

词汇 some




  • ①[与单数形的[C]连用]某;某一个;某种
    • some one (or other)某人,有人
    • in some way (or other)以某种方法
    • for some reason为了某种理由
    • He went to some place in India.他前往印度某地。
    • Some person may object.某人可能会反对。
  • ②[与复数形的[C]或与[U]的名词连用]一些,若干的;少量的
    • I want some eggs [money].我要几个鸡蛋[一些钱]。
    • Will you have some more tea?你要再来一点茶吗?
  • ③[与复数形的[C]或与[U]的名词连用]有些;某些
    • Some people do not like that sort of thing.有些人不喜欢那种事。
    • Some comets come back every few years, and others are gone for nearly a hundred years before they return.有些彗星每隔数年便重现,有些要消失将近一百年之后才再度重现。
    • Some fruit is sour.有的水果是酸的。
  • ④ 【口】相当的;颇为;了不起的;好的;大的
    • She stayed there for some days [time].她在那边停留好几天[相当长的一段时间]。
    • The lake is (at) some distance from here.该湖离这里相当远。
    • That was some storm.那是一场很大的暴风雨。
    • He's some scientist.他是个了不起的科学家。
    • I call that some speech.我认为那篇演说很了不得。
  • ⑤ 1大约2[与距离、时间等的单数名词连用]
    • some hundred books大约一百册(参照some hundreds of books 数百册书)
    • 【古】some miles [hour] or so一英里[小时]左右


  • ①[用于数字之前]大约(=about)
    • some fifty people约五十个人
  • ② 【美口】【英俚】几分,稍(=somewhat)
    • The sea had gone down some during the night.大海在夜里平静了几分。
    • She slept some last night.昨夜她多少睡了一点。
  • ③ 【口】相当地;非常;大为
    • He seemed annoyed some.他似乎非常困惑。
    • "Do you like it?"-"Some!"「你喜欢它吗?」「当然!」


  • ① 若干数(量);多少;几分;一些;一部分
    • I want some (of them [of it]).我要一些。
  • ②[常与others对照使用]某些人;有些人;某些事物;有些事物
    • Some say he's a great poet, some not.有些人说他是一位伟大的诗人,有些人说不是。
    • Some are large, some are small, and others are medium-sized.有大的,有小的,也有中型的。


(1)作adj. 释义1解时, some指不知道的人或事物而言:

Some girl phoned you just now.


(2)作adj. 释义2或pron. 释义1解时,表示若干数量或程度时,原则上, some用于肯定,而any用于否定、疑问及条件,但如果说话者心里有强烈的肯定意思,或是拜托、规劝某事,虽是疑问句或条件子句,也不用any,而用some:

Didn't you give him some money?


If you have some complaints, tell them to me.


May I have some (wine), please?


(3)作adv. 释义2解时,例如

I watch television some.



I watch television sometimes.



  • and then some
    • ① 【美口】远不止此数量;还有更多(=and plenty more than that)
    • He's shrewd and then some.他不仅是精明而已。
  • some day
    • ① 将来有一天;有朝一日;他日
    • The boy will be a scientist some day.这个男孩有一天会成为科学家。
  • some one
    • ① 某人,有人(=someone)
    • ② 某一个;某一个人
  • some other day [time]
    • ① 改天;过些时候
    • Let's discuss this problem some other day.我们改天再讨论这个问题吧。
  • some time
    • ① 有一段时间(=for some time);相当长的时间
    • ② 来日,他日;早晚(=some time or other)
  • some time or other
    • ① 在将来的某时;他日;迟早,早晚


  • divers
  • several
  • sundry
  • various
  • about
  • approximately
  • around
  • close to
  • just about
  • more or less
  • or so
  • roughly


  • all
  • no




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