

词汇 shoot


  • shoot
  • shoots
  • shoots
  • shooting
  • shot
  • shot


  • ① 放(砲);射(箭);发射;弹出(弹珠);射击;射中(猎物);枪杀;以…狩猎
    • shoot a bullet射出子弹
    • shoot a gun开枪
    • He shot an arrow from his bow.他由弓射出一枝箭。
    • shoot a bow射弓
    • The gun shot (off) a bullet.那枝枪射出一发子弹。
    • shoot a bird射鸟,打鸟
    • He shot himself.他举枪自杀。
    • The soldier was shot for a spy.那名士兵被当作间谍枪毙。
    • We have shot away all our ammunition.我们用尽所有的子弹。
    • He had his leg shot off.他有一条腿被砲火击断。
    • The bird was shot down.那只鸟被击落。
    • He shot an arrow at the target.他对着标的射箭。
    • He was shot in the arm.他的手臂中弹(★表身体某一部分的名词前面要加冠词the)。
    • The man was shot through the head [heart].那个人的头部[心脏]被射穿。
    • He shot an elephant (with a gun).他(用枪)射杀大象。
    • He was shot dead [to death].他被射杀。
  • ② 抛;投出;(太阳)发出(光线);放射;投(视线);(接二连三)提出(疑问等)
    • shoot a bolt用力关上[拔开]门闩
    • The snake shot out its tongue.那条蛇伸出了舌头。
    • The sun shot its beams through the clouds.太阳从云间射出光线。
    • A big box was shot out of the carriage.一口大箱子从车上被抛出。
    • He shot questions at me.他向我连续发问。
    • He shot a smile [an angry look] at me.=He shot me a smile [an angry look].他向我投以微笑[愤怒的一瞥]。
    • She shot me another indignant look.她投给我另一个愤慨的眼光。
  • ③ 发(芽);生(枝)
    • The trees are shooting out [forth] sprouts.树木正在发芽。
  • ④ (船)急速通过,穿过
    • shoot the rapids穿过急流
    • The boat shot the bridge.小船急速驶过桥下。
  • ⑤ 拍(照);【影】拍摄
    • I shot Alice as she dived into the lake.爱丽丝潜入湖中时,我给她拍了照。
    • He has shot many photographs [films].他拍过很多照片[视频]。
    • They shoot the scene nine times.那个场景他们拍摄了九次。
  • ⑥ 【球赛】(在球门前)射(球),投(球);【撞球】朝球袋(pocket)撞(球)
  • ⑦ 倾倒;倒空
    • shoot rubbish倾倒垃圾
  • ⑧ 【俚】将(毒品)注射(于静脉)
  • ⑨ 【海】测量(天体的)高度
    • shoot the sun以六分仪测量正午太阳的高度
  • ⑩ 掷(骰子)
    • shoot dice掷骰子
  • ⑪ 挂上(门钩等)
    • He shut the door and shot the bolt.他关门并上闩。


  • ① 射击;发射;(子弹等)射出;用枪打猎
    • "Don't shoot!" he shouted.他大叫: 「不要射击![不要开枪!]」
    • He shoots well.他精于射击。
    • He neither fishes nor shoots.他不钓鱼也不打猎。
    • His revolver did not shoot very straight.他的左轮枪射得不很直(射得不很准)。
    • shoot in the woods在森林里用枪打猎
    • go shooting去打猎
    • Shoot at that target.射击那个靶。
  • ② 冲出;急速移动;闪出光芒
    • The snake's tongue shot out.那条蛇的舌伸了出来。
    • The fountain shot up.泉水向上喷。
    • Then Tom began to shoot ahead.(赛跑时)然后汤姆开始冲刺超前。
    • The cape shoots out into the sea.岬伸入海中。
    • He shot out of the room.他冲出房间。
    • A cat shot past my window.一只猫从我的窗子旁边急速跑过去。
  • ③ 发芽;(急速)生长
    • The new leaves have shot forth.新叶长出来了。
    • Our corns are shooting up.我们的玉蜀黍正在茁长。
  • ④ 剧痛;阵阵地刺痛
    • The pain shot through [up] my leg.剧痛传遍我的腿。
  • ⑤ 拍照;【影】拍摄,拍电影
  • ⑥ 【球赛】射球门;投球
  • ⑦[用祈使法]【美俚】(要说的话)统统讲出来!


  • ① 射击;发射
  • ② 射击会;游猎会;游猎地
  • ③ 嫩枝;芽,苗;支脉,分脉
    • a bamboo shoot竹笋
  • ④ 【美】(太空船、火箭等)发射
    • a moon shoot探月火箭之发射
  • ⑤ 【美口】泻槽;斜槽(=chute)


branch: 为最普通的用语,泛指高矮树木的大小树枝

bough, limb: 为主枝或大枝; bough尤指长有花果的树枝中被砍剪切来的一枝

shoot: 主要指未发育的幼枝

twig: 指分出的细枝


  • shotn.射击,开枪


  • I'll be shot if ...
    • ① 假使…我这条命就给你;绝不会有那种事(★表强烈否认、否定)
    • I'll be shot if it is true.如果真有这种事,就打死我好了。
  • shoot away
    • ① 继续射击;不停地开枪;打完(枪弹)
  • shoot down
    • ① 击落
    • ② 【口】否决(提案、动议等)
    • shoot down a proposal否决一项提案
  • shoot from the hip
    • ① 【口】慌慌张张[贸然断定]地说话[行动]
  • shoot up
    • ① 狙击;【口】朝(市街等)乱开枪;乱开枪使(市街等)惊恐
    • ② 突然站立;(植物)迅速成长;(小孩)快速发育[长高];高耸;(物价)骤升
    • Jack shot up last year.杰克去年迅速长高。
    • The tower shoots up in the middle of the city.那座塔高耸于市中心。
    • Prices are shooting up.物价挺升。
  • the whole shoot
    • ① 【口】一五一十,全盘(=everything)




  • ① 【美口】咻!哇![shit的婉转语]




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