

词汇 worry


  • worry
  • worries
  • worries
  • worrying
  • worried
  • worried


  • ① 给…以麻烦
    • Stop worrying me; I am busy.别烦我,我很忙。
    • Don't worry me with those silly questions.别以那些愚蠢的问题来烦我。
    • She worried her father for money [to buy her a new car].她缠扰着她的父亲要钱[给她买一部新车]。
  • ②[常作worry oneself]使烦恼;使焦虑;使痛苦;使担心
    • What's worrying you?你到底在担心什么?
    • My headache is worrying me.头痛使我痛苦。
    • I am worried by her safety.她的安全使我担心。
    • Don't worry yourself about that.别为那事心焦。
    • I'm afraid she'll worry herself sick [to death].我担心她会烦恼过度而生病[而死]。
  • ③ (狗等)咬啮,咬散


  • ① 烦恼,焦虑,担心;感到烦躁,操心
    • Don't worry!不要担心!
    • Mother will worry if we don't telephone home.如果我们不打电话回家,母亲会担心的。
    • Don't worry about it.别为此事发愁。
    • There's nothing to worry about.没什么好担心的。
    • You needn't worry (about) trying to find me a girlfriend.你不必急于替我找女朋友(★V-ing 之前的介词常省略)。
    • She was worrying that you might miss the train.她正在担心你可能会赶不上火车。
  • ② 不断地苦思以解决(问题等)<at>
    • worry at the problem不断苦思以解决该问题
  • ③ 老缠着(某人要求做某事)<at>
    • He worried at me to buy him a new car.他老缠着我,要我给他买一部新车。
  • ④ (狗等)(把…)衔在口里摇<at>
    • The dog is worrying at a rat.那条狗把一只老鼠衔在嘴里摇动。


  • ① 忧虑;担心,心焦,烦恼
    • without worry没有忧虑
    • Worry kept her awake all night.她因忧虑而整夜无法入睡。
  • ② 烦恼事;心烦的原因
    • I don't have any worries.我没有任何烦恼的事。
    • Life is full of worries.人生充满了令人烦恼的事。
    • That naughty boy is a constant worry to his parents.那个顽皮的男孩经常给父母带来烦恼。


annoy: 指一时的烦扰或恼怒

The noise annoyed the patient.

vex: 指令人感到比annoy更大的恼怒、烦恼

The teacher was much vexed by the answer.

bother: 指以较琐碎之事麻烦或困恼某人

He often bothers me with silly questions.

tease: 指以反复的言行不断地揶揄或逗恼某人

The boy teased the dog till it bit him.

worry: 指令人感到很大的烦恼、忧虑、困扰等

The sick child worried the mother.

harass: 指不断地加以攻击、提出要求、加重担于某人等而使之烦恼困扰

He is harassed by business troubles.


care: 指由于责任、恐惧等所引起的内心的重荷、忧虑或烦恼

The care of living has aged her.

concern: 指对心爱或关怀的事物所感到的不安或操心

He showed concern over my success.

worry: 指对于某事所感到的往往是徒然的困扰或烦恼

Worry kept me awake.

anxiety: 指对于将来的不幸、灾难等所感到的模糊的不安

He saw the game of his team with anxiety.


  • I should worry!
    • ① 【美口】一点也没有关系;那倒很好!
  • not to worry
    • ① 【口】不用担心
    • We've missed the bus, but not to worry, there's another one in fifteen minutes.我们没赶上公车,不用担心,十五分钟后又有一班。
  • worry along
    • ① 【口】辛苦度过;克服困难前进而终于成功
  • worry out
    • ① 绞尽脑汁解决(问题等)
  • worry through
    • ① 努力干到底;毅然度过


  • anguishn.痛苦
  • badgerv.烦扰
  • botherv.使麻烦
  • concernn.担心
  • despairv.绝望
  • distressn.烦恼
  • disturbv.使烦恼
  • feel uneasyv.不安
  • griefn.悲伤
  • harassv.骚扰
  • miseryn.痛苦
  • troublev.使麻烦
  • troublen.麻烦
  • upsetv.使忧心
  • woen.悲伤
  • ail
  • angst
  • annoy
  • anxiety
  • anxiousness
  • bait
  • bedevil
  • beleaguer
  • beset
  • brood
  • care
  • cark
  • disquiet
  • disquietude
  • dwell
  • fret
  • harry
  • mope
  • nervousness
  • pester
  • plague
  • solicitude
  • stew
  • tease
  • torment
  • unease
  • uneasiness
  • headache
  • interest
  • occupy
  • vex
  • vexation


  • assurancen.确信
  • certaintyn.确定
  • comfortn.安慰
  • securityn.安全
  • calmv.使平静
  • comfortv.安慰
  • soothev.安抚
  • reassure


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • cognition
  • knowledge
  • noesis
  • information
  • stimulation
  • stimulus
  • stimulant
  • input
  • negative stimulus
  • concern
  • worry
  • headache
  • vexation


  • anxiety
  • negative stimulus


  • bugaboo
  • burden
  • business
  • encumbrance
  • incumbrance
  • load
  • onus




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