

词汇 week


  • week
  • weeks


  • ① 周,一星期(自星期天至星期六;★常当副词用)
    • She died a few weeks ago.她几星期前去世。
    • She's only five weeks old.她只有五周大。
    • We meet twice a week.我们每星期见面两次。
    • What day (of the week) is it today?=What is the day of the week?今天是星期几?
    • this [last, next] week这[上、下]星期
    • weeks ago在几个星期以前,很久以前
    • for weeks好几星期,很久
    • the week before last上上星期
    • the week after next下下星期
    • every other week每隔一周
    • in the course of this week=during this week这个星期中
    • (on) Wednesday (of) this week在本星期三
    • Monday week【英】下[上]星期一(=a week from Monday; a week ago Monday)
    • a week last Monday上上星期一
    • a week next Monday下下星期一
    • everyday of the week一星期每天(不间断)
    • She will leave in the first week of May.她将在五月第一个星期出发(★「在第…周」的介词用 in)。
    • He earns 800 dollars a week.他一星期赚八百美元。
  • ② 1(星期日或星期六及星期日以外的)平日,工作日2每周正式工作时数
    • She never watches TV during the week.她平日从不看电视。(参照weekday)
    • I work a 35-hour week.我每周工作35小时。
  • ③[Week](有特别活动的)周
    • Fire Prevention Week.防火周。



a two month's vacation,或用连字号和单数,如:

a two-month vacation,

但偶尔也见a two months vacation的说法。


a five-month-old baby





a five-months-old baby


a one-month's vacation或a month's vacation

以上三点用法同样适用于day, hour, week, year等表示时间的字:

a three days' visit

a three-day visit

a three days visit


a five weeks' [five years'] training

a five-week [five-year] training

a five weeks [five years] training


a five-year-old child



  • weeklyadj.每周的或一周一次的


  • a week ago today
    • ① 上星期的今天
  • a week from today [now]
    • ① 下星期的今天
  • a week of Sundays
    • ① 七周;长期间(参照a month of Sundays)
  • by the week
    • ① 按周
    • They hired a truck by the week.他们按周租用一辆卡车。
  • knock a person into the middle of next week
    • ① 【口】将某人揍扁,揍某人以示惩罚;使某人大吃一惊[狼狈]
  • this day week
    • ① 【主英】上星期的今天;下星期的今天(★「上星期」或「下星期」依上下文而定;【美】「上星期的今天」为a week ago today,「下星期的今天」为a week (from) today)(=this day week)
  • today week
    • ① 【主英】上星期的今天;下星期的今天(★「上星期」或「下星期」依上下文而定;【美】「上星期的今天」为a week ago today,「下星期的今天」为a week (from) today)
    • They will arrive today week [a week from today].他们将于下星期的今天抵达。
  • tomorrow week
    • ① 下星期的明天;上星期的明天
  • week after week
    • ① 每星期;一星期又一星期
  • week by week
    • ① 每周(=weekly)
  • week in week out
    • ① 一周又一周;每周地
  • yesterday week
    • ① 上星期的昨天(=a week (from) yesterday)


  • calendar week
  • hebdomad
  • workweek


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • measure
  • quantity
  • amount
  • fundamental quantity
  • fundamental measure
  • time period
  • period of time
  • period
  • week
  • hebdomad


  • period
  • period of time
  • time period
  • work time


  • Holy Week
  • Passion Week
  • rag
  • rag week
  • shibah
  • shiva
  • shivah
  • week from Monday




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