

词汇 turn out

turn out


  • ① 逐出;解雇;赶出(猎物等);放出(家畜)(参照turn out of)
    • The teacher turned the naughty boy out.老师把那个顽皮的男孩赶出去。
  • ② (脚趾等)向外,翻出
  • ③ 暴露
  • ④ 打扮,盛装(★常用被动式)
    • She's always beautifully turned out.她总是打扮得很漂亮。
  • ⑤ 打开,倒出
    • Turn out your pockets!把口袋里的东西都掏出来!
  • ⑥ 做出,生产,制造
    • The factory turns out fifty thousand cars a year.那家工厂年产五万辆汽车。
    • This university has turned out a great many excellent scientists.这所大学培养了许多优秀的科学家。
  • ⑦ 熄灭(煤气、火等)
    • Turn out the lights when you go out.出去时请关灯。
  • ⑧ (脚趾等)向外弯曲
  • ⑨ 外出,出动,出去;发出
    • The whole town turned out to give blood.全镇的人都出来捐血。
    • Many boys turned out for baseball practice.很多学生出来练习棒球。
  • ⑩ 【口】起床
  • ⑪ 开始罢工
  • ⑫[或用It ... that ...的句型](结果)变成…,结果判明为…,竟然
    • The night turned out cold and rainy.那个晚上结果是寒冷而下雨。
    • How did things turn out?事情结果怎么样?
    • The plan turns out well.那项计划结果很圆满。
    • He turned out (to be) a spy.他竟然是一名间谍。
    • It turns out that she has never been married.结果是她根本没结过婚。
    • As it turned out, ...事实(证明)是…。


  • turn




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