

词汇 break up

break up


  • ① 击碎;解体
    • break up a chair for firewood捣毁一把椅子当柴烧
    • break up an old car将旧车解体
  • ② 驱散;停止;结束
    • The mob was broken up by the police.暴民被警察驱散了。
    • It's time to break up the meeting.是散会的时候了。
  • ③ 分解;分开
    • break up a word into syllables将一字分音节
    • break up a piece of cake among several persons将一块蛋糕分配给数人
  • ④ 【口】使心乱[困惑]
    • The sad news broke him up.那个悲哀的消息使他心乱。
  • ⑤ 【美口】使(人)发笑
    • The joke really broke them up.那个笑话使他们发笑。
  • ⑥ 使(男女)决裂;解除(婚约等)
  • ⑦ 分散;解散;终止;(学校等)结业,开始放假
    • The crowd broke up gradually.群众渐渐散开了。
    • The meeting broke up at twelve.会议在十二点结束。
    • There are no feasts in the world which do not break up at last.天下无不散之筵席。
    • When does your school break up?【英】你们学校什么时候开始放假?
    • Our school [We] broke up for the summer holidays.【英】我们的学校[我们]开始放暑假。
  • ⑧ 【口】(夫妻)离婚;分手
    • Their marriage broke up.他们的婚姻破裂了。
    • Tom and Alice broke up yesterday.汤姆与爱丽丝昨天分手了。
  • ⑨ (人)衰老,衰弱;衰退
    • He'll soon break up under the pressure.在这压力下,他不久就会衰弱。
  • ⑩ 【美口】发笑
  • ⑪ (天气)转变,变化
    • The weather was breaking up.天气逐渐变(坏)了。


  • break




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