

词汇 thick


  • thick
  • thicker
  • thickest


  • ① 厚的,有…厚的;粗的,(字体、铅字)笔划粗的(←→thin)
    • a thick wall厚墙
    • a thick overcoat一件厚大衣
    • a wall three inches thick三英寸厚的墙壁
    • This piece of wood is five centimeters thick.这块木块厚五公分。
    • a thick neck粗脖子
    • How thick is it?那有多厚[粗]呢?
    • This wall is very thick.这道墙很厚。
  • ② (发等)浓密的;(树木等)茂密的;(群众等)拥挤的,连接不断的
    • thick hair浓密的头发
    • The bushes have grown thick.那些灌木已长得繁茂。
    • a thick forest藏密的森林
    • The path is thick with weeds.那条小径杂草丛生。
    • with honors thick upon one荣誉密集于一身
  • ③ 充满的<with>
    • thick with flies满是苍蝇的
    • The tables were thick with dust.那些桌子积着厚厚的灰尘。
    • The air is thick with snow.外面雪下得咫尺莫辨。
  • ④ (液体等)浓厚的,糊状的,浊的
    • thick oil浓厚的油
    • thick soup浓汤
    • The river looked thick after the rain.雨后那条河看起来很污浊。
  • ⑤ (雾、烟等)深的,浓的;(气候)阴的;雾深的
    • a thick fog浓雾
    • The fog seemed to be getting thicker.雾似乎变得愈来愈浓。
    • thick darkness漆黑
    • thick weather阴霾的[有浓雾的]天气
  • ⑥ 1(声音)不清楚的,嘶哑的,重浊的2(乡音、方言)浓重的
    • I've got a bad cold and got a thick voice.我因重感冒而声音重浊。
    • Alice had a thick German accent.爱丽丝有浓厚的德国腔。
  • ⑦ 【口】笨的,愚蠢的(=stupid)
    • He's thick.他头脑迟钝。
  • ⑧ 【口】亲密的,知己的<with>
    • They're very thick together.他们彼此非常亲密。
    • I've been thick with the Smiths for years.我多年来跟史密斯一家人很亲密。
    • (as) thick as thieves非常亲密
  • ⑨ 【英口】太过分的,受不了的
    • It's rather [a little] too thick.那有一点过分吧。
    • We thought it a bit thick when she said she would recite her poems.当她说要朗诵她的诗时,我们都觉得有点受不了。


  • ① 厚,浓
    • Slice the cheese thicker.把干酪切成厚一点的切片。
    • You've spread the butter too thick.你把奶油涂得太厚了。
  • ② 深,密
    • The snow is falling thick and fast.雪下得很紧很密。
    • More discoveries followed thick and fast.更多的发现接二连三地来到。


  • ① (前腕、腿肚、球棒等)最粗[厚]的部分<of>
    • the thick of the leg腿最粗的部分
  • ② (东西)最密集的部分;人聚集最多的地方;(战争等的)当中<of>
    • the thick of the town镇上最热闹的地方
    • the thick of the argument [fight]辩论[战斗]的最激烈处
    • The candidate died in the thick of the election campaign.那位候选人在选战最激烈时逝世。


close: 表示中间几无空隙地紧密近接

close teeth

dense: 是浓厚密集,使水、光线、空气等无法通过

a dense smog

compact: 尤指在小空间里装填得致密扎实,而各部分都排列得整洁不紊

a compact parcel

thick: 大部分都粗厚浓密地凝成一团,不易分得清楚

thick fur


  • get a thick ear
    • ① (被打得)耳朵[面颊]肿起来
  • give a person a thick ear
    • ① 把某人的耳朵[面颊]打肿
  • thick as two short planks
    • ① 【俚】非常愚钝
  • through thick and thin
    • ① 不论甘苦;在任何情形下;忠实地
    • She stayed with him through thick and thin.不论甘苦,她一直与他厮守。


  • compactadj.紧密的
  • blockheaded
  • blocky
  • chummy
  • chunky
  • close
  • crowded
  • dense
  • dimwitted
  • doltish
  • dopey
  • dumb
  • dumpy
  • eye
  • familiar
  • fat
  • friendly
  • gelatinous
  • heavy
  • heavyset
  • hebetudinous
  • intimate
  • lush
  • luxuriant
  • midst
  • obtuse
  • packed
  • profuse
  • rank
  • squat
  • stocky
  • stodgy
  • stubby
  • stumpy
  • stupid
  • thick-witted
  • thickheaded
  • thickset
  • tight
  • boneheaded
  • buddy-buddy
  • deep
  • duncical
  • duncish
  • fatheaded
  • loggerheaded
  • slurred
  • thick-skulled
  • thickly
  • wooden-headed


  • bareadj.光秃秃的
  • barrenadj.贫瘠的
  • cleveradj.聪明的
  • intelligentadj.聪明的
  • keenadj.敏锐的
  • leanadj.瘦的
  • narrowadj.窄的
  • quickadj.机伶的
  • shallowadj.浅的
  • sharpadj.敏锐的
  • slimadj.瘦的
  • smartadj.聪明的
  • thinadj.薄的
  • wateryadj.多水的
  • thinly


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • object
  • physical object
  • location
  • region
  • part
  • inside
  • interior
  • midst
  • thick


  • inside
  • interior




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