释义 |
- sinks
- sinking
- sank/sunk
- sunk/sunken
vi- ① 1(重物)下沉,沉没<in, into, under>(←→float)2(日、月等)没,沉落<in, behind, below>
- The boat sank.该船沉没。
- He sank in the mud up to his knees.他陷在泥中直到膝部。
- He sank under the waves.他沉到波浪底下。
- The sun was sinking in the west.太阳西沉。
- The sun sank below the horizon [behind the mountain].太阳落到地平线下[山后]。
- ② (眼睛)凹入;(面颊)凹陷
- Her cheeks have sunk (in).她的面颊陷下去。
- ③ (地盘、建筑物等)倾斜,下陷,下沉
- The foundations suddenly sank in.地基突然下降。
- The tower has sunk about fifteen centimeters.那座塔(的地基)下陷约十五公分。
- The field sinks gradually to [toward] the river.那田野逐渐向河边倾斜。
- ④ (水)退,消;(风、火势、声音等)减弱,平静下来
- The flood is sinking.洪水正在退。
- The wind has sunk down.风已减弱。
- Her voice sank to a whisper.她的声音减弱成为耳语。
- ⑤ (数字、评价等)减低,下降
- The dollar is sinking.美元正在下降。
- The value of their currency sank to almost nothing.他们的币值跌到几乎等于零。
- He sank in the opinion of his colleagues.他在同事之间的身价降低。
- ⑥ 衰落;体力减退
- The patient was sinking fast.病人急速衰弱[快要死了]。
- He sank from exhaustion [under a burden].他因疲劳[重担]体力不支。
- ⑦ (头等)垂下;(眼睛)向下;俯首;沮丧
- Don't let your heart sink.别让你的心沮丧。
- His spirits sank.他的精神沮丧。
- His head sank forward on his chest.他垂头丧气。
- ⑧ 陷入(睡眠、忘我之境等)
- The old man soon sank into sleep.那老人不久即入眠。
- ⑨ 堕入(贫穷、恶习等);沦落;沉沦
- They have sunk into poverty.他们已沦于贫困。
- The firm sank deeper into the red.该公司陷于愈深的赤字。
- The country's economy has sunk into chaos.该国的经济已陷于混乱。
- ⑩ 倒下;投身
- He sank to his knees.他下跪。
- He sank to the ground.他倒在地上。
- She sank back into an armchair.她倒靠在扶手椅上。
- ⑪ 渗入;铭记
- Water has sunk through sand.水已渗入沙中。
- The water slowly sank into the ground.水慢慢渗入地中。
- The danger sank into our minds.那次危险使我们铭记在心(参照sink in)。
- This dye sinks in well.这种染料渗透得好。
vt- ① 使沉;使沉没;击沉
- The captain sank the ship.船长使船沉没。
- ② 放低(声音、调子等),降低(力量、价格等)
- He sank his voice to a whisper.他放低声音做耳语。
- ③ 使(水)减退
- The dry spell sank the river.连续干旱的天气使河流的水位下降。
- ④ 凿(井等);挖;刻;雕
- sink a well凿井
- sink a die镂刻印模
- ⑤ 打入(桩等);插入;埋入
- sink a pile (six meters deep) into the ground将木桩打入地中(六公尺深)
- ⑥ 垂下;使低下;使沮丧
- He sank his head on his chest.他低下头;他垂头丧气。
- ⑦ 使衰弱;使堕落;毁灭
- trouble enough to sink a much younger man足以使更年轻的人也感到吃不消的困苦
- ⑧ 投资于;(尤指对无利润的事业)投入(资金)
- He has sunk a lot of money in [into] the stock market.他在股市已经投下了大量的资金。
- ⑨ 隐瞒(姓名、行业等);不重视,忽视;省略
- sink evidence隐瞒证据
- sink one's identity隐瞒身分
- sink oneself [one's own interests](为了他人的利益而)牺牲自己[舍弃自己的利益],舍己为人
- They sank their differences.他们捐弃了歧见。
- ⑩ 【海】远离(陆地等)
- sink the land远离陆地到外海(水平线下看不见的地方)
n- ① 1(厨房的)水槽2【美】洗脸台3污水槽,沟渠4【文】藏污纳垢的地方,巢窟<of>
短语- sink in
- ① (眼睛)凹入;(面颊)凹陷
- ② 渗入;铭记
- ③ 【口】(事物)深获了解
- sink or swim
同义词- decayv.衰弱
- declinev.下降
- lapsev.沉没
- plungev.下降
- subsidevi.沉没
- swampvt.沉没
- armpit
- atrophy
- bankrupt
- basin
- break down
- cesspit
- cesspool
- concavity
- cross up
- dawn on
- degenerate
- demolish
- depression
- descend
- destroy
- deteriorate
- dig
- dip
- dive
- drive
- drop
- fade
- fail
- fall
- finish
- fizzle
- flag
- founder
- gravitate
- hollow
- languish
- lower
- nose-dive
- pit
- pitch
- plummet
- ram
- register
- retrograde
- ruin
- run
- sag
- settle
- shatter
- sinkhole
- skid
- slip
- slump
- smash
- soak in
- spoil
- stab
- stick
- stoop
- submerge
- submerse
- thrust
- torpedo
- total
- tumble
- undo
- wane
- wash up
- waste
- weaken
- worsen
- wrack
- wreck
- bury
- drop down
- fall off
- go down
- go under
- pass
- slide down
- sump
- swallow hole
词路径- entity
- physical entity
- object
- physical object
- whole
- unit
- artifact
- artefact
- fixture
- plumbing fixture
- sink
上位词- action
- activity
- cistern
- depression
- natural action
- natural depression
- natural process
- plumbing fixture
下位词- basin
- heat sink
- kitchen sink
- lavatory
- washbasin
- washbowl
- washstand