

词汇 sorry


  • sorry
  • sorrier
  • sorriest


  • ① 难过的;哀怜的<for, about>
    • Was he sorry when his kid brother died?他弟弟死的时候,他有没有感到悲伤?
    • I'm (very) sorry.我(很)难过。
    • I am [feel] sorry for him.我为他难过。
    • I am deeply sorry about her death.对于她的死亡,我深感难过。
    • I am awfully sorry to hear that she's ill.听到她生病我感到非常难过。
    • We are sorry (that) you have failed.你失败了,我们心里难过。
  • ② 抱歉的;后悔的<for, about>
    • I am so [very] sorry.非常抱歉。
    • You will be sorry for this later.以后你会为这件事后悔。
    • I am sorry to trouble you.抱歉给你添麻烦。
    • I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.=I'm sorry I've kept you waiting.让你久等,对不起。
    • I am sorry (that) I have not answered your letter earlier.抱歉没有早一点给你回信。
  • ③ 可惜的,遗憾的,惋惜的<for, about>
    • "Can you go swimming with us?"-"I'm sorry, but I can't."「能不能跟我们一起去游泳?」「可惜我不能。」
    • I am sorry about that.那很遗憾。
    • I am sorry to say (that) I cannot help her.很遗憾我不能帮助她。
    • I am sorry (that) you cannot come.你不能来实在可惜。
  • ④ 不成样子的;悲惨的;可哀的
    • a sorry sight悲惨的景象
    • The house is in a sorry state.那栋房子情况很糟。


  • ①[表谢罪]抱歉;对不起
    • Did I bump you? Sorry!我撞到你啦?抱歉!
  • ②[表遗憾]抱歉
    • Sorry, we are closed.抱歉,我们打烊啦。
  • ③[用于反问]什么? 请再说一次(★音调要上扬)
    • "I'm tired."-"Sorry?"-"I said, I'm tired."我累了。」「什么?」「我说我累了。」


  • sorrilyadv.难过地;抱歉地;可惜地;悲惨地
  • sorrinessn.难过;后悔;悲惨


  • penitentadj.后悔的
  • remorsen.歉意
  • apologetic
  • compunctious
  • contrite
  • disappointing
  • penitential
  • regretful
  • remorseful
  • repentant
  • unlucky
  • bad
  • blue
  • dark
  • deplorable
  • dingy
  • disconsolate
  • dismal
  • distressing
  • drab
  • drear
  • dreary
  • gloomy
  • good-for-naught
  • good-for-nothing
  • grim
  • lamentable
  • meritless
  • no-account
  • no-count
  • no-good
  • pitiful
  • sad


  • unregretful




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