

词汇 blood


  • bloods
  • blooding
  • blooded
  • blooded


  • ① 血,血液
    • the flow of blood to the brain血液流到脑部
    • the circulation of blood血液的循环
    • a drop of blood一滴血
    • give [donate] blood给血,捐血
    • She lost a lot of blood in the car accident.她在那次车祸中失去很多血。
    • Much blood was shed in the revolution.在那次革命时流了很多血。
  • ② (低等动物的)体液;(树木、果子等的)红色汁液
    • the blood of the grape葡萄汁
  • ③ 亲属;血亲,血族;血统;家世,门第;[the blood]王族,皇家
    • Our company is badly in need of new [fresh] blood.我们的公司急需新血[新锐、新进人员]。
    • Madness runs in her blood.她有疯狂的血统。
    • Nobility is in his blood.=He has nobility in his [the] blood.他有高贵的血统。
    • Blood is thicker than water.【谚】血浓于水(亲属关系比朋友更亲近)。
    • Blood will tell.血统足以说明一切[不容争执]。
    • a prince [princess] of the blood王子[公主];亲王[内亲王]
  • ④ 1生命2血气,激情;气质
    • He gave his blood for his country.他为国捐躯。
    • He's a man of hot blood.他是个容易激动的人。
    • curdle [chill, freeze] a person's blood(恐怖)使某人胆寒
    • His word made my blood boil.他的话激怒我。
    • The sight of the snake made her blood run cold.见到那条蛇使她胆寒。
    • stir a person's [the] blood使某人兴奋
    • The thought of the black plague makes the blood creep.想黑死病就令人心惊。
    • When he saw his enemy, his blood boiled [was up].看到他的敌人时,他大为愤怒。
    • with blood in one's eyes眼中满布血丝的[地];面露怒容的[地]
  • ⑤ 流血;杀人(罪);牺牲
    • a man of blood好杀戮者;凶手
    • deeds of blood杀人行为


  • ① 使(猎犬)初尝血腥味;使(军人)对流血司空见惯
  • ② 使(某人)获得新体验(★常用被动式)
    • He hasn't yet been blooded.他还没有获得第一次的经验。
  • ③ 使(初次狩猎者)接受涂抹狐血的仪式


  • blood and thunder
    • ① 流血与暴力;流血和骚动(参照blood-and-thunder)
    • This movie is full of blood and thunder.这部电影充满流血与冒险。
  • cannot get blood from [out of] a stone
    • ① 不能从石头里挤出血来;不能求得心肠冷酷者的同情;不会成功
    • Getting information out of him is impossible. You cannot get blood from a stone.想从他那里套出消息是不可能的。你不能从石头里挤出血来。
  • draw first blood
    • ① 先下手(打击);先得分
  • have a person's blood on one's head [hands]
    • ① 应对某人的不幸或死亡负责
    • Though a criminal, he had no blood on his hands.他虽然是罪犯,但他没杀过人。
  • in cold blood
    • ① 蓄意地;冷酷地;满不在乎地
    • He was shot in cold blood.他被冷酷地射杀。
  • in hot blood
    • ① 愤怒的[地]
  • let blood
    • ① 【医】放血(参照bloodletting)
  • taste blood
    • ① (猎犬、野兽等)尝到血腥味
    • ② 初识真味;初次体验;初尝甜头
    • Once you taste blood, you're hooked.一旦你初尝甜头,你就会上瘾的。
  • the blood and iron policy
    • ① (俾斯麦的)铁血政策
  • the Man of Blood and Iron
    • ① 铁血宰相(俾斯麦(Bismarck)的别称)
  • to the last drop of one's blood
    • ① 拚到最后一滴血,拚命到底


  • ancestry
  • birth
  • bloodline
  • blue blood
  • descent
  • extraction
  • family
  • genealogy
  • gore
  • hit
  • homicide
  • killing
  • line
  • lineage
  • murder
  • nobility
  • noblesse
  • origin
  • parentage
  • pedigree
  • seed
  • stock
  • blood line
  • line of descent
  • profligate
  • rake
  • rakehell
  • rip
  • roue
  • stemma


  • entity
  • physical entity
  • matter
  • substance
  • body substance
  • liquid body substance
  • bodily fluid
  • body fluid
  • humor
  • humour
  • blood


  • bodily fluid
  • body fluid
  • debauchee
  • disposition
  • family tree
  • genealogy
  • humor
  • humour
  • libertine
  • liquid body substance
  • people
  • rounder
  • temperament


  • arterial blood
  • blood clot
  • blood group
  • blood stream
  • blood type
  • bloodstream
  • cord blood
  • family
  • family line
  • folk
  • gore
  • grume
  • kinfolk
  • kinsfolk
  • lifeblood
  • menorrhea
  • menstrual blood
  • menstrual flow
  • phratry
  • sept
  • side
  • venous blood
  • whole blood




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