

词汇 up


  • up
  • ups
  • ups
  • upping
  • up/upped
  • up/upped


  • ① (从低位置)向上,往上;起立,起身;(从床上)起来
    • stand up站起来
    • He took up the pen.他拿起那枝笔。
    • The flag is up.旗子升起了。
    • I climbed up to the top of the ladder.我登上了梯顶。
    • The eagle was flying high up in the air.那只鹰高高地飞在天空。
    • The moon came up.月亮升起来了。
    • The sun is up.太阳上升了。
    • Are the children up yet?孩子们起床了没有?
    • I get up at six in (the) summer.我夏天六时起床。
    • I was [stayed] up all night.我熬了一整夜,我通夜没上床睡觉。
    • She was sitting up in bed.她在床上坐起。
  • ② (由南)北上;上坡;往内陆;往上游
    • as far up as Norway北方远至挪威
    • He lives up in Scotland.他住在(北方的)苏格兰。
    • They followed the river up to its source.他们往那条河的上游走到源头。
  • ③ 1往(某特定的场所、某人或说话者);【英】接近;向(来源、中心、都市、大学等)2向舞台后部(参照upstage)
    • She walked up to the post office.她向邮局走去。
    • She came up to me.她向我走过来。
    • He went up to London on business.【英】他到伦敦办事。
    • Is he up in town now?【英】他现在是否在城里?
    • go up to Oxford [the university](学生)上牛津[大学]
    • He's going to be [stay] up during the holidays.假期中他将(不归乡)留在学校。
  • ④ 1(地位、评价、程度、年龄等)上升,升高,增加,成长;(从…)至2[be (well) up]【口】熟练,精通
    • come up in the world出人头地
    • He has gone up in my opinion.我对他的评价提高了(刮目相看)。
    • Prices [Interest rates] are (going) up.物价[利率]在上扬。
    • The temperature has gone up.温度上升了。
    • The tide was up.潮涨了。
    • bring up a child抚育一个小孩
    • from five dollars up自五美元起
    • She is (well) up in French literature.她精通法国文学。
  • ⑤ 颇有气势地;旺盛地;在活动中;掀起叛乱
    • His spirits went up.他得精神蓬勃起来了。
    • The town is up.全镇活动起来了[兴奋起来]。
    • be up in arms起兵,掀起叛乱
    • The whole country was up.全国奋起了。
  • ⑥ (在议论、话题等中)提出;出现;发生
    • The issue was brought up during the conversation.那个问题在谈话中被提出来。
    • The problem came up for discussion last week.上星期那个问题被提出来讨论了。
    • What's up?发生什么事?
    • Is anything up?有什么事情发生吗?
  • ⑦[表结束、结合、完全、完成、强调等]全然,完全地;完毕,尽,终了,完了→finish up
    • Drink up your coffee.把你的咖啡喝完。
    • You must fold up the sheets.你必须把这几张折好。
    • add up figures合计数目
    • The house was burned up.那幢房屋全烧光了。
    • Time's up.时间到了。
    • When is your contract up?你的合同什么时候期满?
    • It's all up with him.他一切都完了,他已经没有希望了。
    • The game's up.【口】计划失败了。一切都完了。
  • ⑧[表无活动、保管等状态]停止,休止;存放着
    • lie up(因病)躺卧着
    • lay up riches保存财富
    • I pulled up my car at the gate.我把车子停在大门口。
    • He put up his sword (into its sheath).他把剑收起来(纳入鞘中)。
  • ⑨[省略动词当祈使句用]
    • Up!起来!站起来!(Get [Stand] up!的省略)
    • Up with it!竖起来!台起来!(=Put it up!)
    • Up with you!起来吧!站起来!奋起吧!
    • Up (with) (the) helm!【海】转舵向上风!(参照put the helm up)
  • ⑩ 【竞赛】获胜,领先
  • ⑪ 【棒球】轮到打击(=at bat)


  • ① (从低位置或地点)向高处;在高处;向…上面;在…的上面;向上面;在上面
    • He went up the stairs.他走上楼梯。
    • The monkey is up the tree.那只猴子在树上。
    • He went steadily up the social ladder.他的社会地位节节升高。
  • ② 向[在](河流的)上游;溯(流)
    • live further up the stream住在更上游的地方
  • ③ 沿着,循,顺着(=along)
    • She walked up the street.她沿着那条街走。
  • ④ 由…的海岸向内陆;向…的内部
    • He traveled up country.他往内地旅行。


  • ①[无比较级]向上的,上行的(←→down)
    • the up elevator上升的电梯
    • the up grade向上的倾斜;上坡(参照upgrade)
    • the up line(铁路的)北上线,上行线
    • an up platform上行月台
    • an up stroke(运笔等时)往上的一画
    • an up train上行火车;【英】(往伦敦的)上行车


  • ① 上升,升高
  • ② 上坡


  • ① 【口】突然做出…;出乎意料之外…
    • He upped and ran away.他突然跑掉。
    • The old man upped and died.那个老人突然死了。


  • ① 提高(价格等);增加(生产等)
    • up the price提高价格


  • be up and about
    • ① (病人)已经起床,(康复而)已能走动
  • be up and coming
    • ① 【美】(人)极有朝气;(市镇等)蓬勃,蒸蒸日上
  • be up and doing
    • ① 很活跃;忙于工作
  • go [be] up for ...
    • ① 去[正在]接受(考试等)
  • on the up
    • ① (景气等)向上地,情况好地
  • up against ...
    • ① 【口】遇到(困难、障碍等);面对
    • I'm [I've come] up against an obstacle.我碰到一个障碍。
  • up against it
    • ① 【口】(尤指经济上)穷困,困苦
  • up and down
    • ① 上下地;来回地;到处
    • The children went up and down in elevators.那些孩子乘坐电梯上上下下。
    • They walked up and down in the park.他们在公园里来回走动。
  • up there
    • ① 在那边(=over there)
    • What were you doing up there?你在那边干什么?
  • up till [until]
    • ① 【口】一直到(…为止)(★尤用以强调到那个时候为止的动作或状态的继续)
    • Tom was here up till yesterday.一直到昨天为止汤姆都在这儿。
  • up to ...
    • ① 与…并列
    • ② 直到;以至;达到,及于
    • ③[通常用于否定句或疑问句]【口】适于(工作等),胜任,能作
    • ④ (在价值等方面)匹敌于,接近
    • ⑤ 了解,十分地认识
    • ⑥ 【口】干(通常为坏事);正在做;图谋
    • ⑦ 【口】应由(某人)负责;由…决定;轮到…;为…的义务
    • "Coffee or tea?"-"It's up to you."「咖啡还是红茶?」「由你决定。」
    • It's up to him to support his parents.他理应奉养双亲。
    • It's up to you whether to tell her or not.要不要告诉她由你决定。
    • The final decision is up to you.最后的决定在你。
  • ups and downs
    • ① (道路等的)起伏,高低
    • ② 上下;变动;浮沉;荣枯,盛衰
    • the ups and downs of life=life's ups and downs人生的浮沉
    • We had our ups and downs.我们有过浮沉盛衰。


  • boost
  • elate
  • elated
  • elevated
  • hike
  • jack
  • jump
  • overjoyed
  • raise
  • astir
  • improving
  • upward
  • upwardly
  • upwards


  • downadj.向下的,下行的
  • downadv.(从高位置)向下,往下
  • downward
  • downwardly
  • downwards




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