

词汇 to


/tə], before vowels [tu], strong form [tuː//tə/


  • ①[表方向]1[不含到达之意]向…方2[含有到达之意;亦用于比喻用法]到…,至…3[表方位]在…方
    • The car turned to the left.车子向左转。
    • get to London到达伦敦
    • come to the crown登上王位
    • to that end为达该目的
    • I have often been to Scotland.我时常到苏格兰去。
    • I have been to the station to see my friend off.我曾到车站送别朋友。
    • The museum is to the south of the park.博物馆在公园的南方(参照The pavilion is in the south of the park.那个凉亭在公园(内)的南部)。
  • ②[表状态、境遇的变化方向]变成
    • rise to fame成名
    • come to attention采取注意的姿势
    • To horse!上马!
  • ③[表到达点、限度、程度、结果]至,到
    • He was wet to the skin.他全身湿透了。
    • cut to the heart深深地感受
    • To the best of my knowledge, she isn't married.就我所知道的,她没有结婚。
    • to that [this] extent到那[这]程度
    • He was faithful to the last.他忠实到底,他始终是忠实的。
    • He drank himself to death.他饮酒至死。
  • ④[表结果、效果]到…;使得…,…的是
    • She tore the letter to pieces.她把那封信撕得粉碎。
    • to one's cost变成某人的损失
    • to no purpose徒然,白白地
    • to one's surprise [disappointment, sorrow]令某人惊讶[失望、悲伤]的是
    • to the point [purpose]中肯,适当地
    • The train slowed to a stop.火车减速停车。
  • ⑤[表接触]到…,向…
    • apply soap to a towel抹肥皂于毛巾上
  • ⑥[表时间的终了]到;差(…分)(=【美】of; before)
    • I'll stay to the end of July.我将待到七月底。
    • at (a) quarter to six六点差一刻
    • It's ten (minutes) to nine.九点差十分。
  • ⑦[表目的]为…
    • They came to my rescue [help].他们来救[帮助]我。
    • They sat down to dinner.他们坐下来吃晚餐。
  • ⑧ 【古】当,为(=as; for)
    • call [take] ... to witness请…当证人,叫…作证
    • take a woman to wife娶某女为妻
  • ⑨[表对向、对立]对
    • They sat face to face [back to back].他们面对面[背靠背]坐着。
    • They began to fight hand to hand.他们开始肉搏。
    • drawn to life写生(的)
    • to one's taste适合某人的口味
  • ⑩[表适合、一致]相当,符合
    • correspond to与…一致[符合]
    • made to order定做的
  • ⑪[表比较、对比]与…比较;对…;当
    • one penny to the pound每磅一辨士
    • Books are to the mind what food is to the body.书籍之心智有如食物之于身体。
  • ⑫[表附加]在…之上,加在
    • Add three to five.五加上三。
    • It belongs to me.那是我的。
    • That's all there is to it.【美】那就是如此而已。
    • There's nothing to him.他没什么了不起。
  • ⑬[表附属、所有、关系]…的
    • Where's the key to this door?这门的钥匙在哪里?
    • sister to the Queen女王的妹妹
  • ⑭[表伴随]跟着,合著
    • They danced to the music.他们跟着音乐跳舞。
  • ⑮[表结合、系缚]在,向
    • Fasten it to the wall.把它装牢在墙上。
    • He is deeply attached to his little sister.他深深地爱着他的小妹妹。
  • ⑯[表行为、作用的对象]对…,为…,就…
    • drink to a person为某人干杯
    • They drank to his health.他们举杯祝他健康。
    • Here's to you.祝你健康(举杯祝贺之词)。
    • keep [have, get] the room to oneself独占房间
    • Listen to me!注意听我说!
    • It is nothing to me.这对我不算什么。
    • What will he say to it?对于这个他会说什么?
  • ⑰[置于confess, swear, testify, witness等动词之后]认为…;承认…
    • confess to crime承认犯罪
    • He swore to the miracle.他为这奇迹作证。
  • ⑱[表形容词的适用方向、范围]对…;对于…;就…
    • His attitude is open to attack.他的态度易遭攻击。
    • That's most important to us.对我们来说,那是最重要的。
  • ⑲[用以构成相当于间接受词的词组]
  • ⑳ 【方】【美】在…(=at)
    • He is to home.他在家。
    • I got this to Brown's.这是在布朗的店里买的。
  • ㉑[引导不定词]1[当名词用]为;做2[当形容词用]做…的3[当副词用]4[其他用法]
    • To err is human, to forgive divine.犯错是人之常情,宽恕乃神的属性(★诗人Pope的诗句)。
    • It is foolish to do so.这么做是愚蠢的(不定词词组为真正的主词)。
    • She began to think so.她开始认为如此(不定词词组为受词)。
    • The best way is to tell her the truth.最好的方法是告诉她实话(不定词词组为补语)。
    • I was the first to come and the last to leave.我是最早来而最后走的人。
    • I have nothing to do.我无事可做。
    • water to drink饮用水
    • a house [room] to rent房屋[房间]出租
    • Human beings eat to live.人类为活着而吃(表目的)。
    • He is old enough to go to school.他年龄大得可以去上学(表程度)。
    • I am sorry to hear that.听到那事我感很遗憾(表原因)。
    • This fruit is good to eat.这水果好吃(表限定)。
    • He awoke to find himself in a hospital.他醒过来,发现自己在一家医院里(表结果)。
    • To tell the truth, I don't love her.老实说,我并不爱她(独立副词词组)。
    • The train is to arrive at six.火车六点到站。
    • She seems to be [have been] optimistic.她似乎[似乎一向]是乐观的。
    • I'll ask him to help us.我会要他帮助我们。(★感官动词(see, hear, feel等),使役动词(let, make, bid, have)及help, know, find之后,用不加to的不定词,但被动语态之后,要用to)


  • ① 关闭
    • Pull [Push] the door to.用拉[推]的把门关上。
  • ② 苏醒
    • When she came to, she didn't know where she was.她苏醒过来的时候,不知道身在何处。
    • We brought her to with smelling salts.我们以嗅盐使她苏醒过来。
  • ③ 【美】在前方,向前方
    • He wore his cap wrong end to.他把帽子前后颠倒戴着[戴反了]。
  • ④[与特定动词结合为词组]…起来;开始…
    • They fell to with great gusto.他们开始津津有味地吃。
    • The two girls set to and began to pull each other's hair.那两个女孩打起架来,开始互相扯头发。
    • The committee turned to and soon produced a plan.该委员会开始工作,不久就拟定一项计划。
  • ⑤ 在身边,在附近
    • I saw Tom close to.我看到汤姆近在眼前。


(1)在引导不定词时,若此种不定词,其前后的关系明显时可省略, 而用to代替:

Do you want to see her?--"I should like to

(=to see her)


(2)否定时, to之前加否定词(not, never, etc.):

I'll ask him not [never]to go there again.



  • to and fro
    • ① 来回地;往返地;前后;往复
    • Children are running to and fro.孩子们来回地跑。




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