

词汇 speed


  • speed
  • speeds
  • speeds
  • speeding
  • sped/speeded
  • sped/speeded


  • ① (动作、行动等的)快速,迅速
    • Speed kills.快速会杀人(十次车祸九次快)。
    • with great speed急速地,火速地
    • More haste, less speed.【谚】欲速则不达。
  • ② 速度;速率
    • Wind speeds have reached force five.风速已达到五级。
    • at high speed以高速
    • at full [top] speed以全速
    • gain [gather] speed=get [pick] up speed增加速度
    • lose speed减慢速度
    • He drove at a speed of 120 kilometers an hour.他以每小时120公里的速度开车。
  • ③ (汽车等的)变速设备,排档
    • a 4-speed automatic transmission四速自动变速设备
    • a 12-speed bike十二段变速自行车
  • ④ 【俚】兴奋剂(安非他命(amphetamine)等毒品)
  • ⑤ 【古】成功;兴隆;幸运
    • God send [give] you good speed.祝你成功。


  • ① 急行;疾走;赶快走;速进;急驶
    • He [The car] sped along [down] the road.他[那辆汽车]在那条路上急驶。
  • ② 增加速度<up>
    • The train soon speeded up.火车不久就增加速度。
    • Please speed up (a bit).请加快(一点)。
  • ③ (汽车)超速行驶,超速(★通常作speeding;→speeding)
    • You're speeding.你超速了。
  • ④ 【古】(人)兴隆;(事情)顺利进行
    • How did you speed?事情怎么样?你还好吗?近况如何?


  • ① 1使急行;催促<up>2急送<to>
    • speed up one's horse催马快走
    • speed a person information=speed information to a person将信息急送给某人
  • ② 加快(引擎等的)速度;促进<up>
    • speed up an engine加快引擎的转动
    • speed up production促进生产
    • speed up a chemical reaction促进化学反应
  • ③ 【古】使(人)成功;使繁荣
    • God speed you!祝你事事如意!


haste: 主要用于人,指由于周围的情况,或本身的热切,而急忙行动等;有时暗示终归失败

All our haste was in vain.

hurry: 为日常用语,指过于匆促而有狼狈之感

Why are you in such a hurry?

speed: 可用于人或物,指动作敏捷迅速,意味着有好的结果


  • speedyadj.迅速的;敏捷的


  • at speed
    • ① 以高速,快速地
    • Don't go round corners at speed.不要以高速拐弯。


  • dartv.飞奔
  • dispatchn.迅速
  • hasten.迅速
  • hurryn.急促
  • racev.疾行
  • accelerate
  • barrel
  • bolt
  • bucket
  • bustle
  • celerity
  • clip
  • dash
  • expedite
  • expedition
  • expeditiousness
  • festinate
  • flash
  • fleet
  • fleetness
  • flit
  • fly
  • hasten
  • highball
  • hotfoot
  • hustle
  • nip
  • pace
  • pelt
  • quicken
  • quickness
  • rapidity
  • rapidness
  • rip
  • rocket
  • run
  • rush
  • sail
  • scoot
  • scour
  • shoot
  • speediness
  • sprint
  • step up
  • swiftness
  • tear
  • tempo
  • trot
  • velocity
  • whirl
  • whisk
  • whiz
  • wing
  • zip
  • zoom
  • amphetamine
  • belt along
  • bucket along
  • cannonball along
  • f number
  • fastness
  • focal ratio
  • hie
  • hurrying
  • pelt along
  • pep pill
  • rush along
  • speed up
  • speeding
  • step on it
  • stop number
  • travel rapidly
  • upper


  • decelerate
  • linger


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • relation
  • magnitude relation
  • quantitative relation
  • rate
  • speed
  • velocity


  • drug of abuse
  • excitant
  • motion
  • move
  • movement
  • pace
  • rate
  • ratio
  • stimulant
  • stimulant drug
  • street drug


  • Benzedrine
  • Dexedrine
  • Methedrine
  • acceleration
  • airspeed
  • amphetamine sulfate
  • amphetamine sulphate
  • angular velocity
  • bennie
  • c
  • chalk
  • chicken feed
  • crank
  • deceleration
  • deoxyephedrine
  • dextroamphetamine sulphate
  • escape velocity
  • execution speed
  • glass
  • graduality
  • gradualness
  • groundspeed
  • haste
  • hastiness
  • hurriedness
  • hurry
  • hypervelocity
  • ice
  • light speed
  • meth
  • methamphetamine
  • methamphetamine hydrochloride
  • muzzle velocity
  • peculiar velocity
  • precipitation
  • quickening
  • radial velocity
  • scud
  • scudding
  • shabu
  • speed of light
  • speedup
  • steerageway
  • terminal velocity
  • trash




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