

词汇 weigh


  • weighs
  • weighing
  • weighed
  • weighed


  • ① 称…的重量,用秤称,衡量
    • weigh a parcel称包裹的重量
    • She weighed herself on the bathroom scales.她用浴室磅秤量体重。
    • He weighed the stone in his hand.他用手估量那块石头的重量。
  • ② 考虑;考量;权衡,斟酌
    • I'll weigh your suggestions carefully.我会仔细考虑你的建议。
    • He weighed one proposal against the other.他将两个提案加以斟酌比较。
  • ③ (以重量、责任、烦恼等)压下,压倒(★常用被动式,介词用with或by)
    • He was weighed down with [by] weapons and equipment.他被武器和装备压得弯下身来。
    • The responsibility weighed him down.那责任把他压得透不过气来。
    • The woman was weighed down with grief.那个女人悲不自胜。
  • ④ 【海】起(锚)


  • ① 称重量;重有(若干)
    • How much do you weigh?你体重多少?
    • I weigh 75 kilograms.我体重75公斤。
    • He weighs more than I do.他比我重。
    • This package weighs a lot [doesn't weigh much].这件包裹很重[没多重]。
  • ② 1[通常作weigh heavily](对…)很重要<in>2具有重要性,有很大的影响;受到重视<with>
    • Her expertise weighed heavily in my decision to employ her.她的专门知对我决定雇用她来说是非常重要的。
    • What weighs with him is not money but love.对他来说,重要的不是金钱,而是爱情。
  • ③ 有很大压力<on, upon>
    • The secret weighs heavy [heavily] on [upon] his conscience.那个秘密成为他良心上的重担。
    • The responsibility weighed on [upon] his mind.那项责任压在他的心头。


consider: 是在决定之前详加考虑

We considered ways and means to achieve our end.

study: 指比consider更有组织更专注地思考

He studied the problem carefully.

contemplate: 指深入而持续地考虑

She contemplated going to America after graduation.

weigh: 是在决定之前,从各方面权衡事情之得失优劣

He weighed the idea of becoming a baseball player.

reflect: 指就某事静思反省

He was reflecting on what he had done.


  • weightn.重量,体重


  • weigh against ...
    • ① 对…不利
    • Such excuses will weigh against you.这种借口将对你不利。
  • weigh in
    • ① (摔角、拳击手等)在比赛前接受体重检查<at>
  • weigh in with ...
    • ① 得意地提出(言论等)
  • weigh out
    • ① 量出,用秤分出(一定量)
    • He weighed out a pound of sugar.他量出一磅的糖。
  • weigh up
    • ① 斟酌,权衡
    • ② 估量(人、物),品评;了解


  • bear downv.压倒
  • burdenv.使负担
  • carry weightv.对…很重要
  • considerv.考虑
  • contemplatev.思索
  • countv.具重要性
  • examinev.探讨
  • judgev.判断
  • meditate uponv.深思
  • overloadv.使负担过重
  • ponderv.深思
  • pressv.压迫
  • reflect uponv.思考
  • studyv.研究
  • chew on
  • cogitate
  • deject
  • deliberate
  • depress
  • dispirit
  • entertain
  • excogitate
  • haunt
  • import
  • matter
  • meditate
  • mull
  • muse
  • obsess
  • oppress
  • reflect
  • revolve
  • ruminate
  • sadden
  • signify
  • think
  • think out
  • think over
  • think through
  • torment
  • trouble
  • turn over
  • librate




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