

词汇 keep


  • keep
  • keeps
  • keeps
  • keeping
  • kept
  • kept


  • ① 保有,保持;保存,存放,保留(=reserve)
    • If you like the book, keep it.如果你喜欢那本书,就把它留下来吧。
    • Keep the change.不必找钱。
    • She has kept all the receipts.她把所有的收据保存起来。
    • Keep it in a dark and cool place.把它收藏于阴凉的地方。
    • Keep these boards for future use.把这些木板保存起来供将来使用。
    • Please keep a good cut of beef for me [keep me a good cut of beef] every week.请每个星期给我留一块上等牛肉。
  • ② 保守(秘密);信守(诺言);遵守(法律、规则等)(=obey)
    • She kept her promise [word].她遵守[履行]了她的诺言。
    • He didn't keep his appointment.他没有守约。
  • ③ 举行(仪式、庆祝活动等),庆祝(=celebrate)
    • keep Christmas庆祝耶诞节
  • ④ 保护;保管;保存;维护
    • keep goal(在足球赛等)守球门
    • God keep you!愿上帝保护你!请保重!
    • keep a person from harm保护某人免受伤害
    • This park is always kept well.这公园经常维护得很好。
    • My mother keeps my money for me.我的母亲替我保管金钱。
    • He kept his money under the mattress.他把他的钱存放在床垫下面。
    • Will you keep this suitcase for me?请你替我保管这手提箱好吗?
    • They keep meat by drying.他们以干燥法保存肉类。
  • ⑤ 扶养(家庭);饲养(猫、狗等);金屋藏(娇),蓄(妾);雇用(仆人等);拥有(自用车等)
    • keep oneself自立生活
    • keep a dog [chickens]养狗[鸡]
    • Smith keeps a large family.史密斯扶养一个大家庭。
  • ⑥ 经营[管理](商店、学校等)(=manage)
    • keep a shop [pub]经营商店[酒馆]
  • ⑦ 经销
    • That store keeps imported chocolates.那家商店经销进口的巧克力。
  • ⑧ 记(帐、日记等)
    • keep a diary记日记
    • keep books记帐
  • ⑨ 使维持(某种状态);使继续做…,继续使做…
    • He kept himself warm by jumping up and down.他跳上跳下,以保持身体暖和。
    • The noise kept her awake.那噪音使他醒着。
    • Please keep your head down.请把头低下来(以免危险)。
    • They kept the warehouse locked.他们把仓库锁着。
    • Keep it a secret.继续守住这个秘密吧。
    • Keep the fire burning.让火继续燃烧吧。
    • I'm sorry to keep you waiting so long.很抱歉让你久等。
    • Things have been kept in order.事情都井然有序。
  • ⑩ 留下;使停留(在某处)
    • The teacher kept the pupils after school.放学后,老师把学生留下来。
    • The snowstorm kept them indoors.暴风雪把他们关在屋里。
    • We won't keep you long.我们不会耽误你很久。
    • The dissident was kept in custody for three days.那名异议分子被拘禁了三天。
  • ⑪ 1使不能(做某事),阻止2隐瞒(某事)
    • What has kept you from seeing me?什么事使你不能来看我?
    • She could not keep herself from laughing.她无法忍住笑。
    • Where's the chairman? What kept him (from coming)?主席在哪里?什么事阻止他(来)?(★from 以后的部分亦有省略者)
    • She's keeping the truth away from me.她在向我隐瞒真相。
  • ⑫ 继续做(某动作),维持(某状态)
    • keep one's way一本初衷
    • keep watch不断监视
    • This clock keeps good time.这个钟很准。


