

词汇 very


  • very
  • verier
  • veriest


  • ①[强调原级的副词和形容词的程度]很,非常地,甚,极(★afraid, alike, aware等【英】用much修饰,【美】则用very(much); different可用much或far修饰,但一般用very)
    • He is very tall.他很高。
    • She walked very slowly.她走很慢。
    • This is a very good book.这是一本很好的书。
  • ②[用于否定句](无)多大,(不)太,(并不)怎么(没)什么
    • Her English is not very good.她的英语并不太好。
    • "Are you hungry?"-"No, not very"「你饿吗?」「不,不怎么饿。」
  • ③[用于最高级形容词或same, first, opposite, own之前,以强调语意]十分地,全然地,真正地,绝对地
    • I'll do my very best.我会尽我的全力。
    • At last she got a bedroom of her very own.她终于得到完全属于她自己的卧房。
    • That is the very last thing I expected.那是我最感意外[万想不到]的事。
    • He was sitting in the very same seat.他坐在同一个座位。


  • ① 【文】真的,真正的,实在的the Very God 真神
    • the veriest scoundrel可恶至极的人
    • in very truth真正地,千真万确地
    • He has shown himself a very knave.他显露出自己是一个真的恶棍。
  • ②[不比较][用以强调][与the, this, that或所有格代词如my, your, his等连用]1正[就]是,同是,恰好是2[the very]甚至;就连…也(=mere)
    • That's the very book I've been looking for那正是我在寻找的书
    • I've got the very thing you need.我有恰好是你要的东西。
    • to the very bone直到骨髓,至极
    • under your very eyes就在你眼前
    • this very day就在这一天
    • this very minute此时此刻
    • She was caught in the very act of stealing.她在行窃时当场被捕。
    • He is the very picture of his father.他简直他父亲的翻版。
    • The very fact of your hesitating proves it.你的犹豫不决正好证明了那一点。
    • The very thought of it is depressing.就连想到它也令人沮丧。



She reads much [far] more quickly.


(2)动词用(very) much修饰:

Thank you very much.



a very inspiring book



a very valued friend


a very worried look


(5)过去分词用于明确的被动时,以(very) much修饰:

His book has been (very) much praised [criticized, discussed].



She was very amused [excited, interested, pleased, puzzled, tired].



  • Very fine!
    • ① 很好,使棒!
    • ②[常为反语]好得很!
  • Very good.
    • ① 好好,好啊,可以嘛,好。
    • Very good, sir [ma'am].遵命,阁下[夫人];是的,先生[夫人]。
  • Very well.
    • ① 好好,好啊,可以嘛,好(=Very good.)。


  • identicaladj.就是
  • immenselyadv.非常
  • profoundlyadv.
  • sameadj.正是
  • awful
  • awfully
  • dreadfully
  • eminently
  • exact
  • exceedingly
  • exceptionally
  • extra
  • extremely
  • greatly
  • highly
  • identic
  • mere
  • mighty
  • most
  • notably
  • precise
  • selfsame
  • rattling
  • real
  • really




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