

词汇 blind


  • blind
  • blinds
  • blinds
  • blinding
  • blinded
  • blinded
  • blind
  • blinder
  • blindest


  • ① 1瞎的;盲目的2[the blind;当名词用]盲人(=blind people)
    • a blind man一个盲人
    • He is blind from birth.他生来就眼瞎。
    • She is blind in one eye.=She is blind of an [one] eye.她瞎了一只眼(★of为【文】的用法)。
    • He is blind in the right [left] eye.他的右[左]眼是瞎的。
    • The accident left him totally blind.那次事故让他完全眼瞎。
    • go [become] blind变成瞎子,失明
    • a school for the blind盲人学校
    • In the country of the blind the one-eyed is king.【谚】在盲人的国度里,瞎了一只眼的人便是国王(喻蜀中无大将,廖化作先锋)。
    • the blind leading the blind【圣】盲人引导着盲者(喻极危险之事)
  • ②[无比较级]盲人(用)的
    • a blind home盲人之家,盲人院
    • a blind school盲人学校
  • ③ 缺乏眼光、判断力或理解力的
    • He is completely blind to the beauties of nature.他完全不懂得(欣赏)自然之美。
    • He is blind to his children's faults.他不晓得他那些孩子的缺点。
  • ④ 盲目的;无计划的;轻率的
    • Her blind faith in her boyfriend's promise is understandable.她对她男友的诺言的盲信是可以理解的。
    • blind hatred盲目的仇恨
    • blind obedience盲从
    • a blind purchase盲目购买
    • in one's blind haste在瞎忙慌乱中
    • He is blind with love.恋爱使他盲目。
  • ⑤[无比较级]无目的的,机械式的;不用肉眼的
    • blind forces of nature大自然无目的作用力
    • a blind landing(仅凭仪器所作的)盲目降落[着陆]
  • ⑥[无比较级]1(道路等)看不见的;成为盲点的2无出口[窗户]的;闭塞的
    • a blind corner死角
    • a blind corridor无出口的走廊
    • a blind door(不能开闭的)仅具形式的门
    • a blind passage一端封闭的信道
    • a blind wall无窗无门的墙壁
  • ⑦ 1无意识的2【俚】醉酒的(=blind drunk)
    • a blind stupor完全昏迷
  • ⑧[园艺]不会开花或结果的
    • a blind bud不开花或结果的芽


  • ① 使盲,使瞎;使暗;使看不见
    • He was blinded in the car accident.他在那次车祸中失明。
    • The bright lights blinded him momentarily.亮光使他暂时看不见。
  • ② 使失察,使失去判断力,蒙蔽
    • He was blinded by her beauty.他被她的美色所蒙蔽。
    • His love for Alice blinded him to her faults.他对爱丽丝的爱使他看不见她的缺点。


  • ①[常用复数形]窗帘;百叶窗;障蔽物;遮阳(=【美】shade)
    • draw [lower, pull down] the blinds拉下窗帘
  • ②[常用单数形]掩蔽之物;掩饰;借口(=pretext)
  • ③ 【美】(猎人的)埋伏处


  • ① 盲目地;失去知觉地
    • blind drunk醉得不省人事的
    • fly blind盲目地(在黑暗中或云雾中仅凭仪器)飞行


  • blindlyadv.盲目地;不加思索地
  • blindnessn.眼盲


  • blind as a bat [beetle, mole]
    • ① 完全瞎的
    • She's as blind as a bat without her glasses.她不戴眼镜就完全看不见。
  • go it blind
    • ① 盲目地做
  • not a blind bit of ...
    • ① 【英俚】毫无
    • This book is not a blind bit of use.此书毫无用处。
  • turn a [one's] blind eye to ...
    • ① 对…视若无睹
    • They turned a blind eye to the use of violence.他们对施用暴力视若无睹。


  • ignorantadj.无知的
  • irrationaladj.非理性的
  • shaden.窗帘
  • sightlessadj.失明的;盲的
  • unawareadj.未察觉的
  • unconscious ofadj.未察觉的
  • unreasonableadj.不理性的
  • bedazzle
  • besotted
  • bombed
  • boozed
  • boozy
  • cockeyed
  • concealed
  • crapulent
  • crapulous
  • crocked
  • daze
  • dazzle
  • drunk
  • drunken
  • dull
  • eyeless
  • hidden
  • high
  • inebriate
  • inebriated
  • intoxicated
  • lit
  • loaded
  • looped
  • pickled
  • pixilated
  • plastered
  • potted
  • purblind
  • sloshed
  • smashed
  • sodden
  • soused
  • stewed
  • stinking
  • stinko
  • stoned
  • tight
  • tipsy
  • uncomprehending
  • unperceptive
  • unseeing
  • zonked
  • dim
  • screen
  • subterfuge
  • unreasoning
  • unsighted


  • sighted


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • group
  • grouping
  • people
  • blind


  • concealment
  • cover
  • covert
  • deceit
  • deception
  • misrepresentation
  • people
  • protection
  • protective cover
  • protective covering
  • screen


  • blinder
  • blinker
  • curtain
  • drape
  • drapery
  • mantle
  • pall
  • shutter
  • window blind
  • winker




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