

词汇 assumption


  • assumption
  • assumptions


  • ① 假定;假定事项;前提;臆说
    • a more assumption仅属臆说
    • They are working on the assumption that the rate of inflation will remain the same next year.他们在假定明年的通货膨胀率将保持相同的情况下工作。
    • In that event we shall have to accept the assumption that no ideology is preferable to this.在那种情形之下我们将不得不承认再没有别种理念比这更足取的了。
    • His assumption that he would succeed proved wrong.他认为他会成功的这项假设结果是错的。
  • ② 担任;承当;就任
    • the assumption of office就任
  • ③ 假装作态
    • with an assumption of ignorance装做无知地
  • ④ 僭越;傲慢(=arrogance)
  • ⑤ 占有;掌握<of>
    • the fifth anniversary of his assumption of power他掌权第五周年
  • ⑥[the Assumption]【天主教】圣母升天;圣母升天日(八月十五日)


  • assumev.臆测,假定,认为


  • beliefn.想法
  • presumptionn.假设
  • appropriation
  • arrogation
  • audaciousness
  • audacity
  • boldness
  • brashness
  • brass
  • brazenness
  • cheek
  • cheekiness
  • chutzpah
  • crust
  • discourtesy
  • disrespect
  • effrontery
  • face
  • familiarity
  • forwardness
  • gall
  • impertinence
  • impudence
  • impudency
  • incivility
  • insolence
  • nerve
  • nerviness
  • overconfidence
  • pertness
  • postulate
  • postulation
  • preemption
  • premise
  • presumptuousness
  • presupposition
  • pushiness
  • rudeness
  • sassiness
  • sauce
  • sauciness
  • seizure
  • supposition
  • theory
  • thesis
  • uppishness
  • uppityness
  • usurpation
  • Assumption
  • Assumption of Mary
  • August 15
  • laying claim
  • premiss
  • supposal


  • entity
  • abstraction
  • abstract entity
  • communication
  • message
  • content
  • subject matter
  • substance
  • statement
  • proposition
  • postulate
  • posit
  • premise
  • premiss
  • assumption


  • acquisition
  • act
  • audaciousness
  • audacity
  • deed
  • holy day of obligation
  • human action
  • human activity
  • hypothesis
  • miracle
  • posit
  • possibility
  • postulate
  • theory


  • base
  • basic assumption
  • basis
  • conclusion
  • condition
  • constatation
  • cornerstone
  • foundation
  • fundament
  • given
  • groundwork
  • major premise
  • major premiss
  • minor premise
  • minor premiss
  • position
  • precondition
  • presumption
  • scenario
  • self-evident truth
  • stipulation
  • subsumption
  • thesis
  • uppishness
  • uppityness




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