

词汇 song


  • song
  • songs


  • ① 歌,歌曲
    • a love song情歌
    • a popular song流行歌曲
    • a marching song进行曲
    • He sang a song about the sea.他唱一首有关大海的歌。
  • ② 唱;歌唱
    • the gift of song唱歌的才能
    • They all broke [burst] into song.他们都唱起歌来。
    • No song, no supper.【谚】不唱歌便不给饭吃;天下无白吃的饭。
  • ③ 1(尤指适合歌唱的)短诗;歌谣2诗歌,诗
    • famous in song在诗中闻名
  • ④ (鸟等的)鸣声;(水流或风的)鸣叫声
    • All the birds in the woods are in full song.林中所有的鸟都高声鸣叫。


  • for a song
    • ① 【口】以极少代价;非常便宜地
    • We bought the rug for a song.我们以极低的价钱买了那张地毯。
    • go for a song贱价抛售
  • nothing to make a song about
    • ① 【英】芝麻小事;不值得操心的事
  • sing the same song
    • ① 唱老调;老是说同样的话;重复同一件事
  • song and dance
    • ① (歌厅等的)歌与舞
    • ② 【口】(有趣但)奇怪的话[说明];遁词
    • ③ 【英】噜苏的话;唠叨话<about>
    • He made a song and dance about my being late.他对我的迟到噜苏地说个没完。
  • the Song of Solomon
    • ① 【圣】雅歌(旧约圣经之一书;略作Song of Sol.;★亦称the Song of Songs,或the Canticles)


  • poemn.
  • Song
  • Song dynasty
  • Sung
  • Sung dynasty
  • birdcall
  • birdsong
  • call
  • strain
  • vocal


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • communication
  • auditory communication
  • music
  • musical composition
  • opus
  • composition
  • piece
  • piece of music
  • song
  • vocal


  • animal communication
  • bargain
  • buy
  • composition
  • dynasty
  • musical composition
  • opus
  • piece
  • piece of music
  • sound
  • steal
  • vocal music


  • anthem
  • aria
  • ballad
  • banquet song
  • barcarole
  • barcarolle
  • bell-like call
  • berceuse
  • carol
  • coronach
  • cradlesong
  • dirge
  • ditty
  • drinking song
  • folk ballad
  • folk song
  • folksong
  • golden oldie
  • lament
  • lay
  • lied
  • love-song
  • love song
  • lullaby
  • oldie
  • partsong
  • prothalamion
  • prothalamium
  • religious song
  • requiem
  • roundelay
  • scolion
  • serenade
  • threnody
  • torch song
  • two-note call
  • work song




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