

词汇 count


  • count
  • counts
  • counts
  • counting
  • counted
  • counted


  • ① 按顺序数(数目);计数
    • Please count the number of people present.请计算出席人数。
    • The votes have not been counted yet.选票尚未数过。
  • ② 计算在内
    • There I found fifty people, not counting myself.我发现那儿有五十个人,我自己不算在内。
    • He had an income of $200,000 counting in extra fees.他有二十万美元的收入,连额外加给计算在内。
    • I no longer count him among my friends.我不再把他当作我的朋友。
  • ③ 认为,视为(★不用进行式)
    • I count him one of my closest friends.我把他视为我最亲密的朋友之一。
    • I count myself lucky to have a good job.我认为自己有一份好工作真幸运。
    • They can hardly be counted as friends.他们几乎不能被视为朋友。
    • They all counted him as lost [for dead].大家都认为他失踪[死]了。
    • Don't count his inexperience against him.不要因为他无经验就认为他不行。


  • ① 数数目,计数
    • The child has to use his fingers to count.那个小孩得用手指头去数。
    • He began to count out loud on his fingers.他开始用手指大声地数着。
    • count from one to ten从一数到十
    • I'm going to count up to three.我要数到三。
  • ② 1有价值或重要性(★不用进行式)2被算在内<among>
    • Her opinions don't count.她的意见并不重要。
    • What counts how much you have absorbed.重要的是你吸收了多少。
    • It is not quantity but quality that counts.重要的不是量,而是质。
    • Knowledge without wisdom counts for little.无智能之知识没多大价值。
    • Fame counts for nothing.名气并不重要。
    • His fifth symphony counts among his best works.他的第五交响乐算是他的最佳作品之一。
  • ③ 仰望;仰赖<on, upon>(★可用被动式)
    • I count on your help.我指望你帮助。
    • He counted on getting (a) promotion.他指望获得升迁。
    • I'm counting on you to help me next week.我在期望你下星期帮助我。
  • ④ 【竞赛】得分


  • ① 计算,计数
    • beyond [out of] count数不尽的,无数的
  • ② 得数;总数;总计
  • ③ 【法律】被控事项,被控诉的条款;(一般的)论点
    • He was sentenced to one year's imprisonment on five counts.他因五项罪名而被判一年徒刑。
  • ④[the count]【拳击】(为给与被击倒者再起的机会)数十秒
    • take the count被判失败(被击倒后,数至十秒仍未能起立);接受已被击败的判决
    • He got up at the count of five.他在数到五时站了起来。
    • He was out [down] for the count.他被击倒了。
  • ⑤ 【棒球】(上场打击者的)坏球与好球数
    • The count stood at 1 and 2.当时是一坏球二好球(★1 and 2 指one ball and two strikes)。


count: 为最普通用语,严格地说是依序逐一地计数

calculate: 是使用高度的数学从事复杂的计算

calculate distances between stars

compute: 是比calculate更简单的计算,而注重要算出明确的结果来

compute the total

estimate: 系事先概略估计数或价格

estimate the cost of the building

reckon: 指可用心算般地简单计算;亦可指概算

reckon the days before Christmas


rely: 指由过去的经验,使人相信对方必定能完成所交待的事情

I rely on his ability.

trust: 指深信绝对不会发生被出卖或令人失望的事情

He is a man to be trusted.

depend: 指依赖别人的支持或援助

She depends on her friends to make decisions.

count, reckon:



They counted [reckoned] on my paying the expenses.


  • count down
    • ① 倒数(如从十、九、八、七、…数到一);(发射火箭时等)倒数计秒,读秒
    • The spaceship is already being counted down.(发射)太空船已开始倒数计秒。
  • count in
    • ① 算在内,考虑在内;【口】算(某人)参加一份,包括(←→count out)
    • Count me in if you're going out to dinner.假如你们要出去吃饭,算我参加一份。
  • count off
    • ① 分出或选出(同等数目的若干组)
    • ②[常用祈使法]【美】【军】报数(=【英】number off)
  • count out
    • ① 算出(物品)来;(在计数时)省略掉或不计在内;【口】不算在内,不考虑在参加之列(←→count in)
    • ② 【拳击】(被击倒后经裁判数过十秒钟尚未站起而)被判为失败(★常用被动式)
    • ③ 【美口】计数选票时非法使一部分选票失效而使落选
    • ④ 【英下院】(议长)因不足法定出席人数而宣布延会[流会](★常用被动式)
    • The House was counted out.(英)下院因不足法定人数被宣布流会。
  • count up
    • ① 数,数完;总计,合计起来
    • Count the figures up.把这些数字合计起来。
  • keep count
    • ① 晓得共有多少
    • The boy kept count of the tunnels the train passed through.那个男孩数清火车通过的隧道。
  • lose count
    • ① 忘记或弄不清共有多少
    • I've lost count of how many times he has cheated at cards.我已记不清他打牌时作弊多少次。
  • make [take] a count of ...
    • ① 计数
    • She made a count of the apples.她点[数清]了那些苹果。


  • count
  • counts


  • ① (英国以外的)伯爵(相当于英国的earl;→nobility)




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