

词汇 sure


/ʃʊə(r)], [ʃɔː(r)//ʃʊr/
  • sure
  • surer
  • surest


  • ①[无比较级]1确定的,确信的,有把握的2一定的,必定的
    • I think it's black, but I am not sure.我想它是黑的,不过我没有把握。
    • "Are you sure she's right?"—"I'm quite sure."「你确定她是对的吗?」「我十分确定。」
    • We can be sure of success.我们可以确定会成功。
    • Are you quite sure about the date?你对这个日期有把握吗?
    • I'm quite sure that he will be successful.我相当确信他会成功。
    • I'm sure I don't know.我实在不知道。
    • None of the experts were sure what the trouble was.没有一位专家能确定是什么毛病。
    • I'm not sure where to put the box.我不晓得那个箱子要放在哪里。
    • She's sure to come.她一定会来(★可改写为It's certain that she will come.;但It's sure that ....则为【罕】)。
    • The weather is sure to be fine.天气一定会转晴。
    • Be sure to lock the door when you leave.离开时务必把门锁好。
  • ② 确实的;稳妥的;安全的;可信赖的,可靠的;不容置疑的,真正的
    • a sure cure可靠的疗法
    • a sure messenger确实可靠的使者
    • sure proof确证


  • ① 【口】【美】的确,确实地
    • It sure is cold today.今天实在冷。
    • She sure was right.她确实说的对。
    • "German is difficult."—"It sure is."「德语真难。」「的确是。」
  • ②[回答等用]【口】当然
    • "Can I go with you?"—"Sure!"「我可以跟你去吗?」「当然!」


sure: 为表无疑地「确定的」「确信的」之意的一般用语

certain: 作「确定的」「确信的」解时,常与sure同义使用

如加以区别时, certain用于根据事实或证据的场合, sure则用于凭主观的或直觉的判断:

I'm sure he'll come.

It's certain he'll come.


  • surelyadv.确实地,必定地
  • surenessn.稳妥;确实


  • be [feel] sure of oneself
    • ① 有自信心
  • be sure and V
    • ①[用祈使法]【口】务必要…
    • Be sure and remember to telephone her.千万记住要打电话给她。
  • for sure
    • ① 确定地
    • I saw him for sure.我确实看到他。
    • We don't know for sure that she has a lover.我们并不确实知道她有一个情人。
    • That's for sure.那是确定的。
  • make sure
    • ① 确定;查明;事先安排好
    • ② 确信
    • I made sure she would consent, and she didn't.我本来确信她会答应,而她却没有答应。
  • sure as nails [fate, death, a gun]
    • ① 的的确确
  • sure enough
    • ① 果然;真地
    • I thought he'd fail; and sure enough, he failed.我想他会失败,而果然他失败了。
  • to be sure
    • ①[表示让步]当然
    • ② 的确
    • ③[与well等连用,当作感叹词,以表惊讶]【罕】真是惊人!
  • Well I'm sure!
    • ①[当感叹词用]真把我吓坏!哎哟!不得了!


  • accurateadj.精确的
  • dependableadj.可靠的
  • stableadj.稳定的
  • steadyadj.稳当的
  • trustworthyadj.可信任的
  • assured
  • certain
  • confident
  • definite
  • fast
  • firm
  • hard
  • inarguable
  • incontestable
  • incontrovertible
  • indisputable
  • indubitable
  • inescapable
  • inevitable
  • infallible
  • irrefutable
  • positive
  • secure
  • solid
  • sound
  • strong
  • sturdy
  • substantial
  • sure-fire
  • unassailable
  • unavoidable
  • undeniable
  • undisputable
  • undoubting
  • unerring
  • unfailing
  • unquestionable
  • unshakable
  • certainly
  • for certain
  • for sure
  • sure as shooting
  • sure enough
  • surely
  • trusted


  • doubtfuladj.怀疑的
  • uncertainadj.不确定的
  • undependableadj.不可靠的
  • unsureadj.不确定的




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