  • ① 维持(某方式或样式)
    • They had to hunt for food to keep alive.为了存活,他们不得不寻找食物。
    • keep together保持在一起,合而不散
    • Keep straight on.继续往前直走。
    • She kept indoors.她留在家里。
    • Remember to keep left when you are driving in Japan.在日本开车时,要记得靠左通行。
    • keep to the right靠右通行
    • Keep along this road for three blocks.顺这条路继续往前走三个街区。
  • ② 保持(某状态);继续(某动作)
    • That boy can't keep still.那个男孩无法保持安静。
    • Please keep calm.请保持冷静。
    • He kept awake.他一直醒着。
    • She kept crying.她哭个不停。
    • We should keep in touch with them.我们应该经常与他们保持接触。
  • ③ (食物)持久不坏(=last);(消息、事件等)能搁下不发表[不处理]
    • This food won't keep in this weather.在这种天气,这食物不能保存。
    • This fruit will keep for two weeks.这水果可保存两星期。
  • ④[常作can [could] not keep]保持不…,抑制
    • She couldn't keep from laughing.她无法忍住笑。
    • You should keep from booze.你应该戒酒。
  • ⑤ 【美口】(上课)继续不停
    • Will school keep all day?今天整天都要上课吗?


  • ① 生活物资,食物;生活费;(动物的)饲养费
    • earn one's keep赚取糊口之资
  • ② 城堡的最中心部分,核堡


keep V-ing表动作或状态之持续,而keep on V-ing则表某种断续性动作之重复。


keep: 指保存某物或继续维持某种状态,为最平常的用语

keep back: 尤指稳固地保持在自己的地方

retain: 是较正式的用语,暗示确实保有,而不愿失去的心情

retain one's memory

withhold: 指保留某物而不肯交出或给与

withhold one's consent

reserve: 指保留,或为将来而保存

reserve the money


  • keepern.看守人;饲养人
  • keepingn.保管;照顾


  • for keeps
    • ① 【游戏】约定东西归优胜者所有;认真地
    • ② 【口】永远地,永久地
    • Take it. It's yours for keeps.这东西你拿去吧,不用还我。
  • keep ... out of ...
    • ① 将…挡在…外面,使…不进入…;使避开
    • They kept the newspapermen out of the room.他们将新闻记者挡在那个房间外边。
    • We keep dogs out of our house.我们不让狗进入我们的房屋。
  • keep ... to oneself
    • ① 将…仅供自己用
    • ② 不将…告知别人
    • You should keep it to yourself.这事你应该守密。
  • keep at ...
    • ① 使(某人)继续做…
    • ② 继续做…,热心地做…
    • ③ =keep on at
  • keep away
    • ① 使远离
    • ② 远离,避开
    • Keep away from the forest.不要靠近那座森林。
    • Keep away from alcohol.不要喝酒。
  • keep back
    • ① 阻止(人)靠近,挡住;抑制;将(事情)积压
    • ② 将(物)收藏[留存]
    • ③ 隐藏(秘密等)
    • ④ 躲着不出来;远离;退后
    • Keep back!退后!
  • keep down
    • ① 镇压(叛变等)
    • ② 压制(感情等);阻止(杂草等)长出
    • ③ 使(经费等)不增加
    • ④ 使(食物)不吐出来
    • ⑤ 伏下[蹲下]不起来
    • There is somebody coming! Keep down and don't make a sound.有人来了!卧倒,不要作声。
  • keep in
    • ① 抑制(感情等)
    • ② 将(人)关起来;将(学生)留下(以示惩罚)
    • ③ 使(炉火等)继续燃烧
    • ④ 足不出户
    • ⑤ (炉火等)继续燃烧
    • The fire kept in all night.炉火整夜未熄。
  • keep in with ...
    • ① 与(上司等)保持友好(★可用被动式);【口】与…亲近
  • keep it up
    • ① 【口】继续奋斗;继续努力
  • keep off
    • ① 阻挡(敌人);防止(灾害);避开
    • ② 不靠近
    • ③[off为介词]跟…保持距离;避开(话题等)
    • Keep off the grass.请勿践踏草地。
  • keep on
    • ① 继续穿着(衣服等);继续雇用
    • ② 继续(做…)
    • ③ 继续前进;继续工作
    • They kept on, tired as they were.他们虽然很疲倦,还是继续工作下去。
  • keep on at ...
    • ① 【口】缠着(某人)说[要求];对…唠叨
    • His wife kept on at him to buy a new house.他的太太缠着要他买一栋新房子。
  • keep on with ...
    • ① 继续做…
    • You should keep on with your work.你应该继续做你的工作。
  • keep oneself to oneself
    • ① 独来独往,独居,不与他人交往
    • He kept himself very much to himself.他非常不与他人交往。
  • keep out
    • ① 使不能进去,关在外面
    • ② 在外面,不进到里面
    • Danger-keep out!危险─禁止入内!
  • keep out of ...
    • ① 不参与(打架等);避开;不进入
    • Keep out of the sun.避开太阳。
    • Keep out of private grounds.不要进入私有地。
  • keep to ...
    • ① 严守(时间、规则等);不离开(家、正轨);不离(本题等)
    • He keeps to his promise.他遵守诺言。
    • You must keep to the deadlines [speed limit].你必须严守期限[速度限制]。
    • Keep to the right.[告示]靠右通行。
  • keep to oneself
    • ① 不与人交往
  • keep under
    • ① 压制,抑制;使驯服[服从]
    • The firemen tried to keep the fire under.消防人员努力将火势控制住。
  • keep up
    • ① 支持,维持;继续;保持(体面、精神、价格等)
    • ② (在晚上)使不睡觉
    • ③ (勇气、精神等)不衰,不颓唐
    • ④ (价格)居高不下
    • ⑤ (天气)继续晴朗
    • ⑥ (活动、上课等)继续
    • ⑦ 跟上
    • Please walk a bit slower. I can't keep up.请走慢一点。我跟不上。
  • keep up with ...
    • ① 跟上(时代),保持与(某人)同样的速度,努力不落在…后面
    • Their incomes are not keeping up with inflation.他们的收入赶不上通货膨胀。


  • food and lodgingsn.食住
  • livelihoodn.生计
  • abide by
  • abstain
  • adhere
  • alimentation
  • alimony
  • bar
  • beat off
  • big house
  • bit
  • brake
  • bread
  • bread and butter
  • bridle
  • brig
  • calaboose
  • can
  • carry
  • carry on
  • carry out
  • celebrate
  • check
  • clink
  • commemorate
  • comply
  • conform
  • constrain
  • cooler
  • coop
  • count out
  • curb
  • debar
  • discharge
  • do
  • eliminate
  • except
  • exclude
  • execute
  • exercise
  • fend
  • follow
  • forbear
  • fulfill
  • go on
  • hang on
  • hold
  • hold back
  • hold down
  • hold in
  • hold off
  • hoosegow
  • house of correction
  • implement
  • inhibit
  • jail
  • joint
  • jug
  • keep back
  • last
  • lay aside
  • lay away
  • lay by
  • lay in
  • lay up
  • living
  • lockup
  • maintain
  • maintenance
  • mind
  • obey
  • observe
  • parry
  • pen
  • penitentiary
  • perform
  • persevere
  • persist
  • pokey
  • preserve
  • prison
  • provide for
  • pull in
  • put by
  • refrain
  • rein
  • repel
  • repulse
  • reserve
  • restrain
  • retain
  • rule out
  • salt away
  • save
  • set by
  • shut out
  • slammer
  • solemnize
  • stay with
  • stir
  • stock
  • store
  • subsistence
  • support
  • sustain
  • sustenance
  • upkeep
  • ward off
  • withhold
  • continue
  • donjon
  • dungeon
  • go along
  • hold on
  • hold open
  • keep on
  • keep open
  • prevent
  • proceed
  • stay fresh


  • break
  • discontinue
  • let
  • lose


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • relation
  • possession
  • assets
  • resource
  • support
  • keep
  • livelihood
  • living
  • bread and butter
  • sustenance


  • cell
  • fastness
  • jail cell
  • prison cell
  • resource
  • stronghold


  • amenities
  • comforts
  • conveniences
  • creature comforts
  • maintenance
  • meal ticket
  • subsistence




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