

词汇 discharge


  • discharge
  • discharges
  • discharges
  • discharging
  • discharged
  • discharged


  • ① 卸货
  • ② 发射;发砲;【电】放电;放出;流出;排出物;流出量
    • (a) discharge from the ears [eyes, nose]耳屎[眼泪、鼻涕]
  • ③ 释放;免除<from>;责任解除;(债务、契约等的)消灭
    • The prisoner expects his discharge from jail next week.那囚犯指望下周出狱。
  • ④ 1退伍;免职,解雇<from>2解职令;退伍证
    • He received his discharge from the army.他自军中退伍。
  • ⑤ (义务的)履行;(债务的)履行,偿还<of>


  • ① 1卸下(船货等)2(从船上)卸(货)<from>3(车、船、飞机等交通工具)卸下(乘客)
    • discharge a ship卸下船上的货物
    • discharge a cargo (from a ship)(由船上)卸下船货
  • ② 放出(水等);流出;发射(砲弹);【电】放(电)
    • discharge electricity放电
    • We shouldn't discharge industrial waste into the river.我们不应该将工业废水排入河中。
    • The river discharges itself into the sea.该河流入大海。
    • discharge an arrow at the enemy对敌人射箭
  • ③ 排出;出(脓)
    • The chimneys are discharging smoke.那些烟夭囱正在排烟。
    • The wound is discharging pus.伤口正在出脓。
    • discharge hormones(腺)分泌贺尔蒙
  • ④ 解除(束缚、义务、任务等);释放;退役或退伍;使出院;开释(犯人);解雇,开除
    • discharge prisoners释放囚犯
    • Tom was discharged from office as incompetent.汤姆因无能而被免职。
    • When will she be discharged from (the) hospital?她人什么时候出院?
    • She discharged the maid for dishonesty [being dishonest].她因那名女仆不诚而予以解雇。
  • ⑤ 偿清(债务);完成(任务);履行
    • discharge one's duties尽职责
  • ⑥ 【法律】取消(法院的命令)


  • ① (船舶)卸货
  • ② 流
    • The river discharges into the lake.这条河流入湖中。
  • ③ (伤口等)排脓
  • ④ 放电


free: 为表「使自由」之意的一般用语,指除去束缚、抑压或负担而使进入继续的自由状态

free a prisoner

release: 指解除监禁、拘束或精神负担等

release a hostage

liberate: 强调由束缚等之中所获得的自由状态,为正式用语

discharge: 指解除并不强烈的束缚

discharge a patient

emancipate: 指由社会的隶属状态中加以释放

Lincoln emancipated the slaves.


  • emitv.放出
  • firev.解雇
  • let gov.放走
  • payv.支付
  • performv.完成
  • send forthv.发出
  • absolve
  • ax
  • boot
  • bounce
  • can
  • cashier
  • clear
  • demobilize
  • disburden
  • dismiss
  • dismissal
  • dispense
  • do
  • drop
  • dump
  • effectuation
  • emancipate
  • empty
  • excuse
  • execute
  • execution
  • exempt
  • exercise
  • flow
  • free
  • fulfill
  • implement
  • issue
  • keep
  • let off
  • liberate
  • liquidate
  • loose
  • manumit
  • muster out
  • performance
  • pink-slip
  • prosecution
  • release
  • relieve
  • sack
  • satisfy
  • separate
  • settle
  • spare
  • spring
  • square
  • terminate
  • termination
  • unlade
  • unload
  • acquit
  • arc
  • assoil
  • complete
  • dismission
  • dispatch
  • drop off
  • eject
  • electric arc
  • electric discharge
  • emission
  • exculpate
  • exhaust
  • exonerate
  • expel
  • expelling
  • firing
  • firing off
  • go off
  • liberation
  • outpouring
  • put down
  • run
  • sacking
  • set down
  • spark
  • venting
  • waiver


  • charge
  • convict
  • enlist
  • fill


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • psychological feature
  • event
  • happening
  • occurrence
  • occurrent
  • natural event
  • discharge


  • activity
  • bodily function
  • bodily process
  • body process
  • conclusion
  • electrical conduction
  • emanation
  • emission
  • ending
  • flow
  • flowing
  • happening
  • material
  • natural event
  • occurrence
  • occurrent
  • relinquishing
  • relinquishment
  • shooting
  • shot
  • stuff
  • termination


  • Saint Elmo's fire
  • Saint Elmo's light
  • Saint Ulmo's fire
  • Saint Ulmo's light
  • Section Eight
  • St. Elmo's fire
  • blowup
  • brush discharge
  • catamenia
  • conge
  • congee
  • corona
  • corona discharge
  • corposant
  • deactivation
  • detonation
  • dishonorable discharge
  • effluvium
  • ejaculation
  • electric glow
  • electrical discharge
  • elimination
  • eruption
  • escape
  • evacuation
  • excreting
  • excretion
  • exemption
  • explosion
  • exudate
  • exudation
  • flashover
  • flow
  • granting immunity
  • gun
  • honorable discharge
  • immunity
  • inactivation
  • jet
  • leak
  • leakage
  • menses
  • menstruation
  • menstruum
  • outflow
  • period
  • removal
  • rheum
  • spirt
  • spurt
  • squirt
  • superannuation
  • transudate
  • transudation
  • vaginal discharge
  • voiding
  • volcanic eruption


  • evaluate
  • judge
  • pass judgment




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