

词汇 corner


  • corner
  • corners
  • corners
  • cornering
  • cornered
  • cornered


  • ① 角;转角处
    • the corner of a box箱角
    • at [【美】on] a street corner在街角
  • ② 隅,角落
    • There is a chair in the corner of the room.在房间的角落有一把椅子。
    • keep a corner守[占]着一隅之地
    • leave no corner unsearched遍寻各(角落)处
    • He looked at her out of the corner of his eye.他用眼角(斜眼)偷看她。
    • put [stand] a child in the corner罚小孩站在角落
  • ③ 隐僻处,偏僻处
    • She lives in a quiet corner of the town.她住在该镇的一个僻静处。
    • done in a corner在隐僻处[秘密中]所做的
  • ④[常用复数形]地区,区域
    • Tourists are coming from all corners of the world [the four corners of the earth] to see the temple.观光客从世界各地来看那座庙。
  • ⑤[通常作a corner]困境;窘境
    • in a tight corner陷于困境
  • ⑥ 【商】垄断市场;囤积居奇
    • The company has made [established, got] a corner on [in] the gold market.该公司已垄断黄金市场。
  • ⑦ 【足球】=corner kick


  • ① 街角的
    • a corner store街角的商店
    • a corner drugstore街道的杂货店
  • ② 置于角隅的
    • a corner table置于房间角隅的三角几


  • ① 迫入角隅;逼入困境
    • corner an animal将一只动物追得无路可逃
    • They've got him cornered.他们已将他逼入困境。
  • ② 【商】垄断,独占
    • corner the market垄断市场


  • ① (车辆、驾驶人)转弯,拐角
    • The car cornered very fast.那部车很快地转弯。
    • He corners well.他转弯时很稳。


  • around [round] the corner
    • ① 在街角[转弯]处;在近处
    • ② 即将来临
    • Christmas is just around the corner.耶诞节即将来临。
  • cut corners
    • ① 节省时间、金钱、力气等;偷工减料
  • cut off the [a] corner
    • ① 【英】走近路,抄近路
    • She cut off the corner going home in a hurry.她匆忙地抄近路回家。
  • drive [force, put] ... into a corner
    • ① 将…逼入困境
    • He was driven [forced, put] into a corner in the debate.他在辩论中被逼入困境。
  • turn the corner
    • ① 转过拐角;【赛马】转过最后的弯道;(疾病、不景气等)有转机,脱险
    • He has been seriously ill but has turned the corner now.他害了重病,但现在已度过危险期。
  • within the four corners of ...
    • ① 在(文档等)的书面范围内,不逸出(文档内容)的范围


  • nookn.角落
  • Dutch
  • bind
  • box
  • deep water
  • difficulty
  • dilemma
  • fix
  • hole
  • hot spot
  • hot water
  • jam
  • monopoly
  • pickle
  • plight
  • predicament
  • quagmire
  • scrape
  • soup
  • spot
  • trouble
  • niche
  • quoin
  • recess
  • recession
  • street corner
  • tree
  • turning point


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • object
  • physical object
  • location
  • region
  • area
  • country
  • corner


  • area
  • carrefour
  • concave shape
  • concavity
  • construction
  • country
  • crossing
  • crossroad
  • crossway
  • incurvation
  • incurvature
  • intersection
  • monopoly
  • part
  • piece
  • plight
  • point
  • predicament
  • quandary
  • structure


  • amen corner
  • blind corner
  • canthus
  • chimney corner
  • inglenook
  • pharyngeal recess




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