

词汇 do



adv, n

  • ① =ditto


  • do
  • do's/dos
  • does
  • doing
  • did
  • done


  • ① 1做;办2完成(工作);尽(义务),履行3[通常附有the, any,或some,而以-ing为受词]做(…的行为)4(当作职业而)做5[通常用have done, be done 等的形式]完成(参照vi.)
    • What shall I do?我要怎么办?
    • There's nothing I can do about it.我对它无能为力。
    • What are you doing?你在做什么?
    • I have nothing to do.我没事可做。
    • She does aerobics once a week.她每星期做一次有氧运动。
    • What can I do for you?我能为您做什么吗?(★店员对顾客或医生对病人的招呼语)
    • Do your duty.尽你的本分[义务]吧。
    • I've done all I can.我已尽我所能。
    • He still has to do his military service.他还得服兵役。
    • I like to do business with him.我喜欢跟他做生意。
    • You did the right thing.你做对了。
    • I do the cooking and he does the washing.我作菜,他洗涤。
    • I'm going to do some shopping.我要去买点东西。
    • She did almost all the talking.几乎都是她在说话。
    • "What do you want to do after graduation?"-"I'll do teaching."「你毕业后要做什么?」「我要教书。」
    • Have you done your work?你做完你的工作了吗?
    • I've already done my homework.我已经做完功课。
    • Now you have done it.【口】好了,这下出丑了。
    • The work is done.工作完成了(★主要表示结果的状态;参照The work has been done.(强调完了))。
    • What is done cannot be undone.【谚】已经做的事无法挽回;覆水难收。
    • I have done the shopping and am going home now.我买好了东西,现在正要回家。
    • Have you done reading?你读完了吗?
  • ② 致使;给与
    • Bad books do (us) great harm.坏书(对我们)有很大的害处。
    • A holiday will do you good.度个假对你将有好处。
    • The typhoon has done great damage to the crops.台风给谷物造成了很大的损害。
    • Will you do me a favor [kindness]?=Will you do a favor [kindness] for me?你愿帮我一个忙吗?
    • I hope you will do me the honor of paying me a visit.我希望您赏光来看我。
    • You've done the school credit.你替学校增了光。
    • The book did credit to the writer.那本书使作者博得好名。
  • ③ 1处理2整理(卧房等);打扫;洗(碟子等);插(花);梳(发);化粧(脸)3攻读;学习4解答,解决(=solve)5画(图);制作(电影);抄写;翻译(作品等)6用(力等)7【口】喝(酒)
    • I have to do my correspondence.我得处理信件。
    • He's doing the garden.他在整理花园。
    • She's doing the dishes.她正在洗碟子。
    • She will do the flowers.她将插那些花。
    • She's doing her face.她正在做脸部化粧。
    • She's doing biology (at National Taiwan University).她(在国立台湾大学)攻读生物学。
    • Do you like to do the crossword?你喜欢解纵横字谜吗?
    • do a portrait画肖像
    • He did the novel into a movie.他将那本小说拍成电影。
    • How many copies shall I do?我要抄写几份?
    • I asked her to do me a translation.=I asked her to do a translation for me.我请她替我翻译。
    • I can only do my best.我只能尽力而为。
    • do a beer喝一杯啤酒
  • ④ 合用;合宜;够用(★不可用被动式)
    • Two thousand will do me very well.两千元就很够我用了。
  • ⑤ 1扮演;担任2模仿3[以the+形容词为受词]【口】【古】表现得
    • He did Hamlet well.他把哈姆雷特这个角色演得很好。
    • She always does the hostess very well.她当女主人总是非常慇懃。
    • She does Madonna very well.她很会模仿玛丹娜。
    • Can you do a cat?你能模仿猫吗?
    • do the agreeable表现得和蔼可亲
    • A gentleman should do the polite.一位绅士应该表现得彬彬有礼。
  • ⑥ 【口】参观,游览,访问
    • We did France in twelve days.我们十二天游完法国。
    • do the sights (of ...)游览…的名胜,观光
  • ⑦ 烹调;煎煮(参照well-done I; overdone; underdone)
    • Can you do Chinese food?你会做中国菜吗?
    • They do fish very well in that restaurant.那家餐厅的鱼做得很好。
    • do meat brown把肉烤成褐色
    • The steak has been done to a turn.这块牛排煎得恰恰好。(参照to a turn)
  • ⑧ 【英口】1照料(顾客)(★不可用被动式)2[通常附有well等]招待;对待(★不可用被动式)
    • I'll do you now, sir.(在理发店等)我现在来照料你,先生。
    • They did him very well at that hotel.那家旅馆把他招待得很周到。
    • He does himself fairly well.他对自己相当好;他的生活相当舒适。
  • ⑨ 走过;(以…速度)行驶;完成(旅行)
    • I did 30 miles today.我今天走了三十英里。
    • We [Our car] did 80 miles in an hour.我们[我们的汽车]一小时走了80英里。
    • They did the trip in four hours.他们以四小时走完那趟旅程。
  • ⑩ 【口】欺骗;骗取
    • You've been done!你受骗了!
    • The swindler did me out of a large sum of money.那个骗子骗了我一大笔钱。
  • ⑪ 【英口】惩罚(=punish)
    • Stop talking or I'll do you.停止说话,否则我要惩罚你。
  • ⑫ 【口】服(刑期)
    • do time (in prison)服刑
    • He did three years for fraud.他因诈欺罪而服刑三年。


