

词汇 twist


  • twist
  • twists
  • twists
  • twisting
  • twisted
  • twisted


  • ① 捻线,绳,索
  • ② 1扭,捻;纠结2(脸等的)扭歪,歪曲
    • a rope full of twists满是纠结的绳子
  • ③ 1卷状面包2[指个别之物时为[C]]捻卷烟
  • ④ 曲折,弯曲;(道路等的)转弯
    • a twist in a road道路的转折
    • The road makes a sharp twist to the right.那条路向右急转弯。
  • ⑤ (棒球、网球等的)曲球,旋球
  • ⑥ 1(事情等的)意外进展2(故事等的情节的)曲折3新方式,创新
    • It was by an odd [a strange, a curious] twist of fate that he met her again after fifty years.由于命运的奇怪变化,他在五十年之后与她重逢。
    • The writer gave the old plot a new twist.那位作家把那个老情节翻新。
  • ⑦ (意义的)牵强附会,曲解
  • ⑧ 癖,怪癖
    • a twist in one's nature [personality]怪癖,怪异的性质
  • ⑨[the twist][舞蹈]扭扭舞
    • dance [do] the twist跳扭扭舞


  • ① 搓,编,捻(绳等),编成,编织
    • twist a rope编绳
    • He twisted the threads together to make a string.他把线编成绳子。
    • She twisted the roses into a garland.她将那些玫瑰编成花圈。
  • ② 缠绕,卷<round, around>
    • She twisted the bandage round [around] his knee.她把绷带卷缠在他的膝盖。
  • ③ 扭,拧,绞;扭弯,扭曲,扭歪
    • twist a wire扭曲金属线
    • twist off a lid扭掉盖子
    • twist an apple off a tree从树上摘下一个苹果
    • I twisted the knife out of his hand.我把那把刀从他的手中拧走。
  • ④ 1扭歪(脸)(★常以过去分词当形容词用)2将(脸)扭(成…)<into>
    • Pain twisted his face.痛苦扭歪了他的脸。
    • Tom twisted his face into a grin.汤姆扭歪脸成为露齿而笑。
  • ⑤ 1挫伤(手、脚等)2扭转(身体的一部分)<round, around>
    • He twisted his knee badly.他严重地扭伤了膝部。
    • He twisted his body round [around] to look behind him [over his shoulder].他扭转身体向后看。
  • ⑥ 牵强附会;曲解<into>
    • twist a person's words [intentions]曲解某人的话[意图]
    • He tried to twist my statement into an admission of guilt.他试图把我的话曲解为认罪。
  • ⑦[twist one's way]穿过
    • He twisted his way through the crowd.他从人群中穿过。


  • ① 1扭曲,扭歪2盘旋上升<up, upward>
    • The metal twisted into strange shapes.那金属扭曲成奇形怪状。
    • The smoke from Sherlock Holmes's pipe twisted upward.从福尔摩斯的烟斗冒出的烟盘旋上升。
  • ② 1扭身,拧身2扭动;(因痛苦而)翻滚<about>
    • She twisted (around [round]) to watch him.她扭转身子去看他。
    • She twisted out of his arms.她从他的臂中挣脱。
    • He twisted about in pain.他因痛苦而翻滚着。
  • ③ 迂回地穿过去;(道路、河川等)盘绕
    • The stream twists in and out among the hills.那条溪流在小山间绕来绕去。
    • The car twisted through the mountains.车子迂回地穿过山区。
  • ④[舞蹈]跳扭扭舞


curve: 是使弯成曲线或弧线

bend: 意为用力使原本直的东西变弯

twist: 指勉强用力扭曲某物


  • twists and turns
    • ① 弯曲
    • ② 曲折,详情,原委


  • bendv.弯身
  • bendn.转弯
  • coilv.盘绕
  • coiln.
  • curlv.
  • curln.
  • curvev.弯曲
  • curven.弯曲
  • distortv.扭曲
  • knotv.纠结
  • knotn.纠结
  • rollv.
  • rolln.卷制的东西
  • spinn.旋转
  • surprisen.惊奇
  • twinev.缠绕
  • wrenchn.猛扭
  • angle
  • belie
  • color
  • contort
  • corkscrew
  • deform
  • disfigure
  • entwine
  • falsify
  • gimmick
  • kick
  • kicker
  • load
  • meander
  • misrepresent
  • misshape
  • misstate
  • pervert
  • shift
  • snake
  • spiral
  • tack
  • turn
  • warp
  • weave
  • wind
  • wreathe
  • wrest
  • wrinkle
  • braid
  • construction
  • convolute
  • crook
  • device
  • eddy
  • flex
  • kink
  • plait
  • pull
  • rick
  • sophisticate
  • sprain
  • squirm
  • tress
  • turn of events
  • twirl
  • twist around
  • twisting
  • whirl
  • winding
  • worm
  • wrestle
  • wrick
  • wriggle
  • writhe


  • straightenv.弄直
  • unbend
  • untwist


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • happening
  • occurrence
  • occurrent
  • natural event
  • change
  • alteration
  • modification
  • development
  • turn
  • turn of events
  • twist


  • bend
  • coif
  • coiffure
  • crease
  • crimp
  • current
  • curve
  • curved shape
  • development
  • flexure
  • fold
  • hair style
  • hairdo
  • hairstyle
  • harm
  • hurt
  • injury
  • interpretation
  • maneuver
  • manoeuvre
  • motion
  • movement
  • plication
  • rotary motion
  • rotation
  • social dancing
  • stream
  • tactical maneuver
  • tactical manoeuvre
  • trauma


  • bight
  • birling
  • fast one
  • logrolling
  • mnemonic
  • pigtail
  • pirouette
  • queue
  • sprain
  • trick
  • twiddle




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