

词汇 space


  • space
  • spaces
  • spaces
  • spacing
  • spaced
  • spaced


  • ① 1空间2(地球大气层外的)太空
    • time and space时间与空间,时空
    • She was looking out into space.她往外望着空中。
    • He spent a year in space.他在太空中度过一年。
    • We're going to launch a satellite into space.我们即将把一颗卫星发射到太空。
  • ② 1空地;空白处;(报纸、杂志等的)版面,篇幅2距离;间隔3(特定目的用的)场地,区域
    • open space空地
    • blank space空白处
    • a space between two houses两栋房子之间的空地
    • This piano takes up [occupies] too much space.这架钢琴占太多场地[空间]。
    • There's no space in this book to discuss his viewpoint.本书没有篇幅去讨论他的观点。
    • for the space of ten miles十英里的距离
    • at equal spaces以等距离的间隔
    • Keep some space between the cars.那两部车子之间要保持一些间隔。
    • an enclosed space围起来的场地
    • I spent half an hour looking for a parking space.我花了半小时找停车的地方。
  • ③ 1【广播】【视】(售与客户的)时间;时段2(火车、飞机等的预订)座位
    • reserve space for six [one's space]为六个人[自己]订座位
  • ④ 1[具体时为[C];通常用单数形]期间;时间2[a space]不久,顷刻
    • for a space of three years三年期间
    • She came back in a very short space of time.她在很短的时间内回来。
    • He went abroad three times in the space of five months.在五个的期间,他出国三次。
    • After a space she continued her work.过了一会儿,她继续工作。
    • for a space一会儿
  • ⑤ 【印刷】行间;空铅
  • ⑥ (打字机的)行间的间隔


  • ① 使保持一定间隔[距离];隔开(字与字或行与行)<out>(★常用被动式)
    • The trees were equally spaced (out).那些树木以同等的距离隔开来。


  • ① 太空的


  • distancen.空间
  • expansen.空间
  • heavenn.太空
  • intervaln.间隔
  • bit
  • expansion
  • extent
  • length
  • piece
  • reach
  • spell
  • spread
  • stretch
  • sweep
  • time
  • way
  • while
  • blank
  • blank space
  • infinite
  • outer space
  • place
  • quad


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • attribute
  • space
  • infinite


  • amorphous shape
  • area
  • attribute
  • character
  • country
  • expanse
  • grapheme
  • graphic symbol
  • infinite
  • interval
  • location
  • space
  • surface area
  • time interval
  • type


  • absolute space
  • air space
  • airspace
  • angle
  • cavity
  • compartment
  • crawl space
  • crawlspace
  • crenel
  • crenelle
  • disc space
  • disk space
  • emptiness
  • enclosed space
  • enclosure
  • expanse
  • flies
  • gap
  • hair space
  • hole
  • indent
  • indentation
  • indention
  • indenture
  • key
  • margin
  • mathematical space
  • natural enclosure
  • no-parking zone
  • opening
  • outer space
  • paint
  • parking space
  • parking zone
  • phase space
  • place
  • pleural space
  • pocket
  • seat
  • separation
  • space
  • subarachnoid space
  • swath
  • terreplein
  • topological space
  • vacancy
  • vacuum
  • void
  • workspace




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