  • ① 活动;工作;行动;表现
    • Do wisely.行动要明智。
    • You did well [right]to refuse.你拒绝得很对。
  • ②[用完成式]完成;弄好(参照vt.; have done with)
    • Have you done with this book?这本书看完了没有?
    • I'd like to get this done with [=finished].我想把这件事情了结。
    • Have done!算了吧!停止!
  • ③ 过日子(=get along);进行;进展;(植物)成长(=grow)
    • Everything in the garden is doing well.花园里样样都长得好。
    • She's doing very well [poorly] at school.她在学校表现得非常好[差]。
    • After the birth, mother and child are both doing well.产后母子平安。
    • How do you do?您好吗?(初次见面的问候语)
  • ④[通常附有will或won't]1可用;适合;合用2行,可以
    • This box will do fine as [for] a seat.这个箱子很可以坐。
    • will $20 do?二十美元行吗?
    • That will do.行了,够了。
    • That won't [doesn't] do.那不行。
    • It won't do to work too much.工作过多是不行的。
  • ⑤[用现在分词]发生
    • What's doing here?怎么回事?


  • ① 【英口】欺骗,诈欺
    • The whole thing was a do.整个事情都是骗局。
  • ② 1【口】宴会;聚会2骚动
    • They are having a big do tonight.今晚他们将举行盛大的聚会[派对]。
    • There was a big do over her remarriage.她的再婚引起了很大的骚动。
  • ③[通常用复数形]应做的事;应遵守的事项
    • dos and don'ts应做与不应做的事;注意事项
    • the dos and don'ts of diplomatic etiquette外交礼仪规则
    • the dos and don'ts of carpet care地毯保养注意事项


  • do a person down
    • ① 欺骗某人
    • ② 智胜某人
    • ③ 说某人的坏话
  • do away with ...
    • ① 废除,除去;弄死,杀
    • This law should be done away with.这项法律应该废除。
  • do by ...
    • ① 对待…对待
    • He does well by his colleagues.他待同事好。
    • Do as you would be done by.以你希望受到的待遇去对待别人(→golden rule)。
  • do for ...
    • ① 可用做
    • ② 【英口】替(…)照料家务
    • ③ 【口】使(人)疲乏;使(物)毁坏;摧毁;杀死(★通常用被动式)
    • These socks are done for.这些袜子破掉了。
    • She's done for.她完了;她累死了。
  • do in
    • ① 【口】使疲惫
    • ② 使毁灭
    • ③ 【俚】杀死
    • The poor man was done in by two gangsters.那个可怜的人被两个歹徒杀死了。
  • do it [the trick]
    • ① 奏效;达到目的
    • Gently [Dogged] does it.温柔[固执]可以达到目的。
  • do or die
    • ①[用原形]一不做,二不休;尽力而为,死而后已
    • We must do or die.我们必须尽最大努力。
  • do over
    • ① 重做;改做
    • ② 粉刷(房间等);涂上
    • His room was done over in white.他的房间漆成白色。
  • do up
    • ① 修理;重新装修;改变形状;梳理(头发)
    • ② 包好;捆扎
    • ③ 扣好;系牢
    • ④ 穿着
    • ⑤ 【口】使疲惫(★常用被动式)
    • I'm done up.我筋疲力尽了。
  • do with ...
    • ①[以疑问代名词what为受词]处置
    • ②[与can, could并用;用于否定句或疑问句]将就;忍受
    • ③[与could并用]【口】能…就好了;需要
    • I don't know what to do with him.我不晓得要拿他怎么办;我不知道如何对待他。
    • I could do with a good night's rest.能好好休息一个晚上就不错了。
    • I could do with a cup of coffee.我需要[好想]喝一杯咖啡。
  • do without
    • ① 不需要;用不着
    • I can't do without a secretary.我少不了秘书。
    • The prisoners found it very hard to do without tobacco.那些囚犯发现没有烟草硬是不行。
    • We can't afford a car, so we'll just have to do without.我们买不起汽车,所以只好免了。
  • have ... to do with ...
    • ① 与…(有某种)关系
    • He has something [nothing] to do with the scandal.他跟那件丑闻有关[无关]。
    • Luck has very little to do with her success.运气跟她成功关系很小。
    • Hard work has a great deal [a lot] to do with his success.努力跟他的成功大有关系。
  • have done with ...
    • ① 完毕;已和…无关;做完…;用完…
    • Have you done with that book?那本书读完了没有?
    • I've done with that company for the future.我今后与该公司无关。
    • Let's have done with it.我们把这件事了结吧;我们不要再做这种事了。
    • Let's have done with this quarreling.我们结束这场争吵吧。
  • have to do with ...
    • ① 与…有关
    • ② 与…相处
    • A teacher has to do with all sorts of pupils.一位教师必须跟各式各样的学生相处。


  • does
  • did

aux v

  • ①[避免同一动词(包括词组)的重复]
    • She works harder than I do.她比我更用功。
    • She got up early, as she had always done.她起得早,就跟往常一样。
  • ②[用于附加问句]
    • He lives in Paris, doesn't he?他住在巴黎,不是吗?
    • So you don't want to go, do you?那么说你是不想去了,对不对?
    • You did it, didn't you?你做的,不是吗?
  • ③[用于回答的文句]
    • "Who found it?"-"I did."「谁发现的?」「我发现的。」(I 须强调)
    • "Does she like classical music?"-"Yes, she does. [No, she doesn't.]"「她喜欢古典音乐吗?」「是的,她喜欢[不,她不喜欢]。」
  • ④[附和对方]
    • "She came here yesterday."-"Oh, did she?"「她昨天来过这里。」「哦,她来过吗?」
  • ⑤[后接受词]
    • My mother loved my sister better than she did me.我母亲爱我妹妹胜过她爱我。
    • If you want to see her, do it now.她果你要见她,现在就去见她吧。
  • ⑥[当准动词,以so或that为受词]
    • He was asked to withdraw a statement he made earlier on, but he refused to do so.他被要求撤回他早先所做的一项声明,但他拒绝了。
    • "Did she ever take drugs? "-"Yes, I saw her do that [so]."「她吸毒吗?」「是的,我见她吸过。」


  • does
  • did

aux v

  • ① 1[构成否定句;与not相伴,用于be, have以外的动词(【美】包含have)]2[构成否定的祈使句](★动词be的祈使法亦用do)
    • I do not [don't] want it.我不要它。
    • I did not [didn't] know.我不晓得。
    • I don't have a sister.我没有姊妹。
    • Don't go!别走!
    • Don't speak to her!不要跟她说话!
    • Don't be afraid.别怕。
  • ② [用于be, have 以外之动词(【美】包含have)的疑问句]
    • Do you think that's possible?你认为那是可能的吗?
    • Do you have (any) money?你有钱吗?
    • Do you like her?你喜欢她吗?
    • What did she say?她说了什么?
    • How does it work?它是如何运作的?
  • ③[为强调等而将(部分)述语置于句首]【文】
    • Never did I hear such nonsense.我从未听过这种胡说。
    • Not only does she speak French, (but) she also knows how to type.她不但会说法语,还会打字。
    • Rarely did I see her without a hat on.我难得看到她不戴帽子。
  • ④[强调肯定句](通常须重读:do, does did)
    • I do think you ought to go.我的确认为你应该去。
    • Do tell me.务必告诉我。
    • Do be quiet!务请安静点!
    • I did buy a guidebook, but I must have lost it.我的确买了一本旅行指南,但我一定是把它搞丢了。
    • She doesn't call me often, but when she does call me, she talks for hours.她不常打电话给我,但她一打来,总要谈上几个钟头。




(thou)第二人称单数现在式为dost {dəst, dʌst},


第三人称单数现在式为doth {dəɵ, dʌɵ}。




Do you {d(ə)ju} have ...?,

She does not have ...;



  • do
  • dos


  • ① 【乐】朵(大音阶的第一音;参照sol-fa)




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