)一回,一场
    • Let's take [go for] a turn in the park.我们到公园去散步吧。
    • a turn of work一阵工作
    • take a turn at gardening [at the steering wheel]在花园里工作[开车开]一阵子
    • a song-and-dance turn一场歌舞表演
  • ⑤ 轮流,轮班
    • wait one's turn (to do something)等候轮到自己(去做某事)
    • Your turn has come.轮到你了。
    • It's your turn to pay the bill.现在轮到你付帐了。
  • ⑥[附有good, bad等修饰语](好、坏)行为;(不)亲切
    • do a person a good [bad] turn对某人态度亲切[恶劣];帮[不帮]某人忙
    • A [One] good turn deserves another.【谚】施惠者当受惠,受施勿忘报。
  • ⑦ 1[a turn](与生俱来的)性质,性向;(特别的)癖,才能,性能2样子,形状(=shape)3(特别的)说法,措辞,表现
    • a cheerful turn (of mind)爽朗愉快的气质
    • She has a turn for music.她有音乐的才能。
    • This car has a fine turn of speed.这部车子具有速度快的性能。
    • the turn of one's neck颈子的形状
    • a happy turn of expression一个完美[适切]的说法
  • ⑧ 【口】1[a turn]吓一跳,吃惊2(疾病等的)发作
    • It gave me quite a turn to see her there.看到她在那里使我十分吃惊。
    • He's had one of his turns.他的病又发作了。


turn: 为表「旋转」之意的最普通用语,可指转动一回[半回]或若干回

The wheel is turning.

rotate: 指以轴为中心而旋转

revolve: 可与rotate同义使用,尤指循着中心点周围的轨道旋转

The earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the sun.

spin: 指以轴为中心快速地旋转

whirl: 指非常快速地旋转

The leaves whirled about the garden.


  • at every turn
    • ① 在每一个角落,到处;经常,老是
    • He was welcomed at every turn.他到处受欢迎。
  • by turns
    • ① 交替地,轮流地,依次地
    • We drove by turns.我们轮流开车。
    • It snowed and blew by turns.风雪交互袭来。
  • in one's turn
    • ① 轮到自己;也跟着…
    • He was reprimanded in his turn.这一次轮到他挨骂。
  • in turn
    • ① 交互地;依次
    • My wife and I caught flu in turn.我太太和我相继感冒。
    • The students called out their names in turn.学生们依次报出自己的名字。
  • on the turn
    • ① 正在变化
    • ② 【口】(牛奶)变坏
    • This milk is on the turn.这牛奶要变坏了。
  • out of turn
    • ① 不依次;不按照顺序
    • ② 轻率地,不巧妙地,不合时宜地
    • You should not speak out of turn.你不可说不合时宜的话。
  • serve a person's turn
    • ① 对某人有用,适合某人需要
    • This book will serve your turn.这本书将对你有用。
  • take one's turn
    • ① 轮流
    • We all took our turns rowing.我们大家轮流划船。
  • take turns
    • ① 轮流…<at>
    • Let's take turns (at) washing dishes [at the wheel].我们轮流洗盘子[开车]吧。
  • to a turn
    • ① 刚好合适;恰好地
    • The meat was done to a turn.肉煮得恰到好处。
  • turn about
    • ① 转向;回头
    • ② 【军】向后转
  • turn against ...
    • ① 与…敌对[反抗],背叛;厌恶…(★可用被动式)
    • He turned against his friends.他背叛了朋友。
  • turn and turn about
    • ① 交替地,轮流地,依次地
    • My husband and I do the dishes turn and turn about.我丈夫与我轮流洗碗。
  • turn aside
    • ① 闪开;平息(怒气);避开;背过脸去
  • turn away
    • ① 不许…进入,驱逐;解雇,辞退
    • ② 背过脸去,不理睬<from>
    • She turned away from him in fear.她因害怕而把脸转过去避开他。
  • turn back
    • ① 逐回,赶回去;拨慢(钟表);折回来<from, to>;回归原位,回溯
  • turn down
    • ① 折叠;折回;翻倒(纸牌)
    • ② 将(煤气、灯火等的火)扭小;将(收音机等的音量)转小[放低]
    • ③ 拒绝[驳回](提案、候选人等)
    • She turned down the suitor [his proposal].她拒绝了那个求婚者[他的求婚]。
    • They turned down his application for a job.他们拒绝了他的求职申请。
  • turn in
    • ① 向内弯[折],向内叠(←→turn out)
    • ② 进入,追入
    • ③ 吸收(肥料等)于泥土中
    • ④ 提出(公文、辞呈等),递交
    • ⑤ 归还
    • ⑥ 引渡(犯人等)
    • ⑦[turn oneself](向警察)自首<to>
    • ⑧ 顺便进去
    • ⑨ 【口】就寝
    • ⑩ (脚趾等)向内弯
  • turn off
    • ① 关掉(煤气、自来水等),扭熄(灯光),关闭(收音机、电视)
    • ② 【英】解雇(仆人)
    • ③ 【口】使(某人)厌烦或厌恶;使(某人)失去兴趣
    • ④ 制造,生产
    • ⑤ (人)转向旁边的道路,(道路)分歧
    • Turn off at 96th Street.在九十六街转入旁边的道路。
  • turn on
    • ① 打开(煤气、自来水等);开(灯);扭开(收音机、电视)
    • ② 【口】使(某人)兴奋,给与性的刺激
    • ③ 【俚】以毒品使(某人)产生快感
    • ④[on为介词]使朝向
    • ⑤ 对…变得有敌意;袭击
    • ⑥ 视…而定
  • turn out
    • ① 逐出;解雇;赶出(猎物等);放出(家畜)(参照turn out of)
    • ② (脚趾等)向外,翻出
    • ③ 暴露
    • ④ 打扮,盛装(★常用被动式)
    • ⑤ 打开,倒出
    • ⑥ 做出,生产,制造
    • ⑦ 熄灭(煤气、火等)
    • ⑧ (脚趾等)向外弯曲
    • ⑨ 外出,出动,出去;发出
    • ⑩ 【口】起床
    • ⑪ 开始罢工
    • ⑫[或用It... that ...的句型](结果)变成…,结果判明为…,竟然
    • The night turned out cold and rainy.那个晚上结果是寒冷而下雨。
    • How did things turn out?事情结果怎么样?
    • The plan turns out well.那项计划结果很圆满。
    • He turned out (to be) a spy.他竟然是一名间谍。
    • It turns out that she has never been married.结果是她根本没结过婚。
    • As it turned out, ...事实(证明)是…。
  • turn out of ...
    • ① 倒出,翻出
    • ②[turn (someone) out of ...]将(某人)从…赶出;撵除
    • ③ 从…出来
  • turn over
    • ① 弄倒,翻倒;往下挖翻;倒翻(干草)(使晒阳光)
    • ② 翻(书页)
    • ③ 翻(文档等)找寻
    • ④ 考虑,深思熟虑
    • ⑤ 移交(工作、责任等),转交,让渡
    • ⑥ 【商】交易,周转(资金);做(…金额的)生意
    • ⑦ 翻身;滚
    • The yacht turned over.那艘游艇翻覆了。
  • turn round [around]
    • ① 旋转;回头
    • ② 意见[态度]转变;变节
    • ③ (尤指用言辞)攻击<on, upon>
    • ④[turn+受+round]使旋转;使朝向;使变节
  • turn someone against ...
    • ① 使(人)背叛…
  • turn to ...
    • ① 询问,打听,查阅(字典等)
    • ② 依赖,依靠;求助于
    • ③ 着手(工作等)
    • ④[to为adv.]开始工作
    • Let's turn to immediately.我们马上开始工作吧。
  • turn up
    • ① (向上)弯曲,折角
    • ② 弄翻过来,使上仰;翻起
    • ③ 【英口】使厌烦;使作呕
    • ④ 翻转(纸牌);把表面放置在上
    • ⑤ 使(灯火、煤气等)变大[强];将(收音机等)开大
    • ⑥ 掀起;掘起,发掘
    • ⑦[turn+受+up](在书本中)翻查…
    • ⑧ 出现;发生
    • ⑨ (某物)偶然出现[找到]
    • ⑩ 向上弯,向上仰
    • His nose turns up a little.他的鼻子有点儿往上翘。


  • avertvt.转移
  • revolvev.旋转
  • rotatevt./vi.旋转
  • shiftn.轮值
  • spinv.旋转
  • squirmvi.转动
  • swingvt./vi.旋转
  • transformvt.转变
  • whirlvt./vi.旋转
  • accouter
  • address
  • agonize
  • aim
  • alter
  • angle
  • apostatize
  • apply
  • appoint
  • aptitude
  • aptness
  • arc
  • arch
  • arise
  • arrive
  • attract
  • become
  • bed
  • bend
  • bent
  • bias
  • blackball
  • blow in
  • blunt
  • bout
  • bow
  • break down
  • buckle down
  • capsize
  • cast
  • change
  • check in
  • chew on
  • circle
  • circuit
  • circulation
  • circumvolution
  • circumvolve
  • cogitate
  • come
  • commend
  • commit
  • concentrate
  • confide
  • consider
  • consign
  • constitutional
  • contemplate
  • crash
  • crook
  • curvature
  • curve
  • cycle
  • decay
  • decline
  • decompose
  • dedicate
  • defect
  • deflect
  • deliberate
  • deliver
  • deny
  • depend on
  • derange
  • desert
  • deteriorate
  • deviate
  • devote
  • dig
  • direct
  • disallow
  • disintegrate
  • dismiss
  • disorder
  • displease
  • disposition
  • divert
  • dull
  • entertain
  • entrust
  • equip
  • evolution
  • excogitate
  • faculty
  • fit
  • fit out
  • flair
  • flop
  • focus
  • furnish
  • gear
  • genius
  • get
  • get in
  • get up
  • gift
  • give
  • go
  • grow
  • gyrate
  • gyration
  • hand
  • hand over
  • hang on
  • head
  • hinge on
  • hitch
  • inning
  • instinct
  • interest
  • intrigue
  • invert
  • knack
  • knock over
  • lay
  • leaning
  • level
  • maneuver
  • meditate
  • modify
  • molder
  • move
  • movement
  • mull
  • muse
  • mutate
  • negative
  • nix
  • offend
  • orbit
  • outfit
  • overthrow
  • overturn
  • partiality
  • penchant
  • pile
  • pivot
  • plow
  • point
  • ponder
  • predilection
  • predisposition
  • proclivity
  • proneness
  • propensity
  • provide
  • pull in
  • putrefy
  • rat
  • reach
  • refer
  • reflect
  • refract
  • refuse
  • reject
  • relegate
  • renegade
  • repair
  • resort
  • rest on
  • retire
  • reverse
  • revolution
  • rig
  • rise
  • roll out
  • rot
  • rotation
  • round
  • ruminate
  • run
  • send
  • set
  • show up
  • spell
  • spoil
  • sprain
  • spurn
  • squint
  • stint
  • stretch
  • study
  • submit
  • supply
  • tack
  • taint
  • talent
  • tendency
  • tergiversate
  • think
  • think out
  • think over
  • think through
  • time
  • topple
  • toss
  • tour
  • train
  • transfer
  • transpose
  • trend
  • trick
  • trust
  • turn on
  • turn over
  • twist
  • uncover
  • unearth
  • unsettle
  • upset
  • vary
  • veer
  • veto
  • walk
  • watch
  • wax
  • weigh
  • wheel
  • withhold
  • wrench
  • writhe
  • zero in
  • act
  • bit
  • call on
  • change by reversal
  • change state
  • deform
  • ferment
  • flex
  • good turn
  • move around
  • number
  • play
  • plough
  • release
  • rick
  • routine
  • sour
  • turn of events
  • turning
  • work
  • wrick


  • unbend


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • shape
  • form
  • line
  • curve
  • curved shape
  • bend
  • crook
  • twist
  • turn


  • activity
  • change of course
  • change of direction
  • curve
  • curved shape
  • development
  • division
  • duty period
  • favor
  • favour
  • motion
  • movement
  • part
  • performance
  • public presentation
  • reorientation
  • rotary motion
  • rotation
  • section
  • shift
  • walk
  • work shift


  • at-bat
  • attack
  • bat
  • bight
  • bottom
  • bottom of the inning
  • coming back
  • deflection
  • deflexion
  • deviation
  • digression
  • divagation
  • diversion
  • down
  • gyration
  • innings
  • kick turn
  • lead
  • left
  • move
  • return
  • reversal
  • revolution
  • right
  • rotation
  • ruff
  • show-stopper
  • showstopper
  • start
  • starting
  • stem
  • stem turn
  • stopper
  • swerve
  • swerving
  • telemark
  • three-point turn
  • top
  • top of the inning
  • trick
  • trumping
  • turn around
  • twiddle
  • veering
  • version
  • volution
  • yaw


  • cut into
  • delve
  • dig
  • turn over




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