

词汇 benefit


  • benefit
  • benefits
  • benefits
  • benefiting
  • benefited
  • benefited


  • ① 利益,裨益,助益,益处;恩惠
    • (a) public benefit公益
    • the benefits of higher education高等教育的益处
    • Did you get much benefit from the book?你有没有从那本书得到很多益处?
  • ② (社会保险制度等的)给付,津贴,福利(金钱、实物、服务等)
    • a medical benefit医疗给付
    • She is entitled to child benefit.她有资格[权利]领取儿童福利金。
    • unemployment benefit失业津贴
  • ③ 义演
    • a benefit concert慈善音乐会
  • ④ 【美】税的免除额(=【英】relief)


  • ① 得益(于),(自…)获益
    • Who benefits by her death?她死亡谁得到益处?
    • She benefited by the medicine.她得益于该药。
    • He has never benefited from the experience.他从未得益于那项经验(并未因那项经验而变得更为明智)。


  • ① 有益于;裨益
    • Jogging will benefit you.慢跑将有益于你。


advantage: 指因处于较他人有利或优势的地位所得的利益

We enjoy the advantage of city life.


benefit: 指个人或社会的利益,比advantage之意更为具体

a public benefit


profit: 尤指物质或金钱上的利益,但亦可指有价值事物的获得,如学问、经验等

the profit of the bargain



  • for the benefit of ...
    • ① 为…的利益
    • ② 【反语】为惩戒…;为使(某人)产生某种预期的反应
  • give a person the benefit of the doubt
    • ① 在未经证实某人是否有罪前,对其嫌疑作善意的解释
    • The money had been stolen and John was in the house at the time, but we gave him the benefit of the doubt and assumed that some burglar had taken it.钱被偷了,当时约翰在房子里,但我们不能没证据就罪于他,只能假定是小偷干的。
  • of benefit to ...
    • ① 对…有裨益
    • It proved of great benefit to me.它确实对我很有益处。
    • Moderate exercise will be of benefit to you.适度的运动将对你有益[有益你的健康]。
  • the benefit of clergy
    • ① 【史】僧侣的特典(神职者等不受法庭而只受教会审判的特典;【美】于1790年,【英】于1827年,先后废除)
  • to a person's benefit
    • ① 对某人有益
    • The policy will stabilize oil prices, to everyone's benefit.那项政策将使油价稳定,对人人有益。
  • without benefit of clergy
    • ① (结婚等)未举行教会仪式
    • John and Mary are living together without benefit of clergy.约翰和玛丽未在教堂举行仪式而同居。


  • aidv.协助
  • assistv.协助
  • be helpedv.受惠
  • do good forv.有利于
  • account
  • advantage
  • avail
  • blessing
  • boon
  • boot
  • capitalize
  • favor
  • gain
  • good
  • good turn
  • grace
  • indulgence
  • interest
  • kindness
  • profit
  • serve
  • service
  • use
  • usefulness
  • utility
  • do good
  • welfare


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • relation
  • possession
  • transferred property
  • transferred possession
  • outgo
  • spending
  • expenditure
  • outlay
  • cost
  • payment
  • benefit


  • good
  • goodness
  • payment
  • performance
  • public presentation


  • advantage
  • benefit concert
  • cost-of-living benefit
  • death benefit
  • disability benefit
  • fringe benefit
  • interest
  • perk
  • perquisite
  • reward
  • sake
  • sick benefit
  • sickness benefit
  • stock option




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