

词汇 shut


  • shuts
  • shutting
  • shut
  • shut


  • ① 关,闭,封闭(←→open)
    • Please shut the door.请关门。
    • She shut her eyes.她闭上眼睛。
    • It is too late to shut the stable door when the horse has been stolen.【谚】马被偷才关厩门为时已太晚。
    • shut one's mind to ...不答应;不采纳
    • He shut his ears to their warnings.他对他们的警告充耳不闻。
    • He shut his eyes to the fact.他闭着眼睛不看那项事实。
    • They shut the door against [on] him.他们把他关在门外。
  • ② 关进;围住;遮
    • shut a bird into a cage将鸟关进笼中
    • They shut him in the dungeon.他们把他囚禁在地牢里。
    • He shuts himself in his office all day long.他整天把自己关在办公室里。
    • The ground is shut in by a high wall.那块地被一道高墙围了起来。
    • The tall trees shut out the view.那些高树遮住了视野。
  • ③ 合拢(书、手、小刀等);折起(★作此义解时通常用close¹)
    • shut a book把书合起来
  • ④ 夹住(手、衣服等)<in>
    • The boy shut his fingers in the door.那个男孩的手指被门夹住。
  • ⑤ 1(暂时或永久)关闭(商店、工厂等)<down>2(一天营业结束时)关(店等)<up>
    • A dense fog caused the airport to be shut down.浓雾使该机场(暂时)关闭。
    • What time do the shops shut?那些商店什么时候打烊?
    • They shut up the shop for the night.他们夜里把店关起来。


  • ① 关闭;堵住
    • The door won't shut properly.这门关不好。
  • ② (商店、工厂等)关闭;打烊<down, up>


close: 着重于关闭之意,而不特别指出其所使用的方法或手段

Please close the window.

shut: 是借着推[拉]动门、盖等而关闭或使不畅通

Please shut the door.


  • shut away
    • ① 隔绝,隔离
    • He shut himself away in the countryside.他在乡下离群索居。
  • shut down
    • ① (暂时或永久)关闭(商店、工厂等)
    • ② 关(窗等)
    • ③ (商店、工厂等)关闭;打烊
    • ④ (夜幕、雾等)下降,笼罩<over>
  • shut off
    • ① 关(瓦斯、自来水、收音机等);排除;切断;隔绝
    • shut off the gas [electricity]关掉瓦斯[电源]
    • For many generations the country had shut herself off completely from the rest of the world.有几个世代之久,该国与世上其他地区完全隔绝。
  • shut out
    • ① 关在外头;遮住视线
    • ② 【美】【竞赛】封锁使不能得分,使吃鸭蛋败北
  • shut to
    • ①[to为副词]盖住,封闭;(门)关闭
    • shut the door to关门
    • The door shut to.门已关闭。
  • shut up
    • ① (一天营业结束时)关(店等)
    • ② 把(房子)关上
    • ③ 收藏;密封<in>
    • ④[shut oneself或用被动式]关闭(于…)<in>
    • ⑤[shut ... up]【口】使(某人)闭嘴
    • ⑥[常用祈使法]闭嘴,住口
    • ⑦ (商店、工厂等)关闭;打烊


  • cagev.关进笼内
  • claspv.扣上
  • fence inv.关进篱内
  • lockv.
  • lock inv.锁在…内
  • snapv.啪一声关上
  • banish
  • bar
  • blackball
  • blacklist
  • block
  • boycott
  • cast out
  • close
  • closet
  • conceal
  • confine
  • coop
  • count out
  • debar
  • dismiss
  • dispel
  • eliminate
  • enclose
  • except
  • exclude
  • fence
  • hide
  • hush
  • immure
  • imprison
  • keep out
  • mew
  • obscure
  • obstruct
  • ostracize
  • pen
  • quiet
  • quieten
  • rule out
  • screen
  • shroud
  • shush
  • shut in
  • shut up
  • silence
  • still
  • wall
  • closed
  • shut out
  • unopen


  • freev.使自由
  • let outv.放出
  • liberatev.使自由
  • openv.
  • releasev.释放
  • unlockv.打开锁
  • admit




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