

词汇 simple


  • simple
  • simples
  • simple
  • simpler/more simple
  • simplest/most simple


  • ① 简单的;单纯的;容易的
    • a simple problem [question]简单的问题
    • a simple task简单的工作
    • (as) simple as ABC非常简单的
    • It's not as simple as that.它没那么简单。
    • It's actually quite simple to answer the question.要回答那个问题实际上十分简单。
    • The question is quite simple to answer.那个问题十分容易回答。
  • ②[无比较级]单一的(←→compound)
    • a simple sentence【文法】(简)单句
    • a simple substance【化】单体
  • ③[无比较级]纯然的;完全的
    • simple madness完全的疯狂
    • the truth pure and simple完完全全的真实
  • ④ 平淡的;(餐食等)淡薄的;朴素的;不虚华的
    • a simple meal淡薄的一餐
    • the simple life朴实的生活
  • ⑤ 纯真的;天真烂漫的;无做作的;真诚的
    • (as) simple as a child像孩子一样纯真
    • a woman with a simple heart心地纯真的女人
    • She has a simple manner.她毫不做作。
  • ⑥ 【文】(身分、家世等)卑贱的,寒微的;平民出身的
    • simple people微贱的人
  • ⑦ 1易受骗的;老实的;无知的2【婉言】愚蠢的
    • a simple soul老实的人
    • She's simple about money matters.有关金钱的事情她一无所知。
    • It's simple of you [You are simple] to believe that story.你去相信那个故事真是太无知了。
    • She's a bit simple.她有点儿愚蠢。


  • ① 无知的人,愚人
  • ② 【古】药草


easy: 指不需太多肉体上或精神上的努力,因而是容易的

this book is easy to read

simple: 指不复杂,因而简单的

a simple problem to solve

effortless: 指由于当事人经验丰富或技巧纯熟,使旁观者觉得似乎不费力的

effortless performance of a pianist


  • simplenessn.简单;朴素;单纯;无知


  • artlessadj.纯真的
  • basicadj.基本的
  • commonadj.普通的
  • dumbadj.笨的
  • easyadj.容易的
  • effortlessadj.不费力的
  • elementaryadj.基础的
  • foolishadj.愚蠢的
  • ingenuousadj.坦诚的
  • innocentadj.纯真的
  • ordinaryadj.平常的
  • stupidadj.笨的
  • absolute
  • ass
  • backward
  • bald
  • bare
  • cretin
  • ding-dong
  • dip
  • dope
  • dry
  • dull
  • facile
  • feeble-minded
  • fool
  • gander
  • goof
  • goose
  • guileless
  • half-witted
  • humble
  • idiot
  • imbecile
  • jackass
  • jerk
  • lowly
  • mean
  • modest
  • mooncalf
  • moron
  • naive
  • natural
  • nerd
  • nincompoop
  • ninny
  • nitwit
  • perfect
  • plain
  • pure
  • retarded
  • schmo
  • schmuck
  • sheer
  • simple-minded
  • simpleton
  • slow
  • slow-witted
  • smooth
  • snap
  • soft
  • softhead
  • tomfool
  • turkey
  • unadorned
  • unadulterated
  • unaffected
  • unassuming
  • undiluted
  • unmixed
  • unostentatious
  • unpretentious
  • unsophisticated
  • unstudied
  • unvarnished
  • unworldly
  • weak-minded
  • childlike
  • dewy-eyed
  • dim-witted
  • mere
  • round-eyed
  • uncomplicated
  • unproblematic
  • unsubdivided
  • wide-eyed


  • complicatedadj.复杂的
  • difficultadj.困难的
  • elaborateadj.精巧的
  • wiseadj.有智能的
  • complex
  • compound


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • object
  • physical object
  • whole
  • unit
  • living thing
  • animate thing
  • organism
  • being
  • plant
  • flora
  • plant life
  • vascular plant
  • tracheophyte
  • herb
  • herbaceous plant
  • simple


  • herb
  • herbaceous plant
  • individual
  • mortal
  • person
  • somebody
  • someone
  • soul


  • airhead
  • boob
  • booby
  • changeling
  • cretin
  • dimwit
  • dingbat
  • dolt
  • doofus
  • dope
  • dullard
  • dumbbell
  • dummy
  • fool
  • forgetful person
  • half-wit
  • idiot
  • idiot savant
  • imbecile
  • lame
  • moron
  • muggins
  • nebbech
  • nebbish
  • nincompoop
  • ninny
  • nitwit
  • pillock
  • pinhead
  • poop
  • poor fish
  • pudden-head
  • pudding head
  • retard
  • sap
  • saphead
  • scatterbrain
  • schlemiel
  • schlep
  • schlepper
  • schnook
  • sheep
  • shlemiel
  • shlep
  • shlepper
  • shnook
  • space cadet
  • square
  • stupe
  • stupid
  • stupid person
  • subnormal
  • tomfool
  • twerp
  • twirp
  • twit